Ekar Web Services One SIPP One Car
Base URI
For currency codes, we use three characters international standard designed by ISO 4217.
Request parameters
{ “Id”: 1, “Name”: “TL”, “CurrencyCode”: “TRY”, “Rate”: 1, “DisplayLocale”: null, “CustomFormatting”: null, “LimitedToStores”: null, “DisplayOrder”: 1 }
The fuel type is listed in two options as Diesel or Gasoline.
Request parameters
[ { “Id”: 1, “Name”: “GASOLINE”, “isActive”: true }, { “Id”: 2, “Name”: “DIESEL”, “isActive”: true } ]
The service is used to access branch lists.
Request parameters
User Name
The data type that you want to be listed (json / xml)
Represents the language structure. Turkish (tr) is called in English (en).
{ “Id”: 1, “Name”: “İSTANBUL”, “Address”: “Yeni Bosna Merkez Mah. Değirmenbahçe Cad. İstwest Konutları A2A Blok K.1 D.2”, “Phone”: “02128011605”, “Phone2”: null, “CellPhone”: null, “Fax”: null, “Email”: "istanbul@ekartur.com", “CityId”: 34, “TownId”: null, “PersonnelId”: null, “WorkStartTime”: “08:00:00”, “WorkStopTime”: “22:00:00”, “Latitude”: null, “Longitude”: null }
The Car Groups are listed in our service.
Request parameters
Web Service username which is defined for you has to been entered.
Web Service password which is defined for you has to been entered.
Listing Type
Group Id
Group Name
This is the field indicating the Active or Passive state.
GET /api/Group/GetGroup?username=ekar&password=123456&type=json&lang=tr?Username=ekar&Password=123456&type=type=json veya type=xml&lang=lang=tr veya lang=en HTTP/1.1
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
The service is listed in the list of vehicle brands.
Request parameters
Enter the Web Service User Name defined by you.
The Web Service Password defined by you must be entered.
Listing Type
“Id”: 2, “Name”: “AUDI”, “isActive”: true
Brand Id
Brand Name
It shows the active or passive position of Brand. The active ones will be considered valid. Passive brands will not be supplied.
The Car Brands are listed in our web service list.
Request parameters
Enter the Web Service User Name defined by you.
The Web Service Password defined by you must be entered.
Listing Type
“Id”: 1, “BrandId”: 2, “Name”: “A3”, “saveUser”: 1, “saveDate”: “2018-09-14T12:21:00”, “editUser”: null, “editDate”: null, “isActive”: true
Model Id
Brand Id
Model Name
It is the active or passive state of the model. The active ones will be considered valid.
Vehicle is the service that lists the transmission types.
Request parameters
Enter the Web Service User Name defined by you.
The Web Service Password defined by you must be entered.
Listing Type
{ “Id”: 1, “Name”: “AUTOMATIC”, “isActive”: true }, { “Id”: 2, “Name”: “MANUEL”, “isActive”: true }
Gearbox Id
Gearbox Name
This is the field indicating the Active or Passive state.
Our services are listed in our locations. The location of the vehicle buying location and the drop-off location are calculated automatically according to the latitude longitude information.
Request parameters
Enter the Web Service User Name defined by you.
The Web Service Password defined by you must be entered.
Listing Type
Searching Location
“Id”: 1, “Code”: “ADA51”, “Name”: “Adana Havalimanı”, “Phone”: “08503043527”, “Address”: “Seyhan Mah. Meydan Cad. Seyhan/ADANA” “BranchId”: 1, “Latitude”: “36,999186”, “Longitude”: “35,3168502”
Location Id
Location Code
Location Name
Location Phone
Location Address
Branch Id
Location Latitude Info
Location Longtitude Info
The service is used to access the Reservation Resources lists.
Request parameters
User Name
The data type you want to list (json / xml)
{ “Id”: 1, “Name”: “DOMESTIC” }, { “Id”: 2, “Name”: “INTERNATIONAL” }
Available Our service is used to access vehicle lists. Optionally, filters can be provided according to Brand, Model, Fuel Type and Transmission types.
Request parameters
User Name
The data type you want to list (json / xml)
Pick Up Location Id
Pick Up Date must be formatted dd.MM.yyyy
Pick Up time must be formatted hh:mm
Return Location Id
Return Date must be formatted dd.MM.yyyy
Return time must be formatted hh:mm
Fuel Type Id
Gearbox Id
“Id”: 3,
“Fuel”: “BENZİN”,
“Gearbox”: “OTOMATIK”,
“Door”: 1,
“Passenger”: 1,
“Image”: null,
“Body”: “1/1”,
“AgeLimit”: 21,
“DrivingLicenseLimit”: 2,
“DailyExchangeRate”: “Infinity”,
“Exchange”: 0,
“SIPPCode”: “CDMR”,
“DailyPrice”: 180,
“USDDailyPrice”: 0,
“EURDailyPrice”: 0,
“TotalPrice”: 750,
“PickupOffice”: "Adana ",
“ReturnOffice”: "Adana ",
“OneWayFee”: 0,
“RentalDays”: 5,
“Explation”: “Kiralama Şartları
1. Findeks Sorgulaması yapılır.
2. KABIS”,
“Extra”: [
“Id”: 1,
“Name”: “Navigasyon”,
“Price”: 20,
“DailyRate”: “Per Day”
“Id”: 2,
“Name”: “Özel Şoför”,
“Price”: 150,
“DailyRate”: “Per Day”
“Id”: 3,
“Name”: “Bebek Koltuğu (0-2 Yaş)”,
“Price”: 20,
“DailyRate”: “Per Day”
“Id”: 4,
“Name”: “Ek Sürücü”,
“Price”: 20,
“DailyRate”: “Per Day”
“Id”: 5,
“Name”: “Genç Sürücü”,
“Price”: 20,
“DailyRate”: “Per Day”
“Id”: 7,
“Name”: “200 Kilometre Ek Sürüş Paketi”,
“Price”: 70,
“DailyRate”: “Per Rental”
“Id”: 8,
“Name”: “300 Kilometre Ek Sürüş Paketi”,
“Price”: 90,
“DailyRate”: “Per Rental”
“Id”: 9,
“Name”: “Muafiyetli Sigorta (CDW)”,
“Price”: 0,
“DailyRate”: “Per Day”
“Id”: 10,
“Name”: “İptal Ücreti”,
“Price”: 0,
“DailyRate”: “Per Day”
“Id”: 11,
“Name”: “Ücretsiz Rezervasyon Değişikliği”,
“Price”: 0,
“DailyRate”: “Per Day”
“Id”: 13,
“Name”: “Lastik - Cam - Far Sigortası”,
“Price”: 20,
“DailyRate”: “Per Day”
“Id”: 14,
“Name”: “Mobil Wi-Fi”,
“Price”: 20,
“DailyRate”: “Per Day”
“Id”: 15,
“Name”: “Çocuk Koltuğu (+2 yaş)”,
“Price”: 20,
“DailyRate”: “Per Day”
“Id”: 16,
“Name”: “Ferdi Kaza Sigortası (PAI)”,
“Price”: 20,
“DailyRate”: “Per Day”
“Id”: 17,
“Name”: “Mini Hasar Sigortası”,
“Price”: 20,
“DailyRate”: “Per Day”
“Id”: 18,
“Name”: “Full Kasko (SCDW)”,
“Price”: 30,
“DailyRate”: “Per Day”
“Id”: 19,
“Name”: “100 Kilometre Ek Sürüş Paketi”,
“Price”: 50,
“DailyRate”: “Per Rental”
“Id”: 20,
“Name”: “500 Kilometre Ek Sürüş Paketi”,
“Price”: 110,
“DailyRate”: “Per Rental”
“Id”: 21,
“Name”: “400 Kilometre Ek Sürüş Paketi”,
“Price”: 100,
“DailyRate”: “Per Rental”
“Id”: 22,
“Name”: “İhtiyari Mali Mesuliyet Sigortası”,
“Price”: 20,
“DailyRate”: “Per Day”
“Id”: 23,
“Name”: “Erken Dönüş Paketi”,
“Price”: 20,
“DailyRate”: “Per Day”
“Id”: 24,
“Name”: “Yıkama Bedeli”,
“Price”: 20,
“DailyRate”: “Per Rental”
Request parameters
User Name
The data type you want to list (json / xml)
Customer name (Uppercase - English character) (required)
Customer surname (Uppercase - English character) (required)
T. C. Citizenship Number (required)
Passport Number or foreign customers (if the customer is foreigner)
Customer mobile (required)
Customer address (required)
Delivery typeId (required)
Currency (required)
Reservation Type Id (1 = Net | 2 = Option) If option is selected, the Options field should be selected as maximum 30 days. (required)
The option duration is valid if option 2 (Option) is selected in the reservation type field. Otherwise it will be defined as 0 (zero). (required)
Referance Number
The Car Pick Up Location (required)
The Car Pick Up Date (required)
The Car Pick Up Time (required)
The Car Return Location (required)
The Car Return Date (required)
The Car Return Time (required)
Length of Rental (required)
The Car Group (required)
The Car Brand (required)
The Car Model (required)
The Car Gearbox (required)
The Car Fuel Type (required)
Payment Type (required)
Total Rental Amount (Decimal) (required)
Drop off Fee(Decimal) (required)
Additional Services Total Amount (Decimal) (required)
Total Amount (required)
Reservation description
Credit card type (Payment Method if credit card is required)
Credit card number (Payment Method if credit card is required)
CVV (Payment Method if credit card is required)
Expiry Date (MONTH) (Payment Method if credit card is required)
Expiry Date (YEAR) - The last two digits of the year information must be entered. (Payment Method if credit card is required)
Daily rent (Decimal) (required)
Navigation service (Decimal) (Required if sold to Customer)
Private driver service (Decimal) (Required if sold to customer)
BabySeat (Decimal) (required if sold to customer)
Additional driver (Decimal) (Required if sold to Customer)
Young driver (Decimal) (required if sold to Customer)
100 KM additional driving package (Decimal) (Required if sold to customer)
200 KM additional driving package (Decimal) (Required if sold to customer)
300 KM additional driving package (Decimal) (Required if sold to customer)
400 KM additional driving package (Decimal) (Required if sold to customer)
500 KM additional driving package (Decimal) (Required if sold to customer)
CDW Collision Damage Waiver with excess(Decimal) (Required if sold to Customer)
Cancellation fee (Decimal) (Required if sold to Customer)
Free booking change (Decimal) (Required if sold to Customer)
Free booking change (Decimal) (Required if sold to Customer)
Mobile Wifi (Decimal) (Required if sold to Customer)
Child Seat(Decimal) (Required if sold to Customer)
Personal Accident Insurance (PAI) (Decimal) (Required if sold to Customer)
Mini Damage Insurance (Decimal) (Required if sold to Customer)
Super Collision Damage Waiver (SCDW) (Decimal) (Required if sold to Customer)
Supplementary Liability Insurance(SLI) (Decimal) (Required if sold to Customer)
Early Returning Package (Decimal) (Required if sold to Customer)
Tax 18% (Decimal) (Required)
Total Additional Services (Decimal) (Required)
Subtotal (Decimal) (Required)
Total (Decimal) (Required)
{ “Status”: “True”, “Message”: “Your booking has been successfully registered.” },
{ “Status”: “False”, “Message”: “Error: Your reservation information is missing or incorrect. Please check.” }
Reservation Number
Payment Method Id = 3 or 1
POST /api/Reservation/PostReservation?Username=ekar&Password=ekar1234&type=json&lang=tr veya en&CustomerName=MEHMET&CustomerSurname=BOSTANCI&TCIdentificationNumber=12345678916&PassportNumber=RT123123&CustomerPhone=08503043527&CustomerAddress=Yenibosna Merkez Mahallesi Değirmenbahçe Caddesi No:17 İstwest Çarşı A1A Blok No:176 Bahçelievler İSTANBUL&DeliveryTypeId=Ofis Teslim = 1, Adres Teslim = 2&CurrencyId=TRY = 1, USD = 2, EURO = 3, GBP = 4&ReservationTypeId=Net = 1, Opsiyon = 2&Options=1&ReferanceNumber=RF123546&ExitLocationId=1&ExitDate=19.09.2018&ExitTime=10:00&ReturnLocationId=1&ReturnDate=28.09.2018&ReturnTime=10:00&RentalDay=13&Group=CDMD&Brand=RENAULT&Model=CLIO&Gearbox=OTOMATIK&Fuel=DIZEL&PaymentMethodId=Nakit = 1, Kredi Kartı = 2, Faturalama = 3&TotalPrice=1000.00&DropPrice=1000.00&ServicesTotal=1000.00&Total=1000.00&Explanation=Araç full depo verilip, full depo teslim alınacaktır.&DailyPrice=120.00&Navigation=400.00&PrivateDriver=0.00&BabyChair=0.00&AdditionalDriver=0.00&YoungDriver=0.00&AdditionalDrivingPackage100KM=0.00&AdditionalDrivingPackage200KM=0.00&AdditionalDrivingPackage300KM=0.00&AdditionalDrivingPackage400KM=0.00&AdditionalDrivingPackage500KM=0.00&ExemptInsurance=0.00&CancellationFee=0.00&FreeBookingAmendment=0.00&TireGlassFarInsurance=0.00&MobileWifi=0.00&ChildChair=0.00&PersonalAccidentInsurance=0.00&MiniDamageInsurance=0.00&FullInsurance=0.00&AdditionalLiabilityInsurance=0.00&EarlyReturnPackage=0.00&Tax=0.00&ServiceTotal=0.00&Subtotal=0.00&GrandTotal=0.00 HTTP/1.1
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
"Status": "True",
"Message": "Your booking has been successfully registered.",
"ReservationNumber": "REZ-154896"
Payment Method Id = 2
POST /api/Reservation/PostReservation?Username=ekar&Password=ekar1234&type=json&lang=tr veya en&CustomerName=MEHMET&CustomerSurname=BOSTANCI&TCIdentificationNumber=12345678916&PassportNumber=RT123123&CustomerPhone=08503043527&CustomerAddress=Yenibosna Merkez Mahallesi Değirmenbahçe Caddesi No:17 İstwest Çarşı A1A Blok No:176 Bahçelievler İSTANBUL&DeliveryTypeId=Ofis Teslim = 1, Adres Teslim = 2&CurrencyId=TRY = 1, USD = 2, EURO = 3, GBP = 4&ReservationTypeId=Net = 1, Opsiyon = 2&Options=1&ReferanceNumber=RF123546&ExitLocationId=1&ExitDate=19.09.2018&ExitTime=10:00&ReturnLocationId=1&ReturnDate=28.09.2018&ReturnTime=10:00&RentalDay=13&Group=CDMD&Brand=RENAULT&Model=CLIO&Gearbox=OTOMATIK&Fuel=DIZEL&PaymentMethodId=Nakit = 1, Kredi Kartı = 2, Faturalama = 3&TotalPrice=1000.00&DropPrice=1000.00&ServicesTotal=1000.00&Total=1000.00&Explanation=Araç full depo verilip, full depo teslim alınacaktır.&CardType=VISA, MASTER, AMEX&CardNumber=1234-1234-1234-5678&CVV=123&CardExpireDateMonth=01&CardExpireDateYear=21&DailyPrice=120.00&Navigation=400.00&PrivateDriver=0.00&BabyChair=0.00&AdditionalDriver=0.00&YoungDriver=0.00&AdditionalDrivingPackage100KM=0.00&AdditionalDrivingPackage200KM=0.00&AdditionalDrivingPackage300KM=0.00&AdditionalDrivingPackage400KM=0.00&AdditionalDrivingPackage500KM=0.00&ExemptInsurance=0.00&CancellationFee=0.00&FreeBookingAmendment=0.00&TireGlassFarInsurance=0.00&MobileWifi=0.00&ChildChair=0.00&PersonalAccidentInsurance=0.00&MiniDamageInsurance=0.00&FullInsurance=0.00&AdditionalLiabilityInsurance=0.00&EarlyReturnPackage=0.00&Tax=0.00&ServiceTotal=0.00&Subtotal=0.00&GrandTotal=0.00 HTTP/1.1
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
"Status": "True",
"Message": "Your booking has been successfully registered.",
"ReservationNumber": "REZ-154896"
Reservation Details
Request parameters
The data type you want to list (json / xml)
Reservation Number
[{“DeliveryType”:“Ofis Teslim”,“Currency”:“TRY”,“ReservationType”:“Net”,“Options”:0,“ReservationNumber”:“REZ-001129”,“CustomerName”:“KADRI”,“CustomerSurname”:“CIGA”,“TCIdentificationNumber”:null,“PassportNumber”:null,“CustomerPhone”:“905555555555”,“CustomerAddress”:“Istanbul”,“ExitLocation”:“ADANA HAVALIMANI”,“ExitDate”:“20.12.2018”,“ExitTime”:“10:00”,“ReturnLocation”:“ADANA HAVALIMANI”,“ReturnDate”:“22.12.2018”,“ReturnTime”:“11:00”,“RentalDay”:2,“Group”:“IDMD”,“Brand”:“TOYOTA”,“Model”:“COROLLA”,“Gearbox”:“MANUEL”,“Fuel”:“BENZIN”,“PaymentMethod”:“NAKİT”,“Price”:406.15,“DropPrice”:0.0,“ServicesTotal”:0.0,“Vat”:0.0,“Total”:406.065,“Status”:“Beklemede”,“DailyPrice”:123.05,“Day”:2,“KM”:0.00,“Discount”:0.00,“OneWayFee”:0.00,“Navigation”:0.00,“PrivateDriver”:0.00,“BabyChair”:0.00,“AdditionalDriver”:0.00,“YoungDriver”:0.00,“AdditionalDrivingPackage100KM”:0.00,“AdditionalDrivingPackage200KM”:0.00,“AdditionalDrivingPackage300KM”:0.00,“AdditionalDrivingPackage400KM”:0.00,“AdditionalDrivingPackage500KM”:0.00,“ExemptInsurance”:0.00,“CancellationFee”:0.00,“FreeBookingAmendment”:0.00,“LiabilityInsurance”:0.00,“TireGlassFarInsurance”:0.00,“MobileWifi”:0.00,“ChildChair”:0.00,“PersonalAccidentInsurance”:0.00,“MiniDamageInsurance”:0.00,“FullInsurance”:0.00,“AdditionalLiabilityInsurance”:0.00,“EarlyReturnPackage”:0.00,“WashPrice”:0.00,“Tax”:0.00,“ServiceTotal”:0.00,“Subtotal”:0.00,“GrandTotal”:0.00}]
GET /api/ReservationDetail/GetReservationDetail?Username=ekar&Password=ekar1234&type=json&lang=tr veya en&ReservationNumber=REZ-012545 HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
[{"DeliveryType":"Ofis Teslim","Currency":"TRY","ReservationType":"Net","Options":0,"ReservationNumber":"REZ-001129","CustomerName":"KADRI","CustomerSurname":"CIGA","TCIdentificationNumber":null,"PassportNumber":null,"CustomerPhone":"905555555555","CustomerAddress":"Istanbul","ExitLocation":"ADANA HAVALIMANI","ExitDate":"20.12.2018","ExitTime":"10:00","ReturnLocation":"ADANA HAVALIMANI","ReturnDate":"22.12.2018","ReturnTime":"11:00","RentalDay":2,"Group":"IDMD","Brand":"TOYOTA","Model":"COROLLA","Gearbox":"MANUEL","Fuel":"BENZIN","PaymentMethod":"NAKİT","Price":406.15,"DropPrice":0.0,"ServicesTotal":0.0,"Vat":0.0,"Total":406.065,"Status":"Beklemede","DailyPrice":123.05,"Day":2,"KM":0.00,"Discount":0.00,"OneWayFee":0.00,"Navigation":0.00,"PrivateDriver":0.00,"BabyChair":0.00,"AdditionalDriver":0.00,"YoungDriver":0.00,"AdditionalDrivingPackage100KM":0.00,"AdditionalDrivingPackage200KM":0.00,"AdditionalDrivingPackage300KM":0.00,"AdditionalDrivingPackage400KM":0.00,"AdditionalDrivingPackage500KM":0.00,"ExemptInsurance":0.00,"CancellationFee":0.00,"FreeBookingAmendment":0.00,"LiabilityInsurance":0.00,"TireGlassFarInsurance":0.00,"MobileWifi":0.00,"ChildChair":0.00,"PersonalAccidentInsurance":0.00,"MiniDamageInsurance":0.00,"FullInsurance":0.00,"AdditionalLiabilityInsurance":0.00,"EarlyReturnPackage":0.00,"WashPrice":0.00,"Tax":0.00,"ServiceTotal":0.00,"Subtotal":0.00,"GrandTotal":0.00}]
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
The service used to cancel the reservation.
Request parameters
The data type you want to list (json / xml)
Reservation Number
3 = Reservation Cancel
{ “Status”: “True”, “Message”: “Cancellation Process Completed!” }