/creaturesList of all projects across multiple organisations
Request parameters
The account that is aggregating the projects
The Beneficial Owner of the Project
Carbon Streaming
Carbon Streaming owner of multiple projects
Details of Carbon Blocks
ID of the carbon inventory
Carbon Inventory Name
Vintage of carbon
Prices for Carbon
Block Numbers for given carbon
ID of usage type
GET /projects HTTP/1.1
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
"content": [
"id": "69de6a72-2797-11ed-b110-42010a9a0008",
"name": "Kariba REDD+ Project",
"description": "The Kariba REDD+ Project will generate approximately 196,500,000 carbon credits from reduced emissions associated with deforestation over 30 years. The reduction in deforestation “will be achieved through a series of activities that are designed to significantly improve the livelihoods of locals",
"account": {
"id": "",
"name": "",
"description": ""
"owner": {
"id": "",
"name": "",
"description": ""
"carbon": [
"id": "",
"name": "",
"vintage": {
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"to_date": ""
"unit_type": "VCU",
"costs": {
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"pricing": [
"id": "95ac16e3-c194-11ec-a97e-42010a9a0008",
"name": "Island Innovation NFT",
"price_model": "FLAT",
"sales_prices": [
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"currency": "USDC",
"display_price": "$40.00",
"effective_date": 1650557281,
"price": 40,
"tax_model": "INCLUSIVE"
"block": {
"start_block": 1,
"end_block": 1,
"total_blocks": 1
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Path variables
Stand For Trees
/carbonPath variables
/collectionsPath variables
GET /projects/{id}/collections HTTP/1.1
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
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"name": "",
"base_url": "",
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"address": "",
"abi": "",
"is_mc": "",
"blockchain": {
"network": ""
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"id": "",
"nft_type": "MERCHANDISE",
"name": "rarity",
"description": "",
"attribute_value": "Critically Endangered",
"lexicon": "nft.rarity",
"iso639-2": "eng",
"attribute_type": "NUMERIC"
/creaturesPath variables
/retirementsGets a list of retirements recorded in MC dbms and the certificates from the IHS or VERA registry
Request parameters
List of Project ID’s for filter
Start Date for filter
Ed Date for filter
Request headers
Used for Server to Server API
Registry serial number
guid of additional certifications
GET /retirements HTTP/1.1
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
"content": [
"id": "69de6a72-2797-11ed-b110-42010a9a0008",
"retirement_date": 1,
"serial_number": "5570-246363874-246363878-VCU-024-MER-PE-14-985-08082013-07082014-1",
"carbon_inventory": {
"id": "",
"name": "",
"vintage": {
"vintage": "2014 - 2016",
"vintage_from": 1,
"vintage_to": 1
"unit_type": "VCU",
"purchase_date": 1,
"costs": {
"purchase_price": 1,
"currency": "USD"
"blocks": 1,
"serial_number": "",
"supplier": {
"id": "",
"name": ""
"verifier_reference": ""
"project": {
"id": "",
"name": "",
"description": ""
"account": {
"id": "",
"name": "",
"description": ""
"beneficiary": {
"id": "",
"name": "",
"description": ""
"certifcations": [
"id": "",
"name": "CCB-Gold"
"reason": {
"id": "",
"name": "",
"description": ""
"registry": [
"id": "VERRA",
"name": "",
"certificate_address": ""
"financials": [
"id": "",
"financial_type": "COST",
"wallet": 154.5,
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"is_conversion": true,
"currency_code": "",
"rate": 144.5
"paging": {
"page_number": 1,
"page_size": 10
"total_elements": 4,
"total_pages": 1
Gets a list of retirements recorded in MC dbms and the certificates from the IHS or VERA registry
Request body
Optional ID if not provided a system generated ID will be created
/retirementsPath variables
Path variables
/projectsRequest body
POST /transactions HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
"transactionDate": "2023-03-16T12:39:12.325Z",
"reference": "string",
"baseCurrency": {
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"currency": "string"
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"amount": 1,
"currency": "string"
"wallet": {
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"walletAddress": "string"
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"forename": "fred",
"surname": "smith",
"email": "",
"phone": "+447566224395"
"project": {
"id": "guidproject"
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"id": "guidcampaign"
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"txId": "string",
"receivedFrom": {
"id": "string",
"alias": "string",
"walletAddress": "string"
"affiliate": {
"id": "string"
/projectsPath variables
Request body
Project ID
POST /projects/{id}/wallets HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
"wallet": {
"id": "",
"wallet_address": ""
"priority": "",
"wallet_role": "REVENUE"
/projectsPath variables
Either the Wallet ID provied by MC or external wallet address
Role of the wallet will be SUPPORTER in self service
GET /wallets/{id}/projects HTTP/1.1
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
"project": {
"id": "",
"name": "",
"description": ""
"priority": 1,
"percentage": 1,
"wallet_role": ""
Request body
Details of the contact the ID can cross refrence an internal ID used by the host system, or generated by MC
Wallet details for any transactions
Project info that this contact wishes to support
If supporting multiple
POST /supporters HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
"contact": {
"id": "",
"alias": "",
"forename": "",
"surname": "",
"contact_email": ""
"wallet": {
"wallet_address": ""
"project": [
"id": "Project ID for supporter",
"priority": "priority of support",
"percentage": 1
Request parameters
Email Address
Phone Number
Path variables
/projectsPath variables
/productsGet a list of the links to a collection product and linked creature
Path variables
API’s to support Merchandising
/rankingsRequest parameters
Date of campaign start
Date campaign Ends
GET /campaigns HTTP/1.1
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
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"project": {
"id": "",
"name": "",
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"creature": {
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"name": "",
"description": "",
"iucn_status": "EXTINCT",
"iucn_url": ""
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"iucn_status": "EXTINCT_WILD",
"iucn_url": ""
"effective": {
"start": 1,
"end": 1
/rankingsGet the current rankings for a campaign across the projects supported ordered by project
Path variables
Request parameters
Start date time of the ranking
Filter project ID’s otherwise all projects will be assigned
/rankingsGet the current rankings for a campaign across the projects supported ordered by project
Path variables
Request parameters
Start date time of the ranking
Get the current rankings for a campaign across the projects supported ordered by project
Request parameters
Start date time of the ranking
/nftsNFT are created based on a Product in the case of merchandising, or simply represetn a certifiction such as a retirement certificate
/attributesRequest parameters
List of collection ID
date ranges use dot notation for different params created.from created.before
Type of NFT
Type of nft Merchandise or Retirement
Single Image from Media Link
Single Video from Media Link
date of minting
Contact Details Name or alias if linked
Contacts name or alias
Date ownership was assigned
Date ownership was ended if transfered.
GET /nfts HTTP/1.1
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
"content": [
"id": "e28afa4d-c18b-11ec-a97e-42010a9a0008",
"name": "Fred Island NFT",
"description": "There are 10,000 Island Innovation Impact NFTs and each represents 1 seedling being planted by Fundacion Groupo Social. 70% of the money is spent buying and planting seedlings, 15% supports Island Innovation and 15% supports Meta Carbon Inc.",
"nft_type": "MERCHANDISE",
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"name": ""
"contact": {
"id": "",
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"page_size": 10
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Path variables
Request body
NFT attributes are defined with a product caaog. Once purchased they an instance of the product catalog is created as an NFT.
Family taken from the product catalog
brand taken
GET /nfts/{id} HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
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"name": "Fred Island NFT",
"description": "There are 10,000 Island Innovation Impact NFTs and each represents 1 seedling being planted by Fundacion Groupo Social. 70% of the money is spent buying and planting seedlings, 15% supports Island Innovation and 15% supports Meta Carbon Inc.",
"nft_type": "RETIREMENT",
"creatives": [
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"height": 194,
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"product": {
"integration": {
"id": "",
"name": "",
"sku": ""
"id": "",
"name": "Island NFT",
"description": "There are 10,000 Island Innovation Impact NFTs and each represents 1 seedling being planted by Fundacion Groupo Social. 70% of the money is spent buying and planting seedlings, 15% supports Island Innovation and 15% supports Meta Carbon Inc.",
"sku": "",
"family": "Island Innovatoion",
"brand": ""
"blockchain": {
"token": {
"id": "",
"hash": "",
"uri": ""
"platform": "POLYGON",
"minted_date": ""
"collection": {
"id": "",
"name": ""
"owners": [
"id": "",
"wallet_id": "",
"contact": {
"id": "",
"name": ""
"ownership_start": 1,
"ownwership_end": ""
/nfsGet a list of NFT’s for a collection
Path variables
Request parameters
List of nft_types
/attributesList of attributes for an NFT, extracted from the Product Catalog
Path variables
GET /nfts/{id}/attributes HTTP/1.1
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
"id": "",
"name": "",
"description": "",
"attribute_value": "Critically Endangered",
"iso639-2": "eng"
Request parameters
List of collection ID
date ranges use dot notation for different params created.from created.before
Type of NFT
Type of nft Merchandise or Retirement
NFT originating product from catalog.
If the product originated from an external source such as Shopify
Original Product Name
Original product Description
Family from product Catalog
Brand from Product Catalog
date of minting
Contact Details Name or alias if linked
Contacts name or alias
Date ownership was assigned
Date ownership was ended if transfered.
GET /nfts HTTP/1.1
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
"content": [
"id": "e28afa4d-c18b-11ec-a97e-42010a9a0008",
"name": "Fred Island NFT",
"description": "There are 10,000 Island Innovation Impact NFTs and each represents 1 seedling being planted by Fundacion Groupo Social. 70% of the money is spent buying and planting seedlings, 15% supports Island Innovation and 15% supports Meta Carbon Inc.",
"nft_type": "RETIREMENT",
"creatives": [
"id": "0e02f4ab-797c-405c-8bf7-14651e28fe05",
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"id": "",
"name": "Island NFT",
"description": "There are 10,000 Island Innovation Impact NFTs and each represents 1 seedling being planted by Fundacion Groupo Social. 70% of the money is spent buying and planting seedlings, 15% supports Island Innovation and 15% supports Meta Carbon Inc.",
"sku": "",
"family": "Island Innovation",
"brand": ""
"blockchain": {
"token": {
"id": "",
"hash": "",
"uri": ""
"platform": "WAX",
"minted_date": ""
"collection": {
"id": "",
"name": ""
"owners": [
"id": "",
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Meta-carbon supports its own Product Catlog to allow Digital Goods such as NFT’s like a creature to be specified inlcuding all the variants and prices. These Products can then be used to apply attributes to an NFT, Creature Type, Colour, Gender, Endangered status.
If required then third party catalogs can be used, suc h as Shopify or other eCommerce platforms.
Request parameters
Type of Products
GET /products HTTP/1.1
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
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"name": "Island Innovation NFT",
"description": "There are 10,000 Island Innovation Impact NFTs and each represents 1 seedling being planted by Fundacion Groupo Social. 70% of the money is spent buying and planting seedlings, 15% supports Island Innovation and 15% supports Meta Carbon Inc.",
"business_type": "NFT",
"product_type": "NFT",
"product_class": "DIGITAL",
"sold_as": "SERIES",
"tenant_id": "0eafff17-c290-44ed-8556-f142533fb251",
"sku": "II-NFT-01",
"series_count": 10000,
"families": [
"id": "18b13e22-c18c-11ec-a97e-42010a9a0008",
"name": "Island Innovation",
"description": "Connecting Islands for Positive Change"
"brands": [
"id": "8ae09b0c-c18c-11ec-a97e-42010a9a0008",
"name": "Island Innovation",
"description": "Island Innovation"
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"name": "Island Innovation NFT",
"prices": [
"id": "38186aea-c18d-11ec-a97e-42010a9a0008",
"name": "II-NFT-BASE",
"location_code": "UK",
"currency": "USD",
"display_price": "$40.00",
"effective_date": 1650557281,
"during_binding": true,
"price": 40,
"tax_model": "INCLUSIVE"
"payment_model": "PREPAY",
"price_model": "FLAT",
"price_type": "ONE_OFF",
"primary": true
"features": [
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Generic Creatives Array
Atttrubutes for an NFT
Attribute name
How rare is the NFT
json supported element name
Simple Financials to record transctional cost and sales for multiple currency
Type of transaction amount Cost or Sale, with multiple sales reflecting differenct currencies for the same transaction
Total sales price based on number of units
amount of sale or cost in given currency.
Total cost price of transction
Atttrubutes for an Collection used for defining the NFT
Attribute name
How rare is the NFT
json supported element name
Used to link the orginal product catalog item, that can be used as base properties for an NFT
Creature / Animals including IUCN status and link
Loss of Arctic sea ice due to climate change is the most serious threat to Polar Bears.
Ownership object
Simple product schema for use in merchandising
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"name": "Fred Island NFT",
"description": "There are 10,000 Island Innovation Impact NFTs and each represents 1 seedling being planted by Fundacion Groupo Social. 70% of the money is spent buying and planting seedlings, 15% supports Island Innovation and 15% supports Meta Carbon Inc.",
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Generic Creatives Array
Simple retirement object for use in events
Events fired for NFT Minting
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"description": "There are 10,000 Island Innovation Impact NFTs and each represents 1 seedling being planted by Fundacion Groupo Social. 70% of the money is spent buying and planting seedlings, 15% supports Island Innovation and 15% supports Meta Carbon Inc.",
"nft_type": "RETIREMENT",
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"description": "",
"iucn_status": "VULNERABLE",
"iucn_url": ""
"project_type": {
"id": "",
"name": ""
"retirement": {
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"carbon_inventory": {
"id": "b863ad8f-40e3-11ed-adf6-42010a9a000c",
"name": "Brazilian Rosewood Consignment",
"description": "",
"vintage": {
"name": "2014",
"vintage_from": "2014",
"vintage_to": null
"co2_kilogram_units": 114,
"unit_type": "",
"serial_number": "4258-180357760-180357760-VCU-016-APX-ZW-14-902-01012012-30062012-1"
"registry": {
"id": "",
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