MyKubo Distributor API
Base URI
The authentication token for a specific IP.
The SubProduct object.
A SubProduct consits on a color/size combination of a PID (Product ID). They are childs and they belong to a Product, a SubProduct only has 1 Product but a Product can have many SubProducts.
- pcid (SubProduct ID)
- pid (Product ID)
- Color
- Size
- Initial Stock
- Current Stock
Add a product (Only main product description). A product will have several sub products (Size/Color), the stock is related to the sub product.
Request parameters
Name of the product without Brand name
Brand ID (You can get from GET /brands/allowed) of the Brand of this product
Description of this product
Category ID (You can get from GET /products/categories).
Price of the product
ID of the generated Product Used for insertion of Sub Products
Add a SubProduct to a related Product
Request parameters
ID of parent Product
HEX code of the Color example FFFFFF for White 000000 for Black
Size of the product
Number of available stock
URL of an image of the respective product
Request body
SubProduct ID of the inserted SubProduct
Add an image for a respective Product/Color.
Request parameters
Product ID
HEX code of the Color
URL of the image to add
Remove the image of the respective product NOTE At least 1 image is necessary, if it’s the last image an error will be thrown
Request parameters
ID of the Product
HEX code of the color
Query which Brands the current session is allowed to create products from.
Brand ID
Name of the Brand
Country name in English
Contact: International phone number
Note Without the +
The URL of the current logo settled up by the brand
Note The link is a permanent link, if Brand changes the logo, the image returned on this URL will also change