WJ Partners API
Base URI
Welcome to the WJ Partners API documentation.
Now we provide 1.0
version of service. This param is important part of endpoints urls.
The WJ Partners API allows you to manage personalized inventory in a simple, programmatic way using conventional HTTP requests
. The endpoints are intuitive and powerful, allowing you to easily make calls to retrieve information or to execute actions using Rest
The API documentation will start with a general overview about the technology that has been implemented, followed by reference information about specific endpoints.
Any tool that is fluent in REST
can communicate with the API simply by requesting the correct URI. Requests should be made using the HTTPS protocol so that traffic is encrypted. Also all response data and request body data is in JSON
format and encrypted by Base64
(if request - data
The interface responds to different methods depending on the action required.
"data": {
"api_key": "api key",
"secret_key": "secret key"
"data": ewogICAgICAiYXBpX2tleSI6ICJhcGkga2V5IiwKICAgICAgInNlY3JldF9rZXkiOiAic2VjcmV0IGtleSIKfQ==
Method | Usage |
GET | For simple retrieval of information about your content, you should use the GET method. Any request using the GET method is read-only and will not affect any of the objects you are querying. |
POST | To create a new object, your request should specify the POST method. The POST request includes all of the attributes necessary to create a new object. When you wish to create a new object, send a POST request to the target endpoint. |
PUT | To update a object, your request should specify the PUT method. The PUT request can includes attributes available to update in object. When you wish to update an existing object, send a PUT request to the target endpoint. |
Along with the HTTP methods that the API responds to, it will also return standard HTTP statuses.
In general, in the event of a problem, the status will contain the error code and message. While the specific internal problem was encountered, the status code is in the 200 range, but response will contain special error data.
In general, if the status returned is in the 200 range, it indicates that the request was fulfilled successfully and that no error was encountered or specific internal error was encountered.
Return codes in the 400 range typically indicate that there was an issue with the request that was sent. Among other things, this could mean that you did not authenticate correctly, that you are requesting an action that you do not have authorization for, that the object you are requesting does not exist, or that your request is malformed.
If you receive a status in the 500 range, this generally indicates a server-side problem. This means that we are having an issue on our end and cannot fulfill your request currently.
HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized
HTTP/1.1 200
"status": "error",
"error_code": 2,
"error_message": "Incorrect token",
"data": {}
INTERNAL ERRORS (code: message)
"0": "no errors",
"1": "Params error",
"2": "Incorrect token",
"3": "Incorrect authkey",
"4": "Incorrect data",
"5": "Can not logout",
"6": "Incorrect Role",
"7": "Failed to save data. Try later",
"8": "Incorrect Email format",
"9": "Incorrect Password format",
"10": "Phone is required",
"11": "Email is required",
"12": "First Name is required",
"13": "Last Name is required",
"14": "Country is required",
"15": "City is required",
"16": "Password is required",
"17": "Role required",
"20": "User is waiting to approve",
"21": "User is disable",
"22": "User not deleted",
"23": "User not found",
"24": "This email address has been registered",
"25": "User email is not verified",
"30": "Multipart form-data and POST required",
"31": "File format is not allowed",
"32": "File not recognized",
"33": "No such file or directory",
"34": "File not found",
"35": "Can't save file",
"40": "Server Side Exception",
"41": "Error Email Sending",
"50": "This user already have store company",
"51": "Sub domain already exist",
"70": "WorkBag not found",
"71": "Purchase Order not found",
"72": "Product not found",
"73": "Products configuration not found",
"74": "POS not found",
"75": "Order product not found",
"76": "Order not found",
"77": "Company not found",
"78": "Customer not found",
"80": "Error during save",
"81": "Error during getting results",
"82": "Cannot save order products",
"83": "Cannot save order",
"84": "Cannot save customer",
"90": "Validate error(s)",
"91": "Limit is too long",
"92": "Offset is too long",
"93": "Empty required params",
"100": "Vendor model is empty",
"101": "No data to update",
"102": "Empty configuration id value",
"103": "Cannot get id",
"104": "Cannot get customer"
When a request is successful, a response body will typically be sent back in the form of a JSON
object, which encoded by Base64
Inside of this JSON object, the resource root that was the target of the request will be set as the key inside data
The value can contain object, array, string, integer, float or empty value.
For example, if you send a GET request to /1.0/product/RPD117
or if you send the GET request to /1.0/product
without identify param at the end, you will get back an collection of product
"status": "success",
"error_code": 0,
"error_message": "",
"data": {
"products": [
"vendor_model": "RPD117",
"partner_id": "123123",
"title": "Diamond heart Pendant",
"description": "1-3 Stones heart style Pendant",
"jewelryType": "7",
"product_type": "1",
"plp_image": "https://j4z2x5e8.stackpathcdn.com/zbuilder/reeds/pendant/PD117/PD117-PLP.png",
"created_at": 1558717240,
"updated_at": 1558717240,
"status": 2,
"retail_start": 1899.99,
"gender": 1,
"options": {
"chain": {
"metal": [
"material_sku": "f",
"material_title": "14K GOLD",
"sort": 1,
"color": [
"sku": "R",
"title": "Rose"
"pendant": {
"stones_max": 7,
"stone": [
"sku": "jsp",
"title": "June",
"description": "Pearl",
"image": "",
"weight_stone": "e",
"stone_shape": "rd",
"quality": "VS2",
"type": 1,
"sort": 1
"metal": [
"material_sku": "f",
"material_title": "14K GOLD",
"sort": 1,
"color": [
"sku": "R",
"title": "Rose"
"shank": {
"stone": [
"sku": "jsp",
"title": "June",
"description": "Pearl",
"image": "",
"weight_stone": "e",
"stone_shape": "rd",
"quality": "VS2",
"type": 1,
"sort": 1
"metal": [
"material_sku": "f",
"material_title": "14K GOLD",
"sort": 1,
"color": [
"sku": "R",
"title": "Rose"
"engraving": {
"enabled": 1,
"min_chars": 1,
"max_chars": 12,
"fonts": [
"sku": "Satisfy",
"title": "Satisfy"
"status": "success",
"error_code": 0,
"error_message": "",
"data": {
"products": [
"vendor_model": "RPD117",
"partner_id": "123123",
"title": "Diamond heart Pendant",
"description": "1-3 Stones heart style Pendant",
"jewelryType": "7",
"product_type": "1",
"plp_image": "https://j4z2x5e8.stackpathcdn.com/zbuilder/reeds/pendant/PD117/PD117-PLP.png",
"created_at": 1558717240,
"updated_at": 1558717240,
"status": 2,
"retail_start": 1899.99,
"gender": 1,
"options": {
"chain": {
"metal": [
"material_sku": "f",
"material_title": "14K GOLD",
"sort": 1,
"color": [
"sku": "R",
"title": "Rose"
"pendant": {
"stones_max": 7,
"stone": [
"sku": "jsp",
"title": "June",
"description": "Pearl",
"image": "",
"weight_stone": "e",
"stone_shape": "rd",
"quality": "VS2",
"type": 1,
"sort": 1
"metal": [
"material_sku": "f",
"material_title": "14K GOLD",
"sort": 1,
"color": [
"sku": "R",
"title": "Rose"
"shank": {
"stone": [
"sku": "jsp",
"title": "June",
"description": "Pearl",
"image": "",
"weight_stone": "e",
"stone_shape": "rd",
"quality": "VS2",
"type": 1,
"sort": 1
"metal": [
"material_sku": "f",
"material_title": "14K GOLD",
"sort": 1,
"color": [
"sku": "R",
"title": "Rose"
"engraving": {
"enabled": 1,
"min_chars": 1,
"max_chars": 12,
"fonts": [
"sku": "Satisfy",
"title": "Satisfy"
In order to interact with the WJ Partners API, you or your application must authenticate.
All WJ Partners recieve own special credentials (Secret and Api keys):
The WJ Partners API handles this through OAuth, an open standard for authorization. OAuth allows you to delegate access to your account in full or in read-only mode.
An OAuth token functions as a complete authentication request. In effect, it acts as a substitute for a username and password pair.
Because of this, it is absolutely essential that you keep your OAuth tokens secure.
How to Authenticate with OAuth
You can authenticate sending your Secret and Api key to /1.0/sign_in
. You’ll recieve a token which you must send in authkey
Header to generate other requests.
Authentication token, required in most requests.
Desired language for translate response content (when it is possible).
Authenticate account
Request headers
Request body
POST https://api.wonderjewel.co/1.0/user/login HTTP/1.1
language: en-EN
"data": {
"api_key": "Provided Api key",
"secret_key": "Provided Secret key"
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
"status": "success",
"error_code": 1,
"error_message": "",
"data": {
"authkey": "authkey"
Get possible Product Genders
Value of Gender
Title of Gender
GET https://api.wonderjewel.co/1.0/dir/productGender HTTP/1.1
authkey: prtLoYWuLOirlFN7XkiXlJseuBXYnX3U
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
"status": "success",
"error_code": 0,
"error_message": "",
"data": {
"list": [
"id": 0,
"title": "Empty"
"id": 1,
"title": "Woman"
"id": 2,
"title": "Man"
"id": 3,
"title": "Another"
Get possible Product Statuses
Request headers
Responce status [success/error]
Error code (see error codes list)
Text error message
Value of Status
Title of Status
GET https://api.wonderjewel.co/1.0/dir/productStatus HTTP/1.1
authkey: prtLoYWuLOirlFN7XkiXlJseuBXYnX3U
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
"status": "success",
"error_code": 1,
"error_message": "",
"data": {
"list": [
"id": 0,
"title": "New"
"id": 1,
"title": "Created"
"id": 2,
"title": "Finalized"
"id": 9,
"title": "Disabled"
"id": 10,
"title": "Deleted"
List of all possible currencies
Request headers
Responce status [success/error]
Error code (see error codes list)
Text error message
base64 Encoded object
List of supported currencies
Currency id
Internatiol code
Currency sign
International currency number
Number of characters after point
Currency title
Currency rate
Is default value
GET https://api.wonderjewel.co/1.0/dir/currency HTTP/1.1
authkey: prtLoYWuLOirlFN7XkiXlJseuBXYnX3U
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
"status": "success",
"error_code": 1,
"error_message": "no errors",
"data": {
"list": {
"id": 1,
"code": "USD",
"sign": "$",
"number": 840,
"exponent": 2,
"currency": "U.S. dollar",
"rate": 1,
"default": 1
"id": 2,
"code": "EUR",
"sign": "€",
"number": 978,
"exponent": 2,
"currency": "European Currency Unit",
"rate": 1.14,
"default": 1
"id": 4,
"code": "CNY",
"sign": "元 / ¥",
"number": 156,
"exponent": 2,
"currency": "Renminbi",
"rate": 0.14,
"default": 1
Iformation about stone weight
Request headers
Responce status [success/error]
Error code (see error codes list)
Text error message
base64 Encoded object
Stone weights list
Sku of stone weight type
Title of stone weight type
Description of stone weight type
Status of stone weight type
"status": "success",
"error_code": 1,
"error_message": "no errors",
"data": {
"list": [
"sku": "e",
"title": 0.25,
"description": "",
"status": 1
"status": "success",
"error_code": 1,
"error_message": "no errors",
"data": {
"list": [
"sku": "e",
"title": 0.25,
"description": "",
"status": 1
Current Stone lock price
Request headers
Responce status [success/error]
Error code (see error codes list)
Text error message
base64 Encoded object
Stone locks list
Sku of stone type
Title of stone type
Minimal stone weight
Max. stone weight
Stone weight
Sku of stone shape
Sku of stone quality value
Cost of current lock item
GET https://api.wonderjewel.co/1.0/dir/stoneLock HTTP/1.1
authkey: prtLoYWuLOirlFN7XkiXlJseuBXYnX3U
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
"status": "success",
"error_code": 0,
"error_message": "no errors",
"data": {
"list": [
"material_sku": "dmnd",
"material_title": "Diamond",
"weight_from": 0.25,
"weight_to": 0.25,
"weight_stone": "e",
"stone_shape": "rd",
"quality": "VS2",
"cost": 350
"material_sku": "dmnd",
"material_title": "Diamond",
"weight_from": 0.33000000000000002,
"weight_to": 0.33000000000000002,
"weight_stone": "f",
"stone_shape": "rd",
"quality": "VS2",
"cost": 575
"material_sku": "dmnd",
"material_title": "Diamond",
"weight_from": 0.375,
"weight_to": 0.375,
"weight_stone": "g",
"stone_shape": "rd",
"quality": "VS2",
"cost": 775
Current metal lock price
Request headers
Responce status [success/error]
Error code (see error codes list)
Text error message
base64 Encoded object
List of metal locks
Lock item id
Sku of metal lock type
Title of material lock type
Current lock item cost
GET https://api.wonderjewel.co/1.0/dir/metalLock HTTP/1.1
authkey: prtLoYWuLOirlFN7XkiXlJseuBXYnX3U
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
"status": "success",
"error_code": 0,
"error_message": "no errors",
"data": {
"list": [
"id": 64,
"material_sku": "c",
"material_title": "9K GOLD",
"cost": 18.52
"id": 65,
"material_sku": "k",
"material_title": "10k GOLD",
"cost": 20.550000000000001
"id": 66,
"material_sku": "f",
"material_title": "14K GOLD",
"cost": 28.789999999999999
"id": 67,
"material_sku": "q",
"material_title": "18K GOLD",
"cost": 37.039999999999999
"id": 68,
"material_sku": "s",
"material_title": "STERLING SILVER",
"cost": 0.52000000000000002
"id": 69,
"material_sku": "r",
"material_title": "PLAT 90",
"cost": 27.73
"id": 70,
"material_sku": "p",
"material_title": "PLAT 95",
"cost": 29.27
Product types list
Request headers
Responce status [success/error]
Error code (see error codes list)
Text error message
base64 Encoded object
Product types list
Product type id
Title of product type item
Description of type item
Product type status
GET https://api.wonderjewel.co/1.0/dir/productType HTTP/1.1
authkey: prtLoYWuLOirlFN7XkiXlJseuBXYnX3U
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
"status": "success",
"error_code": 0,
"error_message": "no errors",
"data": {
"list": [
"id": 1,
"title": "Simple",
"description": "Simple",
"status": 1
"id": 2,
"title": "Customizable",
"description": "Customizable",
"status": 1
Returns all jewelry types
Request headers
Responce status [success/error]
Error code (see error codes list)
Text error message
base64 Encoded object
List of jewerly types
id jewerly type
Jewerly type title
Jewerly type description
Jewerly type status
GET https://api.wonderjewel.co/api/1.0/dir/jewelryType HTTP/1.1
authkey: prtLoYWuLOirlFN7XkiXlJseuBXYnX3U
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
"status": "success",
"error_code": 0,
"error_message": "no errors",
"data": {
"list": [
"id": 8,
"title": "Ring",
"description": "Ring",
"status": 1
"id": 7,
"title": "Necklace",
"description": "Necklace",
"status": 1
"id": 5,
"title": "Bracelet",
"description": "Bracelet",
"status": 1
"id": 4,
"title": "Earrings",
"description": "Earrings",
"status": 1
Get product list by limit and offset.
IMPORTANT! Below product structure provided for simple products (product type = 1). Check “Get Bridal” method to see Bridal product structure.
Request parameters
Default 50
Default 0
Additional filter by Jewelty Type
Additional filter by Product Type
Request headers
Responce status [success/error]
Error code (see error codes list)
Text error message
Product List
Factory Vendor model
Partner product ID
Product Description
Jewelry Type (From Directories)
Product type (From Directories)
PLP Product image
Unix time
Unix time
Minimum Configuration Price
Maximum Configuration Price
Product status (From Directories)
Retail price start from this value
Gender (From Directories)
Available product options
Available for Pendants, Necklaces, Circle Links (jewelryType == 7)
Chain length
Available for Necklaces (jewelryType == 7)
Available Stones
Available for Rings (jewelryType == 8)
Product engraving options
stones count
Available for Bracelet (jewelryType == 2)
Available for Earrings (jewelryType == 4)
Number of products according to the applied filters.
"status": "success",
"error_code": 0,
"error_message": "no errors",
"data": {
"products": [
"vendor_model": "RPD117",
"partner_id": "123123",
"title": "Diamond heart Pendant",
"description": "1-3 Stones heart style Pendant",
"jewelryType": "7",
"product_type": "1",
"plp_image": "https://j4z2x5e8.stackpathcdn.com/zbuilder/necklace/RPD117/RPD117-PLP.png",
"min_price": 150.00,
"max_price": 2150.00,
"created_at": 1558717240,
"updated_at": 1558717240,
"status": 2,
"retail_start": 1899.99,
"gender": 1,
"options": {
"chain": {
"types": {
"C2": {
"sku": "C2",
"title": "Cable Chain",
"images": "https://f7s3m8n7.stackpathcdn.com/static/option/C2.png"
"metal": [
"material_sku": "f",
"material_title": "14K GOLD",
"sort": 0,
"color": [
"sku": "R",
"title": "Rose"
"sku": "Y",
"title": "Yellow"
"sku": "W",
"title": "White"
"length": [
"pendant": {
"stones_max": 7,
"stone": [
"sku": "jsp",
"title": "June",
"description": "Pearl",
"image": "",
"weight_stone": "e",
"stone_shape": "rd",
"quality": "VS2",
"type": 1,
"sort": 0
"sku": "fsa",
"title": "Feb",
"description": "Amethyst",
"image": "",
"weight_stone": "e",
"stone_shape": "rd",
"quality": "VS2",
"type": 1,
"sort": 0
"metal": [
"material_sku": "f",
"material_title": "14K GOLD",
"sort": 0,
"color": [
"sku": "R",
"title": "Rose"
"sku": "Y",
"title": "Yellow"
"sku": "W",
"title": "White"
"engraving": {
"enabled": 1,
"fonts": [
"sku": "handlee",
"title": "Handlee"
"sku": "satisfy",
"title": "Satisfy"
"sku": "charm",
"title": "Charm"
"options": {
"e0": {
"s2": {
"show": true,
"minChar": 2,
"maxChar": 25,
"radius": -600,
"angle": -0.02,
"posX": 335,
"posY": -147,
"skewX": 0,
"skewY": 0
"s3": {
"show": true,
"minChar": 2,
"maxChar": 10,
"radius": -500,
"angle": -0.08,
"posX": 420,
"posY": -130,
"skewX": 0,
"skewY": 0
"s4": {
"show": false,
"minChar": 0,
"maxChar": 0,
"radius": 0,
"angle": 0,
"posX": 0,
"posY": 0,
"skewX": 0,
"skewY": 0
"e1": {
"s2": {
"show": true,
"minChar": 2,
"maxChar": 15,
"radius": 400,
"angle": 1.34,
"posX": 485,
"posY": 250,
"skewX": 0,
"skewY": 0
"s3": {
"show": false,
"minChar": 0,
"maxChar": 0,
"radius": 0,
"angle": 0,
"posX": 0,
"posY": 0,
"skewX": 0,
"skewY": 0
"s4": {
"show": true,
"minChar": 2,
"maxChar": 8,
"radius": 300,
"angle": -0.28,
"posX": 257,
"posY": -136,
"skewX": 0,
"skewY": 0
"vendor_model": "RRG106",
"partner_id": "123123",
"title": "Diamond Ring",
"description": "1-3 Diamond Ring",
"jewelryType": "8",
"product_type": "1",
"plp_image": "https://j4z2x5e8.stackpathcdn.com/zbuilder/ring/RRG106/RRG106-PLP.png",
"min_price": 150.00,
"max_price": 2150.00,
"created_at": 1558717240,
"updated_at": 1558717240,
"status": 2,
"retail_start": 1899.99,
"gender": 1,
"options": {
"shank": {
"stone": [
"sku": "jsp",
"title": "June",
"description": "Pearl",
"image": "",
"weight_stone": "e",
"stone_shape": "rd",
"quality": "VS2",
"type": 1,
"sort": 0
"sku": "fsa",
"title": "Feb",
"description": "Amethyst",
"image": "",
"weight_stone": "e",
"stone_shape": "rd",
"quality": "VS2",
"type": 1,
"sort": 0
"metal": [
"material_sku": "f",
"material_title": "14K GOLD",
"sort": 0,
"color": [
"sku": "R",
"title": "Rose"
"sku": "Y",
"title": "Yellow"
"sku": "W",
"title": "White"
"material_sku": "s",
"material_title": "Sterling silver",
"sort": 0,
"color": [
"sku": "W",
"title": "White"
"engraving": {
"enabled": 1,
"fonts": [
"sku": "handlee",
"title": "Handlee"
"sku": "satisfy",
"title": "Satisfy"
"sku": "charm",
"title": "Charm"
"options": {
"e0": {
"s2": {
"show": true,
"minChar": 2,
"maxChar": 25,
"radius": -600,
"angle": -0.02,
"posX": 335,
"posY": -147,
"skewX": 0,
"skewY": 0
"s3": {
"show": true,
"minChar": 2,
"maxChar": 10,
"radius": -500,
"angle": -0.08,
"posX": 420,
"posY": -130,
"skewX": 0,
"skewY": 0
"s4": {
"show": false,
"minChar": 0,
"maxChar": 0,
"radius": 0,
"angle": 0,
"posX": 0,
"posY": 0,
"skewX": 0,
"skewY": 0
"e1": {
"s2": {
"show": true,
"minChar": 2,
"maxChar": 15,
"radius": 400,
"angle": 1.34,
"posX": 485,
"posY": 250,
"skewX": 0,
"skewY": 0
"s3": {
"show": false,
"minChar": 0,
"maxChar": 0,
"radius": 0,
"angle": 0,
"posX": 0,
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Below product structure provided for BRIDAL RING product (product type = 2).
Bridal Rings has ONE base product. It is fully confiurable ring.
Vendor model is fixed to RCR21.
It consists of three main parts:
- Head,
- Shank,
- Band.
Use the link to view object: https://jsoneditoronline.org/?id=956e2e2b258d45459f9bcbc3c63f1ca6
To understand product images structure please view (All layers and images will be send by WJ via WSS methods):
Layers Shank - https://drive.google.com/open?id=1uSl48S0wd5aR6hYiz0K8T-k3dfLMZWKo
Head - Halo and Prong - https://drive.google.com/open?id=1ddtIAySuW4GZzDYD_ym4EsDPJXtbF347
Head - Bezel and 3Stone - https://drive.google.com/open?id=15b8Ade8ZF-CiLq1Ljy2lNWx97qEYAPUi
Head - 3Stone Step - https://drive.google.com/open?id=1YOmmNzpFK9Z7MTsohJ3gj-dAstNai-WO
Head - Bezel and 3Stone - https://drive.google.com/open?id=1_m0W89HUllF7FCkHlXCroG4-JEJNfnKR
Mounting - Side Setting - Length - https://drive.google.com/open?id=13HV3NVig34eaTzV6t1eDPXw6mtRXwUpu
Side Color - Carving - https://drive.google.com/open?id=1Vi6qzPn3gYGAa3mBBQTscv9FUx8ZbInD
Basic object description below.
Request parameters
Default 50
Default 0
Additional filter by Jewelty Type
Additional filter by Product Type
Request headers
Responce status [success/error]
Error code (see error codes list)
Text error message
Product List
Factory Vendor model
Product Description
Jewelry Type (From Directories)
Product type (From Directories)
Gender (From Directories)
Product status (From Directories)
Unix time
Unix time
Retail price start from this value
Head settings
Head type
Similar to SKU
List of supported CENTER stones
Supported stone shapes
The list of supported stone carat weights.
The list of shank SKUs, compatible to current head type.
stones count
Number of products according to the applied filters.
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IMPORTANT! Below product structure provided for simple products (product type = 1). Check “Get Bridal” method to see Bridal product structure.
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Retail price start from this value
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Available product options
Available for Pendants, Necklaces, Circle Links (jewelryType == 7)
Available for Necklaces (jewelryType == 7)
Available for Rings (jewelryType == 8)
Product engraving options
stones count
Available for Bracelet (jewelryType == 2)
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Available for Earring (jewelryType == 4)
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Get product list By Product ID in partner system.
IMPORTANT! Below product structure provided for simple products (product type = 1). Check “Get Bridal” method to see Bridal product structure.
Path variables
Request headers
Responce status [success/error]
Error code (see error codes list)
Text error message
Product List
Factory Vendor model
Partner product ID
Product title
Product Description
Jewelry Type (From Directories)
Product type (From Directories)
PLP Product image
Unix time
Unix time
Product status (From Directories)
Retail price start from this value
Gender (From Directories)
Available product options
Available for Pendants, Necklaces, Circle Links (jewelryType == 7)
Available for Necklaces (jewelryType == 7)
Available for Rings (jewelryType == 8)
Product engraving options
stones count
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Get Product Configuration Price, Images, Title, Description by Configuration data or Configuration ID
Request headers
Request body
The same as in the Order creation request.
Product Vendor Model
Configuration ID
Configuration Retail Cost
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Head gemstone object includes the next properties:
“map”: { // The map object
"rd": { // The center stone shape
"e": { // The center stone size
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"quality": "", // String: quality data if the "csq" set false
"quantity": 23, // The quantity of the gemstones
"size": 1.5, // Physical gemstone size
"weight": 0.35 // Total gemstones weight in CT.
"stone": {
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"rd": {
"e": {
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"weight": 0.18
Shank gemstone object includes the next properties:
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"quality": "", // String: quality data if the "csq" set false
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"size": 1.5, // Physical gemstone size
"weight": 0.35 // Total gemstones weight in CT.
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"quality": "", // String: quality data if the "csq" set false
"quantity": 23, // The quantity of the gemstones
"size": 1.5, // Physical gemstone size
"weight": 0.35 // Total gemstones weight in CT.
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"quality": "",
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"weight": 0.23
Request parameters
Request headers
Error Code
Error Code Message
Order ID
Shipping Customer Address
Customer Comment
Customer Message
Customer Billing Address
Payment Status
Customer ID
Point of Production
Delivery tracking number
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Request body
External Order ID (Magento Order ID)
Unix Timestamp
Customer Shipping Address
Customer email
Customer phone
Customer Name
Customer Billing Address
By Currency Directories
Product Vendor Model
The object that contains the selected options for a specific configuration.
optional field
Product size (For a ring - the shank size, for a pendant - chain length)
Set 1 as Default Field
Default Order
Set 1 as Default Field
Set 3 as Confirmed Order
Ready for production
Ready for delivery
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"color": "Y"
"engraving": [
"e0": {
"font": "satisfy",
"text": "ABC"
"e1": {
"font": "satisfy",
"text": "ABC"
"order_date": 1559229507,
"order_purpose": 1,
"order_type": 1,
"shipping_address": "City, Country",
"customer_id": 19,
"customer_email": "abc@gmail.com",
"customer_phone": "34124",
"customer_name": "Jon Doe",
"billing_address": "Country, City",
"payment_status": 2,
"order_status": 3,
"currency": 1,
"items": {
"qty": 1,
"vendor_model": "RPD104",
"configuration": {
"chain": {
"type": "C1",
"metal": {
"sku": "f",
"color": "R"
"pendant": {
"stones": 3,
"stone": [
"sku": "sss",
"shape": "rd",
"weight": "k",
"position": 2
"sku": "dst",
"shape": "rd",
"weight": "k",
"position": 3
"sku": "fsa",
"shape": "rd",
"weight": "k",
"position": 1
"metal": {
"sku": "f",
"color": "Y"
"engraving": [
"e0": {
"font": "satisfy",
"text": "ABC"
"e1": {
"font": "satisfy",
"text": "ABC"
Get your Unique POS auth_key to Login to WSS
Get Socket URL and Company Socket PORT
GET params:
auth_type = 1 - for builders
auth_key = {POS_KEY}
Connection url:
Success respons is:
"message": {}
Closed Connection or Empty response
const ws = new WebSocket("wss://domain.example:2003/?auth_type=1&auth_key=POS_KEY");
"status": "success",
"method_id": 0,
"error": 0,
"message": {}
Request example for simple rings and pendant:
Send to wss:
: 1001 - get configuration
- Product vendor model. The list of all models of your store and the options available to them can be obtained through REST API. Get product list
"vendor_model": "RSD1292",
"configuration": {
"chain": {
"type": "C1",
"metal": {
"sku": "f",
"color": "R"
"pendant": {
"stones": 3,
"stone": [
{"sku":"sss", "shape":"rd", "weight":"k", "position":2},
{"sku":"dst", "shape":"rd", "weight":"k", "position":3},
{"sku":"fsa", "shape":"rd", "weight":"k", "position":1}
"metal": {
"sku": "f",
"color": "Y"
"engraving": [
"e0": {
"font": "satisfy",
"text": "ABC"
"e1": {
"font": "satisfy",
"text": "ABC"
"message": {
"vendor_model": "RSD1292",
"ci": "RSD1282-1WFPR",
"layer": {
"l1": {
"v1": {
"x1": {
"v2": {
"x1": {
"l2": {
"v1": {
"x1": {
"v2": {
"x1": {
"l3": {
"v1": {
"x1": {
"v2": {
"x1": {
"price": 1111,
"description": "Configuration Description",
"title": "Configuration Title"
Message Description:
- Product Vendor Model. Common product identifier that is in the system
- Configuration ID. This is a unique parameter that determines the selected type of current product based on the possible options for this.
- An object that contains links to product images. All images must be set to the corresponding layers and must be set to the same div
in order from the beginning of l1
to lN
in order from bottom to top, accordance with the desired view (v1
). Example: https://static.wonderjewel.co/reeds2-front/catalog.php
"l1", "l2", "l3", etc. - Image layers for full Product Image
"v1", "v2", etc. - Image Views by view (Front view, Left, back)
"x1", "x2", etc. - Image Size (700x700px or 1400x1400px)
- Configuration Title
- Configuration Description
- Configuration Price
"vendor_model": "RSD1292",
"configuration_id": "RDS1292-C1WQ-4WS"
"configuration": {
"chain": {
"type": "C1",
"metal": {
"sku": "f",
"color": "R"
"length": 16
"pendant": {
"stones": 3,
"stone": [
{"sku":"sss", "shape":"rd", "weight":"k", "position":2},
{"sku":"dst", "shape":"rd", "weight":"k", "position":3},
{"sku":"fsa", "shape":"rd", "weight":"k", "position":1}
"metal": {
"sku": "f",
"color": "Y"
"engraving": [
"e0": {
"font": "satisfy",
"text": "ABC"
"e1": {
"font": "satisfy",
"text": "ABC"
"vendor_model": "RRD1150",
"configuration": {
"shank": {
"stones": 3,
"stone": [
{"sku":"sss", "shape":"rd", "weight":"k", "position":2},
{"sku":"dst", "shape":"rd", "weight":"k", "position":3},
{"sku":"fsa", "shape":"rd", "weight":"k", "position":1}
"metal": {
"sku": "f",
"color": "Y"
"engraving": [
"e0": {
"font": "satisfy",
"text": "ABC"
"e1": {
"font": "satisfy",
"text": "ABC"
"vendor_model": "REA150",
"configuration": {
"earring": {
"stones": 3,
"stone": [
"sku": "sss",
"shape": "rd",
"weight": "k",
"position": 2
"sku": "dst",
"shape": "rd",
"weight": "k",
"position": 3
"sku": "fsa",
"shape": "rd",
"weight": "k",
"position": 1
"metal": {
"sku": "f",
"color": "Y"
"engraving": [
"e0": {
"font": "satisfy",
"text": "ABC"
"e1": {
"font": "satisfy",
"text": "ABC"
"vendor_model": "RBR120",
"configuration": {
"bracelet": {
"stones": 3,
"stone": [
"sku": "sss",
"shape": "rd",
"weight": "k",
"position": 2
"sku": "dst",
"shape": "rd",
"weight": "k",
"position": 3
"sku": "fsa",
"shape": "rd",
"weight": "k",
"position": 1
"metal": {
"sku": "f",
"color": "Y"
"length": 16
"engraving": [
"e0": {
"font": "satisfy",
"text": "ABC"
"e1": {
"font": "satisfy",
"text": "ABC"
Request example for simple rings and pendant:
Send to wss:
: 1001 - get configuration
- Product vendor model
To obtain configuration data it is necessary to transmit information about head and shank. All necessary information about available options can be obtained from REST request for data of a particular product.
For the head, the required parameters are type
, central stone
, additional stones
, metal type
, metal color
For a shank you need to choose the type
, side settings
, carving
, metal
and metal color
"method_id": 1001,
"vendor_model": "RCR21",,
"configuration_id": "RDS1292-C1WQ-4WS"
"configuration": {
"head": {
"type": "HS4",
"center_stone": {
"sku": "DI",
"stone_shape": "RD",
"stone_weight": "F",
"stone_color": "W",
"stone_clarity": "SI2"
"additional_stones": {
"sku": "DI",
"stone_color": "W"
"metal": {
"sku": "F",
"color": "Y"
"shank": {
"type": "HS4",
"side_settings": {
"sku": "PS",
"length": "SL1",
"stone": "NO",
"stone_color": "U"
"carving": {
"sku": "CA0",
"length": "CL1"
"metal": {
"sku": "F",
"color": "Y"
"engraving": [
"e0": {
"font": "satisfy",
"text": "ABC"
"e1": {
"font": "satisfy",
"text": "ABC"
"message": {
"vendor_model": "RSD1292",
"ci": "RSD1282-1WFPR",
"layer": {
"l1": {
"v1": {
"x1": {
"v2": {
"x1": {
"l2": {
"v1": {
"x1": {
"v2": {
"x1": {
"l3": {
"v1": {
"x1": {
"v2": {
"x1": {
"price": 1111,
"description": "Configuration Description",
"title": "Configuration Title"
Message Description:
- Product Vendor Model. Common product identifier that is in the system
- Configuration ID. This is a unique parameter that determines the selected type of current product based on the possible options for this.
- An object that contains links to configuration images. To get the full image of the selected configuration, you need to combine all the layers according to the order that was returned from the request. All images must be set to the same div
in order from the beginning of l1
to lN
in order from bottom to top, accordance with the desired view (v1
). Example: https://static.wonderjewel.co/reeds2-front/catalog.php
"l1", "l2", "l3", etc. - Image layers for full Product Image
"v1", "v2", etc. - Image Views by view (Front view, Left, back)
"x1", "x2", etc. - Image Size (700x700px or 1400x1400px)
- Configuration Title
- Configuration Description
- Configuration Price
"method_id": 1001,
"vendor_model": "RCR21",
"configuration": {
"head": {
"type": "HS4",
"center_stone": {
"sku": "DI",
"stone_shape": "RD",
"stone_weight": "F",
"stone_color": "W",
"stone_clarity": "SI2"
"additional_stones": {
"sku": "DI",
"stone_color": "W"
"metal": {
"sku": "F",
"color": "Y"
"shank": {
"type": "HS4",
"side_settings": {
"sku": "PS",
"length": "SL1",
"stone": "NO",
"stone_color": "U"
"carving": {
"sku": "CA0",
"length": "CL1"
"metal": {
"sku": "F",
"color": "Y"
How it works
Add script below before </body>
<script src="https://f7s3m8n7.stackpathcdn.com/libs/js/engraving/1.0/engraving.js"></script>
Un-minified script version:
<script src="https://f7s3m8n7.stackpathcdn.com/libs/js/unpacked/engraving.js"></script>
Init script, using next steps:
var options = {};
options.engraving = {OBJECT_FROM_PRODUCT_DATA};
options.imageDivId = "ID_OF_IMAGES_BLOCK";
options.textDivId = "ID_OF_TEXT_INPUT";
options.fontsSelector = "FONTS_RADIOBUTTON_CLASS"; - IMPORTANT: radiobutton should have the value="sku_of_font";
var engraving = new Engraving(options);
Engraving object from product data OBJECT_FROM_PRODUCT_DATA
"engraving": {
"enabled": 1,
"fonts": [
"sku": "handlee",
"title": "Handlee"
"sku": "satisfy",
"title": "Satisfy"
"sku": "charm",
"title": "Charm"
"options": {
"e0": {
"s2": {
"show": true,
"minChar": 2,
"maxChar": 25,
"radius": -600,
"angle": -0.02,
"posX": 335,
"posY": -147,
"skewX": 0,
"skewY": 0
"s3": {
"show": true,
"minChar": 2,
"maxChar": 10,
"radius": -500,
"angle": -0.08,
"posX": 420,
"posY": -130,
"skewX": 0,
"skewY": 0
"s4": {
"show": false,
"minChar": 0,
"maxChar": 0,
"radius": 0,
"angle": 0,
"posX": 0,
"posY": 0,
"skewX": 0,
"skewY": 0
"e1": {
"s2": {
"show": true,
"minChar": 2,
"maxChar": 15,
"radius": 400,
"angle": 1.34,
"posX": 485,
"posY": 250,
"skewX": 0,
"skewY": 0
"s3": {
"show": false,
"minChar": 0,
"maxChar": 0,
"radius": 0,
"angle": 0,
"posX": 0,
"posY": 0,
"skewX": 0,
"skewY": 0
"s4": {
"show": true,
"minChar": 2,
"maxChar": 8,
"radius": 300,
"angle": -0.28,
"posX": 257,
"posY": -136,
"skewX": 0,
"skewY": 0
<div class="imagesOuter" id="ID_OF_IMAGES_BLOCK">
<img id='layer0' src='' alt=''/>
<img id='layer1' src='' alt=''/>
<img id='layer2' src='' alt=''/>
<input type='text' name="engraving-text" id='ID_OF_TEXT_INPUT'>
<input class="FONTS_RADIOBUTTON_CLASS" type="radio" id="font-1" name="fonts" value="sku_of_font">
<label for="font-1">Font 1</label>
<input class="FONTS_RADIOBUTTON_CLASS" type="radio" id="font-2" name="fonts" value="sku_of_font">
<label for="font-2">Font 2</label>
<input class="FONTS_RADIOBUTTON_CLASS" type="radio" id="font-3" name="fonts" value="sku_of_font">
<label for="font-3">Font 3</label>
Merge script
How it works
Add script below before </body>
<script src="https://f7s3m8n7.stackpathcdn.com/libs/js/mpi/1.0/mpi.js"></script>
Un-minified script version:
<script src="https://f7s3m8n7.stackpathcdn.com/libs/js/unpacked/mpi.js"></script>
To get a merged image, call method below:
- ID of HTML Node that includes the product images and canvas engraving (optional)
Current method will return a merged image with the engraving canvas in base64 string
<div class="imagesOuter" id="ID_OF_IMAGES_BLOCK">
<canvas id="engraving-canvas"></canvas>
<img id='layer1' src='' alt=''/>
<img id='layer2' src='' alt=''/>
<script src="https://j4z2x5e8.stackpathcdn.com/libs/js/engraving/1.0/engraving.js"></script>
var options = {};
options.engraving = {OBJECT_FROM_PRODUCT_DATA};
options.imageDivId = "ID_OF_IMAGES_BLOCK";
options.textDivId = "ID_OF_TEXT_INPUT";
options.fontsSelector = "FONTS_RADIOBUTTON_CLASS"; - IMPORTANT: radiobutton should have the value="sku_of_font"
var engraving = new Engraving(options);
"engraving": {
"enabled": 1,
"min_chars": 1,
"max_chars": 12,
"x": 75,
"y": 90,
"angle": 180,
"fonts": [
"sku": "Satisfy",
"title": "Satisfy"
<div class="imagesOuter" id="ID_OF_IMAGES_BLOCK">
<img id='layer0' src='' alt=''/>
<img id='layer1' src='' alt=''/>
<img id='layer2' src='' alt=''/>
<input type='text' name="engraving-text" id='ID_OF_TEXT_INPUT'>
<input class="FONTS_RADIOBUTTON_CLASS" type="radio" id="font-1" name="fonts" value="sku_of_font">
<label for="font-1">Font 1</label>
<input class="FONTS_RADIOBUTTON_CLASS" type="radio" id="font-2" name="fonts" value="sku_of_font">
<label for="font-2">Font 2</label>
<input class="FONTS_RADIOBUTTON_CLASS" type="radio" id="font-3" name="fonts" value="sku_of_font">
<label for="font-3">Font 3</label>
<script src="https://f7s3m8n7.stackpathcdn.com/libs/js/unpacked/engraving.js"></script>
<script src="https://f7s3m8n7.stackpathcdn.com/libs/js/mpi/1.0/mpi.js"></script>
<script src="https://f7s3m8n7.stackpathcdn.com/libs/js/unpacked/mpi.js"></script>
<div class="imagesOuter" id="ID_OF_IMAGES_BLOCK">
<canvas id="engraving-canvas"></canvas>
<img id='layer1' src='' alt=''/>
<img id='layer2' src='' alt=''/>