FusionPay Payment API
Base URL
Create a barcode payment (Merchant scans buyer’s payment barcode)
Path variables
Payment channel
Request parameters
Verification signature generated using API key. Signature-Verification
Payment amount in base currency
Order reference.
Order title
Transaction number used to identify a payment transaction throughout its life cycle. A number will be generated by FusionPay if it not provided by client. The number must be unique and only contains alphanumeric characters and .(dot) _ (underscore) or - (hyphen)
Order detail
Use this parameter when you need to price the product in GBP or EUR.
Device ID
Operator ID
Extended information
Info to pass back to merchant as it is
Only use this parameter when you need to price the product in CNY: trans_currency=CNY.
Transaction success
Payment channel
Payment method
Transaction status
Transaction details object
Created time of the transaction
An example response of a succussful transaction
"order_time":"2019-03-26 11:07:15",
"payment_time":"2019-03-26 11:07:17",
"created_at":"2019-03-26 11:07:18"
Create a pre-payment and return a payment URL used to generate a QRcode. (Buyer will then scan the QRcode and make a payment)
Path variables
Payment channel
Request parameters
Verification signature generated using API key. Signature-Verification
Payment amount in base currency
A reference of the trade.
Transaction number used to identify a payment transaction throughout its life cycle. A number will be generated by FusionPay if it not provided by client. The number must be unique and only contains alphanumeric characters and .(dot) _ (underscore) or - (hyphen)
The URL you want the asynchronous payment status notification to be post to. No notification will be sent if this URL is not specified. Asynchronous Notification
Order title
Order detail
Base currency
Device ID
Operator ID
Extended information
Info to pass back to merchant as it is
Only use this parameter when you need to price the product in CNY: trans_currency=CNY.
Payment channel
Payment method
Unique FusionPay transaction number
QR code - use a library of your choice to make a QR code of this URL
Created time
An example response of a successful operation.
"created_at":"2019-03-26 10:36:17"
Create a pre-payment and return the parameters required by Wechat JSAPI or Mini-Program payment
Request parameters
Verification signature generated using API key. Signature-Verification
Payment amount in base currency
Wechat openid
Mini-Program appid (required for Wechat Mini-Program payment)
A reference of the trade.
Transaction number used to identify a payment transaction throughout its life cycle. A number will be generated by FusionPay if it not provided by client. The number must be unique and only contains alphanumeric characters and .(dot) _ (underscore) or - (hyphen)
The URL you want the asynchronous payment status notification to be post to. No notification will be sent if this URL is not specified. Asynchronous Notification
Order title
Order detail
Base currency
Device ID
Operator ID
Extended information
Info to pass back to merchant as it is
Only use this parameter when you need to price the product in CNY: trans_currency=CNY.
Payment channel
Payment method
Unique FusionPay transaction number
Parameters required by Wechat JSPAI or Mini-Program payment
Created time
"created_at":"2019-03-28 01:47:50"
Create a pre-payment and return the parameters required by Wechat App payment
Request parameters
Verification signature generated using API key. Signature-Verification
Payment amount in base currency
Wechat Open Platform appid
A reference of the trade.
Transaction number used to identify a payment transaction throughout its life cycle. A number will be generated by FusionPay if it not provided by client. The number must be unique and only contains alphanumeric characters and .(dot) _ (underscore) or - (hyphen)
The URL you want the asynchronous payment status notification to be post to. No notification will be sent if this URL is not specified. Asynchronous Notification
Order title
Order detail
Base currency
Device ID
Operator ID
Extended information
Info to pass back to merchant as it is
Only use this parameter when you need to price the product in CNY: trans_currency=CNY.
Payment channel
Payment method
Unique FusionPay transaction number
Parameters required by Wechat App payment
Wechat merchant no.
Created time
"created_at":"2019-03-28 01:47:50"
Request parameters
Verification signature generated using API key. Signature-Verification
Payment amount in base currency. Code scanner’s input if not specified
Both alipay and wechat if not specified
Payment is repeatable if not specified. Unit:Minute
A reference of the trade.
Transaction number used to identify a payment transaction throughout its life cycle. A number will be generated by FusionPay if it not provided by client. The number must be unique and only contains alphanumeric characters and .(dot) _ (underscore) or - (hyphen)
The URL you want the asynchronous payment status notification to be post to. No notification will be sent if this URL is not specified. Asynchronous Notification
Order title
Order detail
Base currency
Device ID
Operator ID
Extended information
Info to pass back to merchant as it is
Only use this parameter when you need to price the product in CNY: trans_currency=CNY.
Payment channel
Payment method
Unique FusionPay transaction number
QR code - use a library of your choice to make a QR code of this URL
Created time
An example response of a successful operation.
"created_at":"2020-11-19 12:51:30",
"expire_at":"2020-11-19 12:51:30"
Retrieve openid required by Wechat JSPAI payment.
Request parameters
Verification signature generated using API key. Signature-Verification
The URL to which the openid is to be forwarded as a query parameter
Query transaction status by out_trade_no or “system_trade_no”. “out_trade_no” is not required if one use “system_trade_no”.
Request parameters
Verification signature generated using API key. Signature-Verification
FusionPay transaction number used to identify a payment transaction throughout its life cycle. The number must be unique and only contains alphanumeric characters and .(dot) _ (underscore) or - (hyphen)
Unique trade number in FusionPay system. The number shows with the barcode on (digital) receipt. Use “system_trade_no” or “out_trade_no” to call this API. “out_trade_no” is not required if one use “system_trade_no”.
Payment channel
Payment method
Unique FusionPay transaction number
Transacion status
Query time
An example response of a succussful query
"order_time":"2020-09-17 11:29:58",
"payment_time":"2020-09-17 12:31:09",
"passback_info":"passback_info 123"
"queried_at":"2020-10-12 10:03:37"
Use “system_trade_no” or “out_trade_no” to call this API. “out_trade_no” is not required if one use “system_trade_no”.
Request parameters
Verification signature generated using API key. Signature-Verification
FusionPay transaction number used to identify a payment transaction throughout its life cycle. The number must be unique and only contains alphanumeric characters and .(dot) _ (underscore) or - (hyphen)
Unique trade number in FusionPay system. The number shows with the barcode on (digital) receipt. Use “system_trade_no” or “out_trade_no” to call this API. “out_trade_no” is not required if one use “system_trade_no”.
Amount in base currency
Unique FusionPay refund number. A number will generated by FusionPay if not provided. The number must be unique.
Base currency
Device ID
Operator ID
Refund success
Unique FusionPay refund number
Refund status
Refund amount
Transaction status
Transaction details
Refund requested time
An example response of a successful refund
"refund_time":"2019-03-26 12:18:32",
"order_time":"2019-03-26 11:07:15",
"payment_time":"2019-03-26 11:07:17",
"requested_at":"2019-03-26 12:18:32"
Path variables
“alipay” or “wechat”
Request parameters
Verification signature generated using API key. Signature-Verification
Base currency
Successful query
Payment channel
Exchange rate (base currency to CNY)
Date of the exchange rate (only the query date currently)
Query time
An example response of a successful query
"queried_at":"2019-03-26 12:54:08"
Download settlement file.
Request parameters
Verification signature generated using API key. Signature-Verification
Settlement date
Base currency
Settlement file in a CSV format
Transaction Date,Payment Details,Out Trade No,Trade No,Payment Type,Currency,Transaction Amount,Transaction Rate,Transaction Fee,Settlement Amount 2020/02/11,test1,Q010001X20021112381482590002145191944,50000103472020021114648470612,Wechat Pay,GBP,0.01,1.2%, 0,0.01 2020/02/11,test2,Q010001X20021112381482590002145191945,50000103472020021114648470613,Wechat Pay,GBP,0.10,1.2%, 0.01,0.09
Request parameters
Verification signature generated using API key. Signature-Verification
Payment amount in base currency or, if specified, trans_currency
A reference of the trade.
Transaction number used to identify a payment transaction throughout its life cycle. A number will be generated by FusionPay if it not provided by client. The number must be unique and only contains alphanumeric characters and .(dot) _ (underscore) or - (hyphen)
The URL you want the asynchronous payment status notification to be post to. No notification will be sent if this URL is not specified. Asynchronous Notification
Order title
Order detail
Base currency
Only use this parameter when you need to price the product in CNY: trans_currency=CNY.
Payment channel
Payment method
Unique FusionPay transaction number
Parameters required by Alipay online App payment
Created time
"created_at":"2020-06-23 13:42:56"
Request parameters
Verification signature generated using API key. Signature-Verification
Payment amount in base currency or, if specified, trans_currency
Return URL
A reference of the trade.
Transaction number used to identify a payment transaction throughout its life cycle. A number will be generated by FusionPay if it not provided by client. The number must be unique and only contains alphanumeric characters and .(dot) _ (underscore) or - (hyphen)
The URL you want the asynchronous payment status notification to be post to. No notification will be sent if this URL is not specified. Asynchronous Notification
Order title
Order detail
Base currency
Only use this parameter when you need to price the product in CNY: trans_currency=CNY.
Device ID (Max:8)
online_redirect=True: Redirect to payment page ; online_redirect=False: No redirecting
Example payment page with Alipay QR code.
Example response url for return_url=https://www.mywebiste.com/return
"payment_channel": "Alipay-Plus-Online",
"payment_method": "Web",
"out_trade_no": "240209670340001__24022603445679841",
"system_trade_no": "240209670340001__24022603445679841",
"redirect_url": "https://open-sea.alipayplus.com/api/open/v1/ac/cashier/self/codevalue/checkout.htm?codeValue=281666040092rqOZ31cIG9gDqp9fwXLv4ZXP",
"created_at": "2024-02-26 03:44:58"
Request parameters
Verification signature generated using API key. Signature-Verification
Payment amount in base currency or, if specified, trans_currency
Return URL
A reference of the trade.
Transaction number used to identify a payment transaction throughout its life cycle. A number will be generated by FusionPay if it not provided by client. The number must be unique and only contains alphanumeric characters and .(dot) _ (underscore) or - (hyphen)
The URL you want the asynchronous payment status notification to be post to. No notification will be sent if this URL is not specified. Asynchronous Notification
Order title
Order detail
Base currency
Only use this parameter when you need to price the product in CNY: trans_currency=CNY.
Device ID (Max:8)
payment_method_type=null: All wallets; payment_method_type=ALIPAY_CN: Only Alipay wallet
The example response url for return_url=https://www.mywebiste.com/return
"payment_channel": "Alipay-Plus-Online",
"payment_method": "Web",
"out_trade_no": "240209670340001__24022603445679841",
"system_trade_no": "240209670340001__24022603445679841",
"redirect_url": "https://open-sea.alipayplus.com/api/open/v1/ac/cashier/self/codevalue/checkout.htm?codeValue=281666040092rqOZ31cIG9gDqp9fwXLv4ZXP",
"created_at": "2024-02-26 03:44:58"
For customs clearance
Request parameters
Verification signature generated using API key. Signature-Verification
Transaction number used to identify a payment transaction throughout its life cycle. A number will be generated by FusionPay if it not provided by client. The number must be unique and only contains alphanumeric characters and .(dot) _ (underscore) or - (hyphen)
Unique trade number in FusionPay system. The number shows with the barcode on (digital) receipt. Use “system_trade_no” or “out_trade_no” to call this API. “out_trade_no” is not required if one use “system_trade_no”.
Merchant registered custom code.
Merchant Customs Name
Customs Place
Buyer’s name
Buyer’s ID number
is_split=T: splitted order; is_split=F:Not splitted order
Unit: Yuan
Required if is_split=T
Required if is_split=T
Required if is_split=T
An example response of a successful operation.
"out_trade_no": "test_20230514",
"sub_out_trade_no": "test_20230514-1",
"customs_status": "CUSTOMS_SUCCESS",
"amount": "2250.00",
"amount_cny": "2250.00",
"sub_order_fee": 2250,
"sub_transport_fee": null,
"sub_product_fee": "2250.0",
"duty": null,
"verify_department": "NETSUNION",
"verify_department_trade_id": "20230514374",
"identity_check": 2,
"requested_at": "2023-05-14 04:00:09"
For customs clearance query
Request parameters
Verification signature generated using API key. Signature-Verification
Transaction number used to identify a payment transaction throughout its life cycle. A number will be generated by FusionPay if it not provided by client. The number must be unique and only contains alphanumeric characters and .(dot) _ (underscore) or - (hyphen)
Unique trade number in FusionPay system. The number shows with the barcode on (digital) receipt. Use “system_trade_no” or “out_trade_no” to call this API. “out_trade_no” is not required if one use “system_trade_no”.
Customs Place
An example response of a successful operation.
"list": [
"out_trade_no": "test_20220709575",
"sub_out_trade_no": "test_20220709575-1",
"customs_status": "CUSTOMS_SUCCESS",
"amount": "3150.00",
"amount_cny": "3150.00",
"sub_order_fee": "3150.00",
"sub_transport_fee": null,
"sub_product_fee": "3150.00",
"duty": null,
"verify_department": "NETSUNION",
"verify_department_trade_id": "2022070929860",
"identity_check": 2
"errors": [],
"requested_at": "2023-12-06 11:41:04"
- To close “FusionCode transactions”: Use “order_no”.
- To close “Non-FusionCode transactions”: Use “out_trade_no” or “system_trade_no”.
Request parameters
Verification signature generated using API key. Signature-Verification
“order_no”, as a response parameter of “FusionCode API”, is used to identify a “Fusioncode transaction” throughout its life cycle.
Transaction number used to identify a payment transaction throughout its life cycle. A number will be generated by FusionPay if it not provided by client. The number must be unique and only contains alphanumeric characters and .(dot) _ (underscore) or - (hyphen)
Unique trade number in FusionPay system. The number shows with the barcode on (digital) receipt. Use “system_trade_no” or “out_trade_no” to call this API. “out_trade_no” is not required if one use “system_trade_no”.
online_redirect=True: Redirect to payment page ; online_redirect=False: No redirecting
payment_method_type=null: All wallets; payment_method_type=ALIPAY_CN: Only Alipay wallet
- A reference from Alipay official for APP integration:https://docs.alipayplus.com/alipayplus/alipayplus/sdk_acq/sdk_overview?role=ACQP&product=Payment1&version=1.4.1
- Fusionpay would provide SDK for APP integration.
Request parameters
Verification signature generated using API key. Signature-Verification
Payment amount in base currency or, if specified, trans_currency
A reference of the trade.
Transaction number used to identify a payment transaction throughout its life cycle. A number will be generated by FusionPay if it not provided by client. The number must be unique and only contains alphanumeric characters and .(dot) _ (underscore) or - (hyphen)
The URL you want the asynchronous payment status notification to be post to. No notification will be sent if this URL is not specified. Asynchronous Notification
Order title
Order detail
Base currency
Only use this parameter when you need to price the product in CNY: trans_currency=CNY.
Request parameters
Verification signature generated using API key. Signature-Verification
Payment amount in base currency or, if specified, trans_currency
Return URL
A reference of the trade.
Transaction number used to identify a payment transaction throughout its life cycle. A number will be generated by FusionPay if it not provided by client. The number must be unique and only contains alphanumeric characters and .(dot) _ (underscore) or - (hyphen)
The URL you want the asynchronous payment status notification to be post to. No notification will be sent if this URL is not specified. Asynchronous Notification
Order title
Order detail
Base currency
Only use this parameter when you need to price the product in CNY: trans_currency=CNY.
Device ID (Max:8)
online_redirect=True: Redirect to payment page ; online_redirect=False: No redirecting
Request parameters
Verification signature generated using API key. Signature-Verification
Payment amount in base currency or, if specified, trans_currency
Return URL
A reference of the trade.
Transaction number used to identify a payment transaction throughout its life cycle. A number will be generated by FusionPay if it not provided by client. The number must be unique and only contains alphanumeric characters and .(dot) _ (underscore) or - (hyphen)
The URL you want the asynchronous payment status notification to be post to. No notification will be sent if this URL is not specified. Asynchronous Notification
Order title
Order detail
Base currency
Only use this parameter when you need to price the product in CNY: trans_currency=CNY.
Device ID (Max:8)
payment_method_type=null: All wallets; payment_method_type=ALIPAY_CN: Only Alipay wallet
Signatures (MD5 digests) are used to verify incoming API requests and sign outgoing asynchronous notifications.
An API key is required to generate the signature. The API key can be requested from FusionPay customer service.
*The API key itself should not be sent with the request.
Steps to generate a signature for request prarmeters:
$parameters = {"c":123,"b":"xyz","a":null,"d":"", "e":{"f":"abc","g":"000"}, "sign":"06f131c90bf08eceea2aa5fff5f90ed7" }
- Sort the parameters by parameter names.
$parameters = {"a":null,"b":"xyz","c":123,"d":"", "e":{"f":"abc","g":"000"}, , "sign":"06f131c90bf08eceea2aa5fff5f90ed7"}
- Delete parameters with empty value, null value, object or array. Also delete the “sign” if there is one i.e. in asynchronous notifications.
$parameters = {"b":"xyz","c":123}
- Generate a query string.
$query_string = "b=xyz&c=123"
- Add API key to the end of the query string.
$temp_string = "b=xyz&c=123{$api_key}"
- Generate a MD5 signature and use this as the value of the common paramter named ‘sign’.
$query_string = "b=xyz&c=123&sign={$signature}"
Asynchronous notifications will be sent to merchant’s notify_url after a pending transaction has been processed. The URL must print SUCCESS(all uppercase) after receiving the notification. Otherwise, multiple notifications will be sent.
Payment channel
Payment method
Unique FusionPay transaction number
Transaction status transaction_status
Transaction details (Should be exluded during signature verification Signature-Verification)
Payment channel
Transaction status transaction_status
Unique FusionPay transaction number
Unique transaction number assigned by the paymenet Channel
Base currency (only GBP is supported currently)
Payment amount in base currency
Order time (UK)
Payment amount in CNY
Payment time (UK)
Exchange rate (CNY to base currency)
Refunded amount in base currecny
Notification sent time
Used for Signature-Verification
"payment_channel": "Alipay",
"payment_method": "Barcode",
"out_trade_no": "1903261107151000180101",
"transaction_status": "TRADE_SUCCESS",
"transaction_details": {
"payment_channel": "Alipay",
"transaction_status": "TRADE_SUCCESS",
"out_trade_no": "1903261107151000180101",
"trade_no": "2019032622001432010567448114",
"currency": "GBP",
"amount": "0.01",
"order_time": "2019-03-26 11:07:15",
"amount_cny": "0.09",
"payment_time": "2019-03-26 11:07:17",
"exchange_rate": "8.87281000",
"refunded_amount": "0"
"notified_at": "2019-03-26 11:07:18",
"sign": "06f131c90bf08eceea2aa5fff5f90ed7"
State (always error)
An example of a failed operation
"state": "error",
"code": "INVALID_SIGN",
"message": "invalid sign"
Client ID
Verification signature generated using API key. Signature-Verification
FusionPay transaction number used to identify a payment transaction throughout its life cycle. The number must be unique and only contains alphanumeric characters and .(dot) _ (underscore) or - (hyphen)
The URL you want the asynchronous payment status notification to be post to. No notification will be sent if this URL is not specified. Asynchronous Notification
Transaction status
Waiting for buyer to make payment. Use the query API to query status.
Payment succeeded and is operable, such as refund.
Payment succeeded and is not operable.
Payment has not been completed within specified time.
Payment failed.
Payment status unknow. Use the query API to query status.
Payment has been partially refunded.
Payment has been fully refunded.
Refund status
Refund succeeded.
Refund failed.
Refund status unknow. Use the query API to query status.
Transaction details
"payment_channel": "Alipay",
"transaction_status": "TRADE_SUCCESS",
"out_trade_no": "1903261107151000180101",
"trade_no": "2019032622001432010567448114",
"currency": "GBP",
"amount": "0.01",
"order_time": "2019-03-26 11:07:15",
"amount_cny": "0.09",
"payment_time": "2019-03-26 11:07:17",
"exchange_rate": "8.87281000",
"refunded_amount": "0.01"
Payment channel
Transaction status transaction_status
Unique FusionPay transaction number
Unique transaction number assigned by the paymenet Channel
Base currency (only GBP is supported currently)
Payment amount in base currency
Order time (UK)
Payment amount in CNY
Payment time (UK)
Exchange rate (CNY to base currency)
Refunded amount in base currecny
Info to pass back to merchant as it is
Refund details
"payment_channel": "Alipay",
"refund_status": "REFUND_SUCCESS",
"out_refund_no": "",
"refund_no": "2019032622001432010567448114",
"out_trade_no": "1903261107151000180101",
"currency": "GBP",
"amount": "0.01",
"refund_time": "2019-03-26 11:07:17",
"amount_cny": "0.09",
"exchange_rate": "8.87281000"
Payment channel
Refund status
Unique FusionPay refund number
Unique refund number assigned by the paymenet Channel
Unique FusionPay transaction number
Base currency (only GBP is supported currently)
Payment amount in base currency
Refund time (UK)
Payment amount in CNY
Exchange rate (CNY to base currency)