by siva



Lateral Payment Solutions provide an online credit card/debit card processing solution for e-commerce businesses. We provide a highly sophisticated fraud screening process to reduce the risk posed to online merchants in the ‘card not present’ environment. We provide a 256 bit SSL interface for secure transmission of data over the internet. A secure reporting and administration system to provide real time information is also made available to the merchant. This document serves to explain the technical integration requirements and procedures. It is of a technical nature and should be read as such.

Card Processing
Standard Authorization
Authorization Post Fields
Field Description Mandatory Data Type
merchant_User_Id Merchant’s user id provided by LPS Y Mixed
merchantpwd Merchant’s PWD provided by LPS Y Mixed
merchant_ipaddress Static IP address of the Merchant server Y As provided by merchant
customer_firstname First name of the customer Y Mixed
customer_lastname Last name of the customer Y Mixed
customer_phone Telephone number of the customer Y Mixed
customer_email Email address of the customer Y Mixed
customer_ipaddress IP address of the customer Y Mixed
bill_firstname First name of the card holder Y Mixed
bill_lastname Last name of the card holder Y Mixed
bill_address1 First line of street address for billing the CC Y Mixed
bill_address2 Second line of street address for billing the CC Optional Mixed
bill_city City for the billing the credit card Y Mixed
bill_country Country for the billing the credit card See LPS
bill_state State for the billing the credit card Optional See LPS Standard Codes
bill_zip Postal code for the billing the credit card Y Mixed
dateregistered Date customer setup an account with your site Optional Mixed
customer_cc_expmo Expiration month(mm) of the credit card Y Mixed
customer_cc_expyr Expiration year(yyyy) of the credit card Y Mixed
customer_cc_number Credit card/Debit card number of the customer Y numeric
customer_dc_issue Debit card issue number Y (for debit cards only) numeric
customer_dc_startmo Debit card start month or valid from month(mm) for debit cards only Mixed
customer_dc_startyr Debit card start year or valid from year (yyyy) for debit cards only Mixed
customer_cc_type Credit Card type of the customer either VISA,MAST, SWITCH, SOLO, DELTA, AMEX, MAESTRO (Case Sensitive, upper case only) Y Mixed
customer_cc_cvc CVC number of the bank of customer card Y numeric
customer_bank_name Name of issuing bank of customer card Y
ship_to_address1 First line of the street address to ship the product Y Mixed
ship_to_address2 Second line of the street address to ship the product Y Mixed
ship_to_city City to which the ship the product Y Mixed
ship_to_country Country to which the ship the product Y Mixed
ship_to_phone Telephone number of shipping destination Y Mixed
ship_to_state State or province to which the ship the product Y Mixed
ship_to_zip Postal code to which the ship the product Y Mixed
ship_to_method Shipping method Y Mixed
merchant_ref_number Merchant generated reference number Y Mixed
currencydesc=”XXX” XXX is the currency code you are transacting in i.e., USD, GBP, EUR Y See LPS Standard Codes
amount 2 decimal places only Y Numeric
Authorization Post Response
Field Description Data Type Len
ResponseType Transaction response type int 4
LPS_transaction_id Unique Identifier for the transaction generated by LPS int 8
Merchant_ref_number Merchant reference number generated for the order varchar 50
Lpsid Login id of merchant site for authentication varchar 50
Lpspwd Password for LPS on Merchant site varchar 50
Fraudscreening_status Fraud screening response code from LPS int 4
Bank status Status of the transaction at the bank int 4
Amount Transaction amount 2 decimal places
Currency Transaction currency as per ISO code varchar 4
Bank_transaction_no Unique Bank ID varchar 50
Bank_authorisation_no Bank authorization number, save for your records varchar 50
Bank_date Date of bank transaction varchar 50
Bank_time Time of bank transaction varchar 50
Bank_original_code Original Bank Status code varchar 255


  • The entire Schedule 2B is always returned regardless of the transaction status.
  • The variables highlighted above in blue are always returned with values regardless of the ResponseType.
  • With a ResponseType=0 (fraudscreening status) then the variables in green will be blank. With a ResponseType=1 then all variables will be returned with appropriate values.
3D Secure Authorization

When the customer is redirected to a URL on LPS Gateway after 3D SECURE authentication, it will match the transaction Id passed with the existing pending transaction. The status of the transaction will be updated to “3D SECURE Response Returned” and the 3D SECURE response will then be transferred back to a merchant’s URL which will return the customer back to the merchant site along with the details given in Table 2E.

The merchant should extract the 3D SECURE response and update the status of the transaction as 3D SECURE Response received. Note at this stage neither LPS nor the merchant know if the 3D SECURE authentication is successful. They will then open synchronous connection back to LPS payment gateway with the transaction details as shown in Table 2F.

Request POST Fields
Field Description Required/ Optional Data Type Len
merchant_User_Id Merchant’s user id provided by LPS Required varchar 50
merchantpwd Merchant’s PWD provided by LPS Required varchar 50
merchant_ipaddress Static IP address of the Merchant server Required , As provided by merchant
customer_firstname First name of the customer Required varchar 50
customer_lastname Last name of the customer Required varchar 50
customer_phone Telephone number of the customer Required varchar 50
customer_email Email address of the customer Required varchar 50
customer_ipaddress IP address of the customer Required varchar 50
bill_firstname First name of the card holder Required varchar 50
bill_lastname Last name of the card holder Required varchar 50
bill_address1 First line of street address for billing the CC Required varchar 100
bill_address2 Second line of street address for billing the CC Optional varchar 100
bill_city City for the billing the credit card Required varchar 50
bill_country Country for the billing the credit card Required See LPS Standard Codes
bill_state State for the billing the credit card Optional See LPS Standard Codes
bill_zip Postal code for the billing the credit card Required varchar 50
dateregistered Date customer setup an account with your site Optional varchar 50
customer_cc_expmo Expiration month(mm) of the credit card Required varchar
customer_cc_expyr Expiration year(yyyy) of the credit card Required varchar 50
customer_cc_number Credit card/Debit card number of the customer Required numeric 50
customer_dc_issue Debit card issue number Required (for debit cards only) numeric 2
customer_dc_startmo Debit card start month or valid from month (mm) Required (for debit cards only) varchar 50
customer_dc_startyr Debit card start year or valid from year (yyyy) Required (for debit cards only) varchar 50
customer_cc_type Credit Card type of the customer either VISA, MAST, SWITCH, SOLO,DELTA, AMEX, MAESTRO (Case Sensitive, upper case only) Required varchar 10
customer_cc_cvc CVC number of the bank of customer card Required numeric 3
customer_bank_name Name of issuing bank of customer card Optional
ship_to_address1 First line of the street address to ship the product Optional varchar 50
ship_to_address2 Second line of the street address to ship the product Optional varchar 50
ship_to_city City to which the ship the product Optional varchar 50
ship_to_country Country to which the ship the product Optional varchar 50
ship_to_phone Telephone number of shipping destination Optional varchar 50
ship_to_state State or province to which the ship the product Optional varchar 50
ship_to_zip Postal code to which the ship the product Optional varchar 50
ship_to_method Shipping method Optional varchar 50
merchant_ref_number Merchant generated reference number Required varchar 50
currencydesc=”XXX” XXX is the currency code you are transacting in i.e., USD, GBP, EUR Required See LPS Standard Codes
amount Purchase Amount – 2 decimal places only Required 2 decimal places
3dSecureCheck Flag to indicate whether 3d secure code check to be performed. Valid values Y,N. Default : N Optional varchar 1
POST response Fields
ResponseType Transaction response type -Point A int 4
LPS_transaction_id Unique Identifier for the transaction generated by LPS int 4
Merchant_ref_number Merchant reference number generated for the order varchar 50
Lpsid LPS Response Authentication User Id varchar 50
Lpspwd LPS Response Authentication User Password varchar 50
Fraudscreening_status Fraud screening response code from LPS – Point B int 4
Bank_status Status of the transaction at the bank - Point C int 4
Amount Transaction amount 2 decimal places
Currency Transaction currency as per ISO code varchar 4
Bank_transaction_no Unique Bank ID varchar 50
Bank_authorisation_no Bank authorization number, save for your records varchar 50
Bank_date Date of bank transaction varchar 50
Bank_time Time of bank transaction varchar 50
Bank_original_code Original Bank Status code varchar 255
AVS_Result Customer Address verification result for the address line1 value posted by merchant Values: Empty or 2: Not verified / Not checked; 1: Failed;0: Successful. Int 4
CVN_Result Result of CVC entered by customer Values:Empty or 2: Not verified / Not checked; 1: Failed;0: Successful. Int 4
CrdStrg_Token*** Unique card token generated for the card posted varchar 100

• The entire Schedule 2B is always returned regardless of the transaction status.
• The variables highlighted above in blue are always returned with values regardless of the ResponseType.
• With a ResponseType=0 (fraudscreening status) then the variables in green will be blank. With a ResponseType=1 then all variables will be returned with appropriate values.
• ***CrdStrg_Token: Will be returned only if SCSScheck was set to Y on request post (or) the token itself was posted on request along with SCSScheck set to D.


LPS Hosted Payment System (HPS) is a simple integration method suitable for all e-commerce merchants. It allows real-time transaction processing and at the same time can remove the problems involved in collecting and storing of cardholder details on merchant systems.

The HPS is fully secure and linked to the LPS enterprise payment gateway which provides sophisticated fraud and risk assessment in addition to authorising the transaction. The HPS uses HTML redirect messages to pass information between merchant e-commerce site and LPS. This method does not involve installation of any files at merchant site and hence is very simple to implement. We provide a 256 bit SSL interface for secure transmission of data over the internet.

A secure reporting and administration system to provide real time information is also made available to the merchant. This document serves to explain the technical integration requirements and procedures. It is of a technical nature and should be read as such. HPS


This integration method uses HTML forms to pass information to LPS payment gateway for payment processing. Merchants should create a purchase order form which describes the details of goods or service purchased by the customer.

  1. When a shopper is ready to pay for their goods, the merchants website should submit the order details to our hosted payment page.
  2. The shopper will then be taken to the LPS payment page to enter their payment details, such as credit/debit card details.
  3. If the shopper has chosen to pay by credit/debit card: • HPS system sends a request to LPS enterprise payment gateway which forwards the shopper’s details to the bank, where a card authorisation is attempted • the bank returns an authorised or declined response to LPS
  4. HPS then displays the result to the shopper and also sends them a confirmation email.
  5. The transaction status is then sent to merchant. If the merchant had opted for synchronous postback response then HPS will call the merchant postback URL and post the response fields. The customer is then taken back to merchant site along with the response fields in another HTML redirect post session.
Integration Details
  1. OVERVIEW Integrating with LPS Hosted Payment System is a very simple process. The points below describe the process of setting up an integration using a sample HTML form.
  2. ORDER DETAILS TO LPS HPS Order details submission from merchant to LPS HPS is simply a HTML form with a number of post fields. It should contain a list of mandatory fields as specified in Appendix A “Authorisation Post Fields & Response Fields”. It can also contain a range of optional fields. The merchant system should “POST” this form to the LPS HPS URL when customer has selected to proceed with making payment on merchant site
Sample order details
<form method="post" action="HPS_payment.aspx">
<!--Authentication details-->
<input type="hidden" name="Merchant_User_Id" value="" />
<input type="hidden" name="merchantpwd" value="" />
<!--Customer Details-->
<input type="hidden" name="customer_firstname" value="" />
<input type="hidden" name="customer_lastname" value="" />
<input type="hidden" name="customer_phone" value="" />
<input type="hidden" name="customer_email" value=""/>
<input type="hidden" name="customer_ipaddress" value="" />
<!--Billing details-->
<input type="hidden" name="bill_firstname" value=""/>
<input type="hidden" name="bill_lastname" value=""/>
<input type="hidden" name="bill_address1" value="" />
<input type="hidden" name="bill_address2" value="" />
<input type="hidden" name="bill_city" value="" />
<input type="hidden" name="bill_country" value="" />
<input type="hidden" name="bill_state" value="" />
<input type="hidden" name="bill_zip" value="" />
<!--Delivery details-->
<input type="hidden" name="ship_to_address1" value="" />
<input type="hidden" name="ship_to_address2" value="" />
<input type="hidden" name="ship_to_city" value="" />
<input type="hidden" name="ship_to_country" value="" />
<input type="hidden" name="ship_to_phone" value="" />
<input type="hidden" name="ship_to_state" value="" />
<input type="hidden" name="ship_to_zip" value="" />
<input type="hidden" name="ship_to_method" value="" />
<input type="hidden" name="merchant_ref_number" value="" />
<!--Purchase details-->
<input type="hidden" name="Purchase_summary" Value="" />
<input type="hidden" name="currencydesc" Value="" />
<input type="hidden" name="amount" Value= "" />
<!--Security details-->
<input type="hidden" name="transactionkey" Value="" />
Checkout form POST fields
Field Description Required/ Optional Data Type Length
merchant_User_Id Merchant’s user id provided by LPS Required varchar 50
merchantpwd Merchant’s PWD provided by LPS Required varchar 50
customer_firstname First name of the customer Required varchar 50
customer_lastname Last name of the customer Required varchar 50
customer_phone Telephone number of the customer Required varchar 50
customer_email Email address of the customer Required varchar 50
customer_ipaddress IP address of the customer Required varchar 50
bill_firstname First name of the card holder Required varchar 50
bill_lastname Last name of the card holder Required varchar 50
bill_address1 Bill address line1 Required varchar 100
bill_address2 Bill address line2 Optional varchar 100
bill_city Bill_city Required varchar 50
bill_country Bill_country Required See LPS Standard Codes
bill_country Bill_country Required See LPS Standard Codes
bill_state Bill state Optional varchar 50
bill_zip Postal code for the billing the credit card Required varchar 50
ship_to_address1 Delivery address line1 Optional varchar 50
ship_to_address2 Delivery address line2 Optional varchar 50
ship_to_city Delivery city Optional varchar 50
ship_to_country Delivery country Optional varchar 50
ship_to_phone Telephone number of shipping destination Optional varchar 50
ship_to_state State or province to which the ship the product Optional varchar 50
ship_to_zip Postal code to which the ship the product Optional varchar 50
ship_to_method Shipping method Optional varchar 50
merchant_ref_number Purchase order number Required varchar 50
Purchase_summary Summary details of the purchase details Required varchar 1000
currencydesc Purchase Currency in 3 digit ISO format. Required See LPS Standard Codes
amount Purchase Amount – 2 decimal places only Required Numeric
Redirect Response
Field Description Data Type
Merchant_User_Id Merchant’s user id provided by LPS varchar
Merchant_ref_number Purchase order number varchar
Lpsid Login id of merchant site for authentication varchar
Lpspwd Password for LPS on Merchant site. varchar
Transactionid Unique Identifier for the transaction generated by LPS Integer
Requestid Unique Identifier for the transaction generated by HPS Integer
bill_firstname First name of the card holder varchar
bill_lastname Last name of the card holder varchar
Purchase_summary Summary details of the purchase details varchar
currencydesc CurrencyCode in ISO 3 digit format See LPS Standard Codes
amount Purchase Amount – 2 decimal places only 2 decimal places
CardBin First six digit of the customer card integer
CardLast4 Last four digit of the customer card integer
CardType Card scheme of customer card varchar
CardHolderName Card holder name as entered on payment page varchar
CardIssuingCountry Card issuer country (2 digit ISO codes) See LPS Standard Codes
CardExpiry Card expiry as selected on payment page in the form of “MMYYYY” i.e., 012016 varchar
merchant_ipaddress Posted Merchant server IP address varchar
TransDateTime Date and time of transaction processed DateTime
CVN_Result CVN result code Integer
AVS_Result AVS result code Integer
Status Transaction status Refer to LPS Responsecodes
CardToken Unique card token generated for the card processed varchar
Bank_Code Bank reason code Integer
Bank_Message Bank reason message varchar
LPS Response Code
Code Description Reason
00 Transaction Approved
05 Transaction Rejected Bank Declined
90 Communication Failure, Status Unknown Contact LPS
92 Customer payment cancellation Customer cancelled before payment
1001 Authentication failed for Merchant Wrong id, password or IP supplied
1002 Merchant account inactive Merchant account inactive
1003 Transaction amount exceeds the Per Transaction Limit Purchase amount is above a specified level
1004 Customer has exceeded allowed transactions number for 24 hours Velocity control on purchases per day
1005 Code not in use
1006 Invalid credit card number Incorrect digit length for card type
1007 Invalid credit card expiry details
1008 Luhn’s modulus check failed Card number invalid
1009 Code not in use
1010 Failed Country lookup Bill country is not accepted by the bank
1011 Failed IP lookup Customer IP is blocked
1012 Failed BIN lookup Customer card BIN is blocked
1013 Bank rejection limit exceeded
1014 Customer blocked Customer details are blocked
1015 Minimum purchase check Purchase amount is below a specified level
1016 Failed IP check.*** Customer IP not in allowed list of IP’s
1022 Account not enabled for HPS Merchant account not enabled for HPS
9000 Unexpected error Incorrect data types, unknown error
9001 Missing required field A transactionid of –1 will also be returned
9002 Code not in use Code not in use
9003 Currency Block*** Currency NOT enabled.

NB. Any response codes that are denoted by *** may not be activated for you account(s).


This document describes the integration process for the LPS Recredits system. Recredits include the processing of voids (before settlement), refunds (after settlement), CFT’s, BAC’s and Faster Payments.


Merchants can post a request to the LPS gateway to be void/reverse an authorisation. When a request is submitted, the gateway performs a series of checks and then directly forwards a void request to the bank for transaction reversal. A response is sent back to the merchant in real time to acknowledge the request and confirm if its been accepted or declined. The status of the request can also be viewed by logging onto the merchants reporting system on the LPS website.


Merchants can post a request to the LPS gateway to refund a settled transaction. When a request is submitted, the gateway performs a series of checks and then responds back to the merchant. Refunds are checked by LPS Admin staff before they are sent to the bank. Depending on the banks rules, this API can be used to perform partial refunds as well. The status of the request can be viewed by logging onto the merchants reporting system on the LPS website.


Merchants can post a request to the LPS gateway to make a payment to a customers card number via the recredits system. When a request is submitted, the gateway performs a series of checks and responds back to the merchant. The submitted transactions are checked by LPS Admin staff before they are sent to the bank. The status of request can be viewed by logging onto the merchants reporting system on the LPS website.


Merchants can post a request to the LPS gateway to make a payment to a customers bank account via the LPS Wires system. When a request is submitted, the gateway performs a series of checks and responds back to the merchant. The submitted request is sent into the Banking network. The status of request can be viewed by logging onto the merchants reporting system on the LPS website. All requests are sent to LPS in the form of a HTTP synchronous POST over SSL. The LPS system then validates each individual request and responds on the same HTTP connection. This allows the merchant to incorporate the system into their backend process.


Merchants can post a request to the LPS gateway to make a payment to a customers sort code and account number or credit card number via the BAC’s system. When a request is submitted, the gateway performs a series of checks and then responds back to the merchant. The submitted BAC’s transactions are checked by LPS Admin staff before they are sent to the BAC’s network. The status of request can be viewed by logging onto the merchants reporting system on the LPS website.

Faster Payments

Merchants can post a request to the LPS gateway to make a payment to a customers sort code and account number via the Faster Payments system. When a request is submitted, the gateway performs a series of checks and responds back to the merchant. The submitted Faster Payment are sent into the BAC’s network usually within a hour depending on the clients criteria. The status of request can be viewed by logging onto the merchants reporting system on the LPS website.

Alternate Payments
Service Offered
Risk Management
Card Tokenization
Card Storage Servicess (SCSS)

LPS Authorisation API system is also linked with “Secure Card Storage Services (SCSS)” system which will help merchants to comply with PCI DSS audit requirements by removing the necessity to store card details in their system. SCSS system reduces the overhead of storing, managing and transmitting credit card details and card holder data.

LPS standard integration post fields provides an option to flag a transaction to be part of SCSS and it automatically stores the card details and a corresponding token is returned on the response. In addition to storing the card details, SCSS system also keeps references of billing details. Hence card details and billing details need not be posted when sending a transactions request for authorisation using a previously generated card store token. SCSS system will automatically extract the card details and its corresponding billing details and will use it for authorisation request.

In the event the billing details or card details needs to be updated, the merchants can make use of manage SCSS subsystem API to update or delete the card details.
The way the system works is as follows:
a. Merchants send normal authorisation request with SCSS flag set to Y.
b. A unique identifier is generated and returned along with the authorisation response.
c. The unique identifier acts as the reference for all subsequent transactions.
d. The identifier also references complete billing details of the card holder. Hence apart from the card details, billing details also will not be necessary when posting the identifier.
Once a token is generated the system flow will be as follows:
a. Merchant sends normal authorisation request with SCSS flag set to D (implying already done).
b. If SCSS flag is set to D, then instead of card number, the SCSS token should be posted.
Points to note when posting token with SCSS flag set to D:
a. When posting with SCSS flag set to D, the token must always be posted or else the transactions will be rejected with a pre-screening code.
b. If card number is also sent along with SCSS flag set to D and token also present, card number will be ignored.
c. If billing details as well as other card details are posted along with token, the details posted in the request will take precedence over the details stored in SCSS for that token. Hence the posted values will be utilised for authorisation processing. However, note that the details stored in SCSS will not have been updated. If it should be updated, then a separate update request on manage SCSS system API should be sent.
The unique identifier is of no value to anyone who attempts to steal sensitive information because the secure credit card information can never be obtained by using the identifier. Technically, the identifier is a hash pointer reference to a token value which is then referenced to the card holder data in our data store. Hence our SCSS system provides robust security in protecting card holder information.

Card Token Generation

This phase is linked into the main authorisation system. This phase consists of the generation of unique identifier for the card holder data. The unique identifier is linked to the merchant account issued by LPS and if same identifier will be returned if the card details has been previously posted by the client and an identifier generated previously.

Card Token Details Update

This phase consists of an independent API which will enable merchants to be in control of their secure card data. In the event the card details need updating, for example if the expire dates have changed due to card renewal or the customer’s address details have changed. The merchants can send the token as well the new details which will be automatically updated into the SCSS system. All the usual process of validating the credentials will be necessary before the details can be updated.

Card Token Details Query

This phase is similar to “Token Update” phase, except that it will return the details stored for that token rather than altering any information. This will be useful if the merchants wish to recheck the details stored in our SCSS system before posting transactions.

Card Token Delete

If customer details are to be removed due to reasons such as customer has closed their account or audit retention policy or customer deemed fraudulent etc, merchants can send the “Token Delete” request and the card details will be completely removed and cannot be used further.

Request POST fields
Field Description Required/ Optional Data Type Len
merchant_User_Id Merchant’s user id provided by LPS Required varchar 50
merchantpwd Merchant’s PWD provided by LPS Required varchar 50
merchant_ipaddress Static IP address of the Merchant server Required As provided by merchant
customer_firstname First name of the customer Required varchar 50
customer_lastname Last name of the customer Required varchar 50
customer_phone Telephone number of the customer Required varchar 50
customer_email Email address of the customer Required varchar 50
customer_ipaddress IP address of the customer Required varchar 50
bill_firstname First name of the card holder Required varchar 50
bill_lastname Last name of the card holder Required varchar 50
bill_address1 Card holder address line 1 Required varchar 100
bill_address2 Card holder address line 2 Optional varchar 100
bill_city Card holder address city Required varchar 50
bill_country Card holder address country in ISO 2-digit format Required See LPS Standard Codes
bill_state Card holder address state Optional See LPS Standard Codes
bill_zip Card holder address zip / postal code Required varchar 50
dateregistered Date customer setup an account with your site Optional varchar 50
customer_cc_expmo Expiration month(mm) of the credit card Required varchar 50
customer_cc_expyr Expiration year(yyyy) of the credit card Required varchar 50
customer_cc_number Credit card/Debit card number Required numeric 50
customer_dc_issue Debit card issue number Required (for debit cards only) numeric 2
customer_dc_startmo Debit card start month or valid from month (mm) Optional varchar 2
customer_dc_startyr Debit card start year or valid from year (yyyy) Optional varchar 4
customer_cc_type Card scheme name.
Valid values:
(Case Sensitive, upper case only)
Required varchar 10
customer_cc_cvc Card security code / CVN / CVV2 Required numeric 3
customer_bank_name Name of card issuing bank Optional
ship_to_address1 Shipping address line 1 Optional varchar 50
ship_to_address2 Shipping address line 2 Optional varchar 50
ship_to_city Shipping address city Optional varchar 50
ship_to_country Shipping address country Optional varchar 50
ship_to_phone Telephone number of shipping destination Optional varchar 50
ship_to_state State or province to which the ship the product Optional varchar 50
ship_to_zip Postal code to which the ship the product Optional varchar 50
ship_to_method Shipping method Optional varchar 50
merchant_ref_number Merchant generated reference number Required varchar 50
currencydesc Transaction currency in ISO 3-digit format. For e.g. USD, GBP, EUR Required See LPS Standard Codes
amount Purchase Amount – 2 decimal places only Required 2 decimal places
scsscheck Flag to indicate if SCSS is required.
Values: Y, N,
Y: Yes;
N: No;
[default if not sent]
Conditional*** (Only if SCSS options are required). varchar 1
RecurringCheck Flag to indicate if transaction to be processed as recurring.
Values: Y, N,
Y: Yes;
N: No;
[default if not sent]
Conditional *** (Only if recurring) varchar 1
motocheck Flag to indicate if transaction to be processed as MOTO.
Values: Y, N,
Y: Yes;
N: No;
[default if not sent]
Conditional *** (Only if MOTO) varchar 1
POST Response
Field Description Data Type Length
ResponseType Transaction response type int 4
LPS_transaction_id Unique Identifier for the transaction generated by LPS int 8
Merchant_ref_number Merchant reference number generated for the order varchar 50
Lpsid Login id of merchant site for authentication varchar 50
Lpspwd Password for LPS on Merchant site varchar 50
Fraudscreening_status Fraud screening response code from LPS int 4
Bank_status Status of the transaction at the bank int 4
Amount Transaction amount 2 decimal places
Currency Transaction currency as per ISO code varchar 4
Bank_transaction_no Unique Bank ID varchar 50
Bank_authorisation_no Bank authorization number, save for your records varchar 50
Bank_date Date of bank transaction varchar 50
Bank_time Time of bank transaction varchar 50
Bank_original_code Original Bank Status code varchar 255
CrdStrg_Token*** Unique card token generated for the card posted varchar 100


  • The entire Schedule 2B is always returned regardless of the transaction status
  • The variables highlighted above in blue are always returned with values regardless of the ResponseType.
  • With a ResponseType=0 (fraud screening status) then the variables in green will be blank. With a ResponseType=1 then all variables will be returned with appropriate values.
  • ***CrdStrg_Token: Will be returned only if SCSScheck was set to Y on request post (or) the token itself was posted on request along with SCSScheck set to D.
Enrolment Response
Field Description Data Type Length
ResponseType Transaction response type - Point A int 4
LPS_transaction_id Unique Identifier for the transaction generated by LPS int 4
Merchant_ref_number Merchant reference number generated for the order varchar 50
Lpsid LPS Response Authentication User Id varchar 50
Lpspwd LPS Response Authentication User Password varchar 50
VBV_URL Fraud screening response code from LPS Customer’s Issuing Bank 3D SECURE Authentication URL varchar
PAReq 3D SECURE Provider Payment Authentication Request Text

The entire Schedule 2C is always returned if the customer is enrolled for 3D SECURE. The merchant must check for a valid value in VBV_URL before redirecting the customer along with PAReq and other hidden field details as given in Schedule 2D.

Bin lookup

This document explains the post fields and response fields for LPS Bin lookup service.

Request POST Fields
Field Name Type Size Descrip Required
Merchant_User_Id Alpha 50 LPS Merchant account Id M
MerchantPwd Alphanumeric 50 LPS Merchant account password M
TransactionType Alphanumeric 2 Transaction Type, “BNLKP” for bin lookup M
Merchant_Ref_Number Alphanumeric 2 Specific order number submitted by the Merchant for tracking purposes Example “10098987” M
BinNumber Numeric 6 Card Bin to lookup details M
Response POST Fields
Form Field Description Addtional Notes
ResponseType Type of Response from LPS. It will be 5 if the response is for bin lookup risk management services ResponseType = 5 for bin lookup
RequestId Request Id generated for the risk request
MerchantRefNumber Order Number submitted by the merchant
TransactionType Transaction type processed “BNLKP” for bin lookup request
CardBin Card Bin Number First 6 digit of card number
CardName Name of the Card For e.g. Visa Credit, Visa Debit etc. Returned only if status = 0
CardType Card type. e.g., VI, MC Returned only if status = 0
CountryCode Country code of the Card Issuer Returned only if status = 0
Status Status of the lookup request Please see the table below
Response Codes
Code Description Reason
0 Lookup successful Card bin details returned in response
1 Lookup Failed Unable to locate card bin details
1001 Authentication failed for Merchant Wrong id, password supplied
1002 Merchant account inactive Merchant account inactive
1022 Account not enabled for card lookup Merchant account not enabled
6009 Number of Binlookup attempts exceeded Number of Binlookup attempts exceeded
9000 Unexpected error Incorrect data types, unknown error
9001 Missing required field RequestId of –1 will also be returned
Lookup Response
Sample Code
Card Type Response Code
Card Name Card Type Description

These are the base API URLs for the LATPAY environments:
Sandbox: <<<Endpoint provided on signup to test MID>>>
Production: <<<Endpoint provided on issue of live MID>>>
mediaType: application/json

OPTIONS /url/path/

The LatPay API provides a suite of solutions to manage the entire Checkout process along with transaction management. Our API has been built with security as its core and offers all features as required by both the back office operations team as well as ease of integration for your technical team.

By accessing the LatPay payment management engine through the API, you will be able to manage the entire cash flow from collection to payout. The LatPay platform also gives you the ability to process in over 140 currencies and settle in 26 major currencies, all in real time.

Our API integration is very simple. However, if you need to contact us for technical support, please e-mail us at For sandbox access, please send email to Signing up for the sandbox will give you access to a test MID through which you can check out live responses, make demo transactions and explore features.

Getting Started

Our documentation was designed to be easy to use. Our API calls are grouped by resources which you will see in the navigation menu on the left frame.


The Checkout API call will initialise an order in the Latpay system and begin the checkout process for the customer. The initial response will provide a unique transaction id, order id to acknowledge order acceptance and state of transaction. If accepted, the status will be returned pending, for customer to complete the transaction. The Checkout API call includes a mandatory parameter “notifyurl” which must be populated to indicate the callback to notify the transaction status.

GET /url/path/
GET /url/path/
GET /url/path/

The payload of Checkout request must contain details of the authentication, customer, order details. For a seamless experience for customer, all purchase details can be included as well. For the full list of parameters, including what is and is not mandatory, refer our API Reference section.
Checkout Request
Checkout URL Parameters

API Type Additional information
merchantid string Required
merchantkey string Required
storeid string Required
terminalid string Required
consumer Consumer Required
order Order Required
callback_params CallbackParams Optional
billing Billing Required
notifyurl string Required

   "merchantid": "test_lpsv2",
   "merchantkey": "hgd6h324hvhjfhg34hgf",
   "terminalid":" Ter1"
    "firstname": "thirlok",
    "lastname": "shankar",
    "phone": "1234567890",
    "email": ""
"order": {
   "reference": "lpstest123",
   "currency": "USD",
   "amount": 2,
   "purchasesummary": "Ecomm purchase list",
"purchasedetail": [
    "productid": "1890",
    "productname": "Smart watch",
    "productsku": "shop_dept_item_12434",
    "productdescription": "Android Smart wear design # tyfg45667",
    "productcategory": "Electronics",
    "productURL": "",
    "quantity": 2,
    "priceperunit": 0.5
   "productid": "1890",
   "productname": "Smart card",
   "productsku": "shop_dept_item_7895",
   "productdescription": "Kingston Smart SD Card # sd43545",
   "productcategory": "Electronics",
   "productURL": "",
   "quantity": 2,
   "priceperunit": 0.5
   "param1": "value1",
   "param2": "value2",
   "param3": "value3",
   "param4": "value4",
   "param5": "value5",
"notifyurl": ""
GET /url/path/

The response to checkout API indicates the status of transaction along with unique transaction and order id’s. In case of asynchronous payments where customer will be completing payments, the status will usually acknowledge as pending and final status notified on callback to URL sent on the notifyurl parameter.
Checkout Response
Checkout URL Parameters

API Type Additional information
merchantid string Required
merchantkey string Required
storeid string Required
terminalid string Required
consumer Consumer Required
order Order Required
callback_params CallbackParams Optional
billing Billing Optional
notifyurl string Required
   "merchantid": "test_lpsv2",
   "terminalid":" Ter1"
   "transactionid": "39678",
         "responsetype": "1",
         "statuscode": "2",
         "errorcode": "0",
         "errordesc": ""
} ,
       "firstname": "thirlok",
       "lastname": "shankar",
       "phone": "1234567890",
        "email": ""
          "reference": "lpstest123",
          "currency": "USD",
          "amount": 2,
          "purchasesummary": "Ecomm purchase list",
          "purchasedetail": [
    "productid": "1890",
    "productname": "Smart watch",
    "productsku": "shop_dept_item_12434",
    "productdescription": "Android Smart wear design # tyfg45667",
    "productcategory": "Electronics",
    "productURL": "",
    "quantity": 2,
    "priceperunit": 0.5
    "productid": "1890",
    "productname": "Smart card",
    "productsku": "shop_dept_item_7895",
    "productdescription": "Kingston Smart SD Card # sd43545",
    "productcategory": "Electronics",
    "productURL": "",
    "quantity": 2,
    "priceperunit": 0.5
       "param1": "value1",
       "param2": "value2",
       "param3": "value3",
       "param4": "value4",
       "param5": "value5"

The reversal API call can be used to void any transactions which experienced communication failures wherein either expected result was not returned or no response received within stipulated timeframe (timeouts). The reversal API will ensure the transaction is rolled back to original state and if customer has been debited, it will be voided.

GET /url/path
GET /url/path/
GET /url/path

The payload of reversal must contain details of the original checkout request. For the full list of parameters, including what is and is not mandatory, refer our API Reference section.
Reversal Request
Reversal URL Parameters

API Type Additional information
merchantid string Required
merchantkey string Required
storeid string Required
terminalid string Required
consumer Consumer Required
order Order Required
callback_params CallbackParams Optional
notifyurl string Required
      "merchantid": "test_lpsv2",
      "merchantkey": "hgd6h324hvhjfhg34hgf",
      "terminalid":" Ter1"
       "firstname": "thirlok",
       "lastname": "shankar",
       "phone": "1234567890",
       "email": ""
      "order": {
          "reference": "lpstest123",
          "currency": "USD",
          "amount": 2,
          "purchasesummary": "Ecomm purchase list",
      "purchasedetail": [
         "productid": "1890",
         "productname": "Smart watch",
         "productsku": "shop_dept_item_12434",
         "productdescription": "Android Smart wear design # tyfg45667",
         "productcategory": "Electronics",
         "productURL": "",
         "quantity": 2,
         "priceperunit": 0.5
         "productid": "1890",
         "productname": "Smart card",
         "productsku": "shop_dept_item_7895",
         "productdescription": "Kingston Smart SD Card # sd43545",
         "productcategory": "Electronics",
         "productURL": "",
         "quantity": 2,
         "priceperunit": 0.5
         "callback_params": {
         "param1": "value1",
         "param2": "value2",
          "param3": "value3",
         "param4": "value4",
         "param5": "value5",
"notifyurl": ""
GET /url/path/

The response to reversal API indicates the status of transaction whether it was successfully reversed and also will contain unique transaction and order id’s.
Reversal Respose
Reversal URL Parameters

API Type Additional information
merchantid string Required
merchantkey string Required
storeid string Required
terminalid string Required
consumer Consumer Required
order Order Required
callback_params CallbackParams Optional
notifyurl string Required
      "merchantid": "test_lpsv2",
     "terminalid":" Ter1"
      "transactionid": "39678",
               "responsetype": "2",
               "statuscode": "0",
               "errorcode": "0",
               "errordesc": ""
          } ,
               "firstname": "thirlok",
               "lastname": "shankar",
               "phone": "1234567890",
               "email": ""
                 "reference": "lpstest123",
                 "currency": "USD",
                 "amount": 2,
                 "purchasesummary": "Ecomm purchase list",
                 "purchasedetail": [
               "productid": "1890",
               "productname": "Smart watch",
               "productsku": "shop_dept_item_12434",
               "productdescription": "Android Smart wear design # tyfg45667",
               "productcategory": "Electronics",
               "productURL": "",
                "quantity": 2,
                "priceperunit": 0.5
         "productid": "1890",
         "productname": "Smart card",
         "productsku": "shop_dept_item_7895",
         "productdescription": "Kingston Smart SD Card # sd43545",
         "productcategory": "Electronics",
         "productURL": "",
         "quantity": 2,
         "priceperunit": 0.5
            "param1": "value1",
            "param2": "value2",
            "param3": "value3",
            "param4": "value4",
            "param5": "value5"

Each API call will need to be authenticated by way of a merchantid issued by LatPay along with a key, which will be a SHA-256 hash of a set of post fields along with a predefined secret agreed between merchant & Latpay at the time of account setup.
In case of Checkout process, the authentication key is “merchantkey” which is a SHA2 hash of the following parameters.
StoreId (Provided on account setup)
terminalid (Provided on account setup)
TerminalSecret (It is secret value between merchant and LATPAY)

  • StoreId:St724
  • terminalid:Tr245
  • TerminalSecret:E6B7CBC964301D59224A60B1
  • SHA-256 Hash Value: 0A2BBF892A0BCFAB93E08DBBC819E3CAB3FBF65AFB012A278711712C81AB702A
OPTIONS /url/path/

The status of the transaction will be received in “notifyurl” which will be given in checkout api call. LATPAY Response Codes

Description Code
Accepted 0
Pending 2
Response types
Checkout 1
Notification 4
Reversal 2
      "merchantid": "test_lpsv2",
      "terminalid":" Ter1",
      "transactionid": "39678",
      "responsetype": "4",
       "statuscode": "0",
      "errorcode": "",
      "errordesc": ""
} ,
      "firstname": "thirlok",	
      "lastname": "shankar",
      "phone": "1234567890",
      "email": ""
"order": {
      "reference": "lpstest123",
      "currency": "USD",
      "amount": 2,
      "purchasesummary": "Ecomm purchase list",
      "purchasedetail": [
      "productid": "1890",
      "productname": "Smart watch",
      "productsku": "shop_dept_item_12434",
      "productdescription": "Android Smart wear design # tyfg45667",
      "productcategory": "Electronics",
      "productURL": "",
      "quantity": 2,
      "priceperunit": 0.5
      "productid": "1890",
      "productname": "Smart card",
      "productsku": "shop_dept_item_7895",
      "productdescription": "Kingston Smart SD Card # sd43545",
      "productcategory": "Electronics",
      "productURL": "",
      "quantity": 2,
      "priceperunit": 0.5
"callback_params": {
      "param1": "value1",
      "param2": "value2"
      "param3": "value3"
      "param4": "value4"
      "param5": "value5"
API Reference
GET /url/path/
GET /url/path/
GET /url/path/
POS Checkout Request
GET /url/

Checkout Request Consumer Details

Name Type Additional information
firstname string 200
lastname string 200
phone string 200
email string 200

Checkout Request Order Parameters

Name Type Additional information Mandatory
reference string 200 Required
currency string 3 Required
amount money Required
purchasesummary string 200 Required
productid integer Optional
productname string 200 Optional
productsku string 200 Optional
productdescription string 200 Optional
productcategory string 200 Optional
productURL string 200 Optional
quantity integer Optional
priceperunit money Optional

Checkout Request CallbackParams Parameters

Name Type Mandatory
param1 string 200
param2 string 200
param3 string 200
param4 string 200
param5 string 200

Checkout Request Billing Parameters

Name Type Additional information
type string 200
servicecode string 200
name string 100
pan string 30
exp string 20
cvv string 3
bsb integer 07
accountnumber integer 09
accountname integer 32
"merchantid": "test_lpsv2",
"merchantkey": "hgd6h324hvhjfhg34hgf",
"terminalid":" Ter1",
"firstname": "thirlok",
"lastname": "shankar",
"phone": "1234567890",
"email": ""
"order": {
"reference": "lpstest123",
"currency": "USD",
"amount": 2,
"purchasesummary": "Ecomm purchase list",
"purchasedetail": [
"productid": "1890",
"productname": "Smart watch",
"productsku": "shop_dept_item_12434",
"productdescription": "Android Smart wear design # tyfg45667",
"productcategory": "Electronics",
"productURL": "",
"quantity": 2,
"priceperunit": 0.5
"productid": "1890",
"productname": "Smart card",
"productsku": "shop_dept_item_7895",
"productdescription": "Kingston Smart SD Card # sd43545",
"productcategory": "Electronics",
"productURL": "",
"quantity": 2,
"priceperunit": 0.5
"callback_params": {
"param1": "value1",
"param2": "value2",
"param3": "value3",
"param4": "value4",
"param5": "value5",
"notifyurl": ""
POS Checkout Response
GET /url/path/

Checkout Response Consumer Details

Name Type Additional information
firstname string 200
lastname string 200
phone string 200
email string 200

Checkout Response Order Parameters

Name Type Additional information Mandatory
reference integer 200 Required
currency string 3 Required
amount money Required
purchasesummary string 200 Required
productid integer Optional
productname string 200 Optional
productsku string 200 Optional
productdescription string 200 Optional
productcategory string 200 Optional
productURL string 200 Optional
quantity integer Optional
priceperunit money Optional

Checkout Response CallbackParams Parameters

Name Type Mandatory
param1 string 200
param2 string 200
param3 string 200
param4 string 200
param5 string 200
"merchantid": "test_lpsv2",
"transactionid": "39678",
"terminalid":" Ter1",
"responsetype": "1",
"statuscode": "2",
"errorcode": "0",
"errordesc": ""
} ,
"firstname": "thirlok",
"lastname": "shankar",
"phone": "1234567890",
"email": ""
"order": {
"reference": "lpstest123",
"currency": "USD",
"amount": 2,
"purchasesummary": "Ecomm purchase list",
"purchasedetail": [
"productid": "1890",
"productname": "Smart watch",
"productsku": "shop_dept_item_12434",
"productdescription": "Android Smart wear design # tyfg45667",
"productcategory": "Electronics",
"productURL": "",
"quantity": 2,
"priceperunit": 0.5
"productid": "1890",
"productname": "Smart card",
"productsku": "shop_dept_item_7895",
"productdescription": "Kingston Smart SD Card # sd43545",
"productcategory": "Electronics",
"productURL": "",
"quantity": 2,
"priceperunit": 0.5
"callback_params": {
"param1": "value1",
"param2": "value2",
"param3": "value3",
"param4": "value4",
"param5": "value5"
POS Reversal Request
GET /url/path/

Reversal Request Consumer Details

Name Type Additional information
firstname string 200
lastname string 200
phone string 200
email string 200

Reversal Request Order Parameters

Name Type Additional information
reference string 200
currency string 200
amount string 200
purchasesummary string 200
productid integer
productname string 200
productsku string 200
productdescription string 200
productcategory string 200
productURL string 200
quantity string 200
priceperunit string 200

Reversal Resquest CallbackParams Details

Name Type Mandatory
param1 string 200
param2 string 200
param3 string 200
param4 string 200
param5 string 200
"merchantid": "test_lpsv2",
"merchantkey": "hgd6h324hvhjfhg34hgf",
"terminalid":" Ter1",
"firstname": "thirlok",
"lastname": "shankar",
"phone": "1234567890",
"email": ""
"order": {
"reference": "lpstest123",
"currency": "USD",
"amount": 2,
"purchasesummary": "Ecomm purchase list",
"purchasedetail": [
"productid": "1890",
"productname": "Smart watch",
"productsku": "shop_dept_item_12434",
"productdescription": "Android Smart wear design # tyfg45667",
"productcategory": "Electronics",
"productURL": "",
"quantity": 2,
"priceperunit": 0.5
"productid": "1890",
"productname": "Smart card",
"productsku": "shop_dept_item_7895",
"productdescription": "Kingston Smart SD Card # sd43545",
"productcategory": "Electronics",
"productURL": "",
"quantity": 2,
"priceperunit": 0.5
"callback_params": {
"param1": "value1",
"param2": "value2",
"param3": "value3",
"param4": "value4",
"param5": "value5",
"notifyurl": ""
POS Reversal Response
GET /url/path/

Reversal Response Consumer Details

Name Type Additional information
firstname string 200
lastname string 200
phone string 200
email string 200

Response Response Order Parameters

Name Type Additional information
reference integer 200
currency string 3
amount money
purchasesummary string 200
productid integer
productname string 200
productsku string 200
productdescription string 200
productcategory string 200
productURL string 200
quantity integer
priceperunit money

Reversal Response CallbackParams Details

Name Type Mandatory
param1 string 200
param2 string 200
param3 string 200
param4 string 200
param5 string 200
"merchantid": "test_lpsv2",
"transactionid": "39678",
"terminalid":" Ter1",
"responsetype": "2",
"statuscode": "0",
"errorcode": "0",
"errordesc": ""
} ,
"firstname": "thirlok",
"lastname": "shankar",
"phone": "1234567890",
"email": ""
"order": {
"reference": "lpstest123",
"currency": "USD",
"amount": 2,
"purchasesummary": "Ecomm purchase list",
"purchasedetail": [
"productid": "1890",
"productname": "Smart watch",
"productsku": "shop_dept_item_12434",
"productdescription": "Android Smart wear design # tyfg45667",
"productcategory": "Electronics",
"productURL": "",
"quantity": 2,
"priceperunit": 0.5
"productid": "1890",
"productname": "Smart card",
"productsku": "shop_dept_item_7895",
"productdescription": "Kingston Smart SD Card # sd43545",
"productcategory": "Electronics",
"productURL": "",
"quantity": 2,
"priceperunit": 0.5
"callback_params": {
"param1": "value1",
"param2": "value2",
"param3": "value3",
"param4": "value4",
"param5": "value5"