Event App Rest API Documentation
Base URI
{system generated unique id of the user}
{unique id of the user}
/delete/{event id}
{unique id of the user}
{unique id of the user}
{event id}
/user/{unique id of the user}
This API is used to register new user for the app. The API accept JSON dectionary as request and return response in JSON dictionary.
Request body
This API is used to login the user inside the app. The API accept JSON request and return JSON response. Note: For social media signin there is no need to use this API. For social media signin developer should use the signup api instead of using the signin api from signup api developer can find the unique id and paas the user to the home page.
Request body
{system generated unique id of the user}
This api is used to terminate the session. There is no need of JSON dictionary only pass the udi of the user in the URL path. The response will be in JSON format.
Path variables
This api is used to create new event from the app. The event is created by a specific user.
Request parameters
System generated unique id of the user
Category id
Event description
Base64 string of the image
Country of the event
title of the event
event date
event state
event city
event phone number
{unique id of the user}
/delete/{event id}
This api is used to delete event. Developer only need to pass the uid of the user and event id in the URL path.
Path variables
{unique id of the user}
This api is used to get all the user events. Developer only need to pass the uid of the user in the url.
Path variables
{unique id of the user}
This api is used to get all events.
Path variables
{event id}
/user/{unique id of the user}
This api is used to fetch the detail of any event. Developer only need to pass the event id and uid of the user in the url.
Path variables
This api is used to update event data. There is no field for the image update developer have to use another api for the event image upload.
Request parameters
unique id of the user
Event id
Event description
Event country
It will be 1 if user select a image for update and it will be 0 if user don’t select any image for update. Also, there is no need to post image variable if user don’t select any image for update while the imageFlag variable is 0.
base64 image string for the event image update
event title
event date
event state
event city
event email
event phone number
This api is used to update the event image
Request parameters
uid of the user
event id
base64 string of the image