API Documentation
For authentication, we use basic HTTP authentication. So you need to pass base64 encoded string of “<tenant_name>:<api_key>” in credentials.
You can generate the API key from our Web App’s Admin Panel > Settings > APIs page.
CURL Command Example
curl … “Authorization: Basic <base64 encoded string of tenant_name:api_key” …
PHP CURL Example
$auth_token = base64_encode("<tenant_name>:<api_key>");
$headers = array(“Content-type:application/json”, "Authorization: Basic ".$auth_token );
$ch = curl_init();
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $headers);
The set of APIs in this section allow you to create and update departments, classes, subjects and so on…
This API allows you to insert or update a department.
Request headers
Request body
JSON encoded string of required parameters.
id: Id of the department to be updated (If id is not specified then it will perform insert operation. If id is specified then it will perform update opearation. Thus id is required for update operation.)
name: Name of the department to be added
type: Fixed string “department”
This section shows the different responses from the API.
1 for success and 0 for error or failure.
A small string representing the error type (only when success is 0).
This example shows the success value when a department is inserted or updated successfully.
"success": 1
This example shows the error when the parameters passed are not valid.
"success": 0,
"error": "invalid_parameters"
This example shows the error status when a department with same name exists.
"success": 0,
"error": "already_exists"
This example shows the error status if there is any error while saving the data.
"success": 0,
"error": "record_save_error"
Authorization failed.
curl -X POST "https://evaluate3x.classe365.com/rest/academic" -H -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Basic ZXZhbHVhdGUzeDpsY2g4Y0QqeFJqMzMwVmEm" -d 'data={"name": "Engineering", "type": "department"}'
This API allows you to insert or update a class.
Request headers
Request body
JSON encoded string of required parameters.
id: Id of the class to be updated. Update operation: ID is required Insert operation: ID is not required.
department_id: ID of the department. This is required only if Department is enabled. Update operation: department_id is not required.
name: Name of the class to be added.
code: Class code for the class.
student_limit: (Optional) Numeric positive integer value. Indicates the maximum student limit for a section.
type: Static string “class”.
This section shows the different responses from the API.
1 for success and Zero for error or failure.
A small string representing the error type (only when success is Zero).
Case 1: Class is added successfully.
"success": 1,
Case 2: Invalid parameters
"success": 0,
"error": "invalid_parameters",
Case 3: Record exists with same name.
"success": 0,
"error": "already_exists"
Case 4: Error while saving a record.
"success": 0,
"error": "record_save_error"
Authorization failed
For inserting a class
curl -X POST "https://evaluate3x.classe365.com/rest/academic" -H -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Basic ZXZhbHVhdGUzeDpsY2g4Y0QqeFJqMzMwVmEm" -d 'data={"department_id":"43","name":"Class Name","code":"C1","student_limit":10,"type":"class"}'
For updating a class
curl -X POST "https://evaluate3x.classe365.com/rest/academic" -H -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Basic ZXZhbHVhdGUzeDpsY2g4Y0QqeFJqMzMwVmEm" -d 'data={"id":296,"name":"Class 1234","code":"C1234","student_limit":10,"type":"class"}'
This API allows you to insert or update a section.
Request headers
Request body
JSON encdoed string of required parameters.
id: ID of the section to be updated for an update operation.
For Update Operation: Required for update operation.
For Insert operation: ID must not be specified.
class_id: ID of class For Update operation: Not required For Insert operation: Required
name: Name of section
code: Code assigned to the section
student_limit: Numeric positive integer value (Optional). Indicates the maximum student limit for a section.
type: Static string “section”
This section shows the different responses from the API.
1 for success and Zero for error or failure.
A small string representing the error type (only when success is Zero).
Case 1: Section added successfully.
"success": 1
Case 2: Invalid parameters.
"success": 0,
"error": "invalid_parameters",
Case 3: Record exists with same name.
"success": 0,
"error": "already_exists"
Case 4: Error while saving a record.
"success": 0,
"error": "record_save_error"
Authorization failed
For insert section
curl -X POST "https://evaluate3x.classe365.com/rest/academic" -H -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Basic ZXZhbHVhdGUzeDpsY2g4Y0QqeFJqMzMwVmEm" -d 'data={"class_id":296,"name":"Section 1","code":"S1","student_limit":10,"type":"section"}'
For update section
curl -X POST "https://evaluate3x.classe365.com/rest/academic" -H -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Basic ZXZhbHVhdGUzeDpsY2g4Y0QqeFJqMzMwVmEm" -d 'data={"id":"1","name":"Section 1","code":"S1","student_limit":10,"type":"section"}'
This API allows you to insert or update a subject.
Request headers
Request body
JSON encoded string of required parameters.
id: ID of the subject to be updated.
For Insert operation: ID is not required. If you specify an ID for an insert operation, an update operation is performed.
For Update operation: ID is required.
section_id: Id of section for which this subject is being created.
For Insert operation: ID is required.
For Update operation: ID is not required.
name: Name of subject to be created or updated.
code: Code assigned to the subject
credit: Credits assigned to the subject
is_elective: Indicates whether the subject is elective or a core subject. For Insert operation. This is required with the values: c for Core Subject and e for Elective Subject.
For Update operation: Not Applicable.
student_limit: Numeric positive integer value (Optional).
type: Static string “subject”
This section shows the different responses from the API.
1 for success and 0 for error or failure.
A small string representing the error type (only when success is 0).
Case 1: Subject added successfully.
"success": 1,
Case 2: Invalid parameters.
"success": 0,
"error": "invalid_parameters",
Case 3: Error while saving record.
"success": 0,
"error": "record_save_error"
Authorization failed
For insert subject
curl -X POST "https://evaluate3x.classe365.com/rest/academic" -H -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Basic ZXZhbHVhdGUzeDpsY2g4Y0QqeFJqMzMwVmEm" -d 'data={"section_id":1,"name":"Subject 1","code":"Sub1","credit":"5","is_elective":"e","student_limit":10,"type":"subject"}'
For update subject
curl -X POST "https://evaluate3x.classe365.com/rest/academic" -H -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Basic ZXZhbHVhdGUzeDpsY2g4Y0QqeFJqMzMwVmEm" -d 'data={"id":"1","name":"Subject 1","code":"Sub1","credit":"5","student_limit":10,"type":"subject"}'
This API allows you to get data for a particular department, class, section, or subject.
Request parameters
ID of class/section or subject.
Possible values for type is “class”, “section”, or “subject”.
This section shows the different responses from the API.
1 for success and 0 for error or failure.
A small string representing the error type (only when success is zero).
Case 1: Data retrieved successfully. (for class)
"success": 1,
"data": [
"class_id": 1,
"class_name": class 1,
"class_code": class code,
"department_name": department 1,
"total": 20
Case 1: Data retrieved successfully. (for section)
"success": 1,
"data": [
"section_id": 1,
"section_name": section 1,
"section_code": section code,
"department_name": department 1,
"class_name": class 1,
"total": null
Case 1: Data retrieved successfully. (for elective subject)
"success": 1,
"data": [
"subject_id": 1,
"subject_name": subject 1,
"department_name": department 1,
"class_name": class 1,
"section_name": section 1,
"subject_code": subject code,
"subject_credit": credit,
"type": Elective,
"total": 20
Case 1: Data retrieved succesfully. (for core subject)
"success": 1,
"data": [
"subject_id": 2,
"subject_name": subject 2,
"department_name": department 1,
"class_name": class 1,
"section_name": section 1,
"subject_code": subject code,
"subject_credit": credit,
"type": Core,
Case 2: Invalid parameters.
"success": 0,
"error": "invalid_parameters",
Case 3: Data not found.
"success": 0,
"error": "no_record_found",
Authorization failed
For class
curl -X GET "https://evaluate3x.classe365.com/rest/getAcademicDataForParticular?id=87&type=class" -H "Authorization: Basic ZXZhbHVhdGUzeDpsY2g4Y0QqeFJqMzMwVmEm"
For section
curl -X GET "https://evaluate3x.classe365.com/rest/getAcademicDataForParticular?id=8&type=section" -H "Authorization: Basic ZXZhbHVhdGUzeDpsY2g4Y0QqeFJqMzMwVmEm"
For subject
curl -X GET "https://evaluate3x.classe365.com/rest/getAcademicDataForParticular?id=8&type=subject" -H "Authorization: Basic ZXZhbHVhdGUzeDpsY2g4Y0QqeFJqMzMwVmEm"
This API allows you to get academic structure data for all classes, sections, and subjects together.
Request parameters
ID of the acedemic session for which we want to get the academic structure data. Make sure it will return only the enabled class, section and subjects data in that specified academic session.
This section shows the different responses from the API.
1 for success and zero for error or failure.
A small string representing the error type (only when success is zero).
Case 1: Data retrieved successfully.
"success": 1,
"data": [
"class_id": 1,
"class_name": class 1,
"class_code": class code,
"department_name": department 1,
"total": 20,
"section": [
"section_id": 1,
"section_name": section 1,
"section_code": section code,
"total": 10,
"subject": [
"subject_id": 1,
"subject_name": subject 1,
"subject_code": subject code,
"subject_credit": credit,
"type": Core,
"subject_id": 2,
"subject_name": subject 2,
"subject_code": subject code,
"subject_credit": credit,
"type": Elective,
"total": 10
"section_id": 2,
"section_name": section 2,
"section_code": section code,
"total": null,
"subject": []
"class_id": 2,
"class_name": class 2,
"class_code": class code,
"total": null,
"section": []
"meta_data": [ "total_classes":2, "total_sections": 2, "total_subjects" :2]
Case 2: Data not found.
"success": 0,
"error": "no_record_found",
Authorization failed
curl -X GET "https://evaluate3x.classe365.com/rest/getAcademicDataForAll" H -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Basic ZXZhbHVhdGUzeDpsY2g4Y0QqeFJqMzMwVmEm"
This API allows you to get the data of all unlocked academic sessions.
This section shows the different responses from the API.
1 for success and 0 for error or failure.
A small string representing the error type (only when success is 0).
Case 1: Data retrieved successfully.
"success": 1,
"data": [
"id": 1,
"name": Year 2020,
"start_date": 2020-01-01,
"end_date": 2020-12-31,
"status": Completed,
"created": 2019-12-28 06:01:25
"id": 2,
"name": Year 2021,
"start_date": 2021-01-01,
"end_date": 2021-12-31,
"status": In Progress,
"created": 2020-12-25 09:10:15
Case 2: Data not found.
"success": 0,
"error": "error_message",
Authorization failed
curl -X GET "https://evaluate3x.classe365.com/rest/academicSessions" H -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Basic ZXZhbHVhdGUzeDpsY2g4Y0QqeFJqMzMwVmEm"
This group contains the API documentation related to teachers and admin staff information.
emphasized textThis API allows you to insert new staff member or update existing staff information. Staff members can be teachers or administration staff. This depends on the is_academic parameter. If this is one, then the staff is created as a teacher and if it is zero, the staff is an admin member.
Request headers
Request body
JSON encoded string of teacher attributes and their related data
id: ID of the teacher to be updated. This is required for an update operation. If id is not specified, then the API performs an insert operation.
teacher_id: Teacher identification number, which an institute may use for unique referencing of each teacher in the institute.
first_name: Teacher’s first name
last_name: Teacher’s last name
teacher_dob: Teacher’s date of birth
teacher_email: Teacher’s email id
teacher_contact: Teacher’s contact number
image: Progfile image (base64 encoded string). Profile image.
Set this value to one to specific academic staff like teacher, and set to zero to specify administration on non-academic staff
This section shows the different responses from the API.
1 for success and Zero for error or failure.
A small string representing the error type (only when success is Zero).
Case 1: Staff added or updated successfully.
"success": 1
Case 2: Invalid teacher id.
"success": 0,
"error": "invalid_id",
Case 3: Data validation error.
"success": 0,
"error": "field_validations",
"field_validations": {
"field_id": required,
"field_id": email,
"field_id": date,
"field_id": unique,
Case 4: Invalid value for profile image.
"success": 0,
"error": "binary_to_image_convert",
Authorization failed
For insert teacher
curl -X POST "https://evaluate3x.classe365.com/rest/teacher" -H -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Basic ZXZhbHVhdGUzeDpsY2g4Y0QqeFJqMzMwVmEm" -d 'data={"teacher_id":"2016_1_apinew","first_name":"Cary","last_name":"Baxter","teacher_dob":"1991-05-11","teacher_email":"support@classe365.com","teacher_contact":"12972565652","is_academic":1,"image": ""}'
For update teacher
curl -X POST "https://evaluate3x.classe365.com/rest/teacher" -H -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Basic ZXZhbHVhdGUzeDpsY2g4Y0QqeFJqMzMwVmEm" -d 'data={"id":8,"teacher_id":"2019","first_name":"Cary","last_name":"Baxter","teacher_dob":"1992-05-11","teacher_email":"support@classe365.com","teacher_contact":"12972565652","is_academic":1,"image": ""}'
emphasized textThis API allows you to rerieve teacher information.
Request parameters
JSON encoded string of Teacher fields/attributes and related values, for the fields we want to filter by
Pass field name and order type> The order type is the sorting order. It can be:
ASC: Ascending order
DESC: Descending order
Specify number of records to display per page and display the page number.
This section shows the different responses from the API.
1 for success and 0 for error or failure.
A small string representing the error type (only when success is zero).
Case 1: Data retrieved successfully.
"success": 1
"data": [{"id":"6","first_name":"Classe","last_name":"Teacher","teacher_id":"2016_2_api","address":null,"zipcode":null,"state":null,"aadhar_uid":null,"teacher_contact":"1234567890","teacher_email":"support@classe365.com","image":"http:\/\/classe365-assets.s3-us-west-1.amazonaws.com\/customer_assets\/local\/teacher\/profile_pictures\/1543034963.jpg","designation":null,"qualification":null,"teacher_dob":"1992-06-07","age":null,"gender":"Male","father_name":null,"mother_name":null,"blood_group":null,"health_date":null,"height":null,"weight":null,"body_mass_index":null,"profile_summary":null,"fb_profile_link":null,"linkedin_profile_link":null,"is_academic":"1","text_20":"Test","teacher_name":"Classe Teacher","country":"","subjects":[{"id":"1","subject_name":"Account","type":"Core","class_id":"1","class_name":"Standared 12", "section_id":"2","section_name":"Commerce"},{"id":"2","subject_name":"State","type":"Elective","class_id":"15","class_name":"Standared 12","section_id":"21","section_name":"Commerce"}]}],
"meta_data":["total_count": 10]
Case 2: Invalid parameters.
"success": 0,
"error": "invalid_parameters",
Authorization failed
curl -X GET "https://evaluate3x.classe365.com/rest/teachersData?filter={"id":6,"first_name":"Classe","last_name":"Developer","teacher_dob":"1992-06-07","teacher_email":"","gender":"","teacher_contact":""}&order={"sortField":"first_name","sortType":"DESC"},{"sortField":"last_name","sortType":"DESC"}&page={"recordsPerPage":"3","pageNo":"1"}" -H -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Basic ZXZhbHVhdGUzeDpsY2g4Y0QqeFJqMzMwVmEm"
This API allows you to insert an administrator or update administrator information.
Request headers
Request body
JSON encoded string of required parameters.
id: ID of the admin to be updated. If ID is not specified then the API performs an insert operation. If id is specified then it will perform update opearation. Thus id is required for update operation.
name: Name of the Administrator
email_address: email of the administrator.
contact: contact number of the administrator.
address: Address of the administrator.
image: Profile image(base64 encoded string). Profile image to upload or update for the administrator.
This section shows the different responses from the API.
1 for success and Zero for error or failure.
A small string representing the error type (only when success is Zero).
Case 1: Administrator added or updated successfully.
"success": 1
Case 2: Data validation error.
"success": 0,
"error": "field_validations",
"field_validations": {
"field_id": invalid_id,
"field_id": required,
"field_id": email,
"field_id": unique,
Case 3: Invalid value for Profile image.
"success": 0,
"error": "binary_to_image_convert",
Authorization failed
For insert admin
curl -X POST "https://evaluate3x.classe365.com/rest/admin" -H -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Basic ZXZhbHVhdGUzeDpsY2g4Y0QqeFJqMzMwVmEm" -d 'data={"name":"Hitesh","email_address":"mail@mail.com","contact":"3862","address":"ad","image": ""}'
For update admin
curl -X POST "https://evaluate3x.classe365.com/rest/admin" -H -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Basic ZXZhbHVhdGUzeDpsY2g4Y0QqeFJqMzMwVmEm" -d 'data={"id":2,"name":"Hitesh","email_address":"mail@mail.com","contact":"3862","address":"ad","image": ""}'
This API allows you to Get Administrator Data.
Request parameters
JSON encoded string of admin fields and related values, for the fields we want to filter by
name: Name of the Administrator.
email_address: Email of the Administrator.
contact: Contact number of the Administrator.
main_admin: Value assigned to represent type of administrator. Values are: 1: for super administrator 0: for sub administrator
address: Address of the administrator
Pass field name and sorting order. The sorting order can be: ASC : For sorting in an ascending order DESC: For sorting in a descending order
Pass number of records per page value and display page number
This section shows the different responses from the API.
1 for success and Zero for error or failure.
A small string representing the error type (only when success is Zero).
Case 1: Data retrieved successfully
"success": 1
"data": [{"id":"2","name":"Classe Admin(Sub)","email_address":"support@classe365.com","contact":"1234567890","image":"http:\/\/classe365-assets.s3-us-west-1.amazonaws.com\/customer_assets\/local\/admin\/profile_pictures\/1506668090.png","main_admin":"0","address":"HMT"}]
Case 2: Invalid parameters
"success": 0,
"error": "invalid_parameters",
Authorization failed
curl -X GET "https://evaluate3x.classe365.com/rest/adminsData?filter='{"name":"Hitz","email_address":"","contact":"","main_admin":"0","address":"address"}'&order='{"sortField":"first_name","sortType":"DESC"},{"sortField":"last_name","sortType":"DESC"}'&page='{"recordsPerPage":"3","pageNo":"1"}'" -H -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Basic ZXZhbHVhdGUzeDpsY2g4Y0QqeFJqMzMwVmEm"
This API allows you to add a student or update existing student or alumni student information.
Request headers
Request body
JSON encoded string of Student fields/attributes and related values
id: ID of the student to be updated. If the ID is not specified, then the API performs an insert operation. If ID is specified, then the API performs an update operation. ID is required for an update operation only.
profile_image: A base64 encoded string of profile image.
All date values should be passed in Y-m-d format. For example, format for 1st Dec 2019 is “2019-12-01”.
JSON encoded string of attachment files. Each attachment should have the following attributes:
title: Attachment Name/Title
description (optional): Short description of the attachment
file_type: Extension of attachment file
file: base64 encodeded string of attachment file
This section shows the different responses from the API.
1 for success and Zero for error or failure.
A small string representing the error type (only when success is Zero).
Case 1: Student added/updated successfully
"success": 1
Case 2: Invalid student ID
"success": 0,
"error": "invalid_id",
Case 3: Data validation error
"success": 0,
"error": "field_validations",
-"field_validations": {
"student_contact": "required",
"father_name": "required",
"mother_name": "required",
"parents_contact": "required",
"parents_email": "required"
Case 4: Student limit crossed for class/section/system
"success": 0,
"error": "students_max_limit_crossed",
Case 5: Invalid value for Attachments
"success": 0,
"error": "invalid_attachments",
Case 6: Attachments not supported in update operation
"success": 0,
"error": "attachments_not_supported_in_update",
Authorization failed
Add Student
curl -X POST "https://evaluate3x.classe365.com/rest/student" \
-H -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" -H "Authorization: Basic ZXZhbHVhdGUzeDpsY2g4Y0QqeFJqMzMwVmEm" \
-d 'data={"admission_number":"2016_1_api","first_name":"Classe","last_name":"Developer","student_dob":"2000-05-08","student_email":"support@classe365.com","student_contact":"123123123","gender":"Male","father_name":"Johnson","mother_name":"Scarlett","parents_contact":"11111111","parents_email":"support@classe365.com"}'
Edit Student
curl -X POST "https://evaluate3x.classe365.com/rest/student" \
-H -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" -H "Authorization: Basic ZXZhbHVhdGUzeDpsY2g4Y0QqeFJqMzMwVmEm" \
-d 'data={"id":"19","admission_number":"2016_1_api","first_name":"Stephen","last_name":"hawking","student_dob":"2000-05-08","student_email":"support@classe365.com","student_contact":"123123123","gender":"Male","father_name":"Johnson","mother_name":"Scarlett","parents_contact":"11111111","parents_email":"support@classe365.com"}'
This API allows you to enroll student into class. So you need to use this API to add any student into class - section.
Request headers
Request body
ID of the acedemic session under which we want to enroll the student into any class - section.
ID of the student whom we want to enroll.
ID of the class in which we want to enroll the student.
ID of the section in which we want to enoll the student.
Status of the enrollment. Supported statutes are Upcoming, In Progress, Completed, Incomplete and Withdrawan. So we need to pass U for Upcoming, I for In Progress, C for Completed, IC for Incomplete and W for Withdrawn. And if we do not pass any value for status than it will take default value “In Progress”.
Enrollment start date. Format must be in YYYY-mm-dd format.
Enrollment end date. Format must be in YYYY-mm-dd format.
This section shows the different responses from the API.
1 for success and Zero for error or failure.
A small string representing the error type (only when success is Zero).
Case 1: Student successfully enrolled
"success": 1
Case 2: Invalid Parameters
"success": 0,
"error": "invalid_parameters",
Case 3: Invalid Class id
"success": 0,
"error": "invalid_class_id"
Case 4: Invalid Section id
"success": 0,
"error": "invalid_section_id"
Case 5: Invalid academic session id
"success": 0,
"error": "invalid_academic_session_id"
Case 6: Student already enrolled
"success": 0,
"error": "student_already_enrolled"
Case 7: Students max limit crossed
"success": 0,
"error": "students_max_limit_crossed"
Case 8: Students max limit crossed for class
"success": 0,
"error": "students_max_limit_crossed_class"
Case 9: Students max limit crossed for section
"success": 0,
"error": "students_max_limit_crossed_section"
Case 10: Invalid enrollment status
"success": 0,
"error": "invalid_enrollment_status"
Authorization failed
Student enrolled successfully
curl -X POST "https://evaluate3x.classe365.com/rest/studentCourseEnroll" \
-H -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" -H "Authorization: Basic ZXZhbHVhdGUzeDpsY2g4Y0QqeFJqMzMwVmEm" \
-d 'student_id=679&acds_id=null&class_id=263§ion_id=424&status="I"'
This API allows you to enroll students into elective subjects.
Request headers
Request body
ID of the acedemic session under which we want to enroll the student into elective subject.
ID of the student for whom we want to update the elective subjects allocation
ID of the class for which we want to assign or unassign the elective subjects
ID of the section for which we want to assign or unassign the elective subjects
String of comma separated subject ids of elective subjects which should be allocated to a student. This parameter will be optional if we are passing the “to_be_unassigned” parameter.
String of comma separated subject ids of the elective subjects which should be unassigned to the student. This parameter will be optional if we are passing the “to_be_assigned” parameter.
Enrollment start date. Format must be in YYYY-mm-dd format.
Enrollment end date. Format must be in YYYY-mm-dd format.
This section shows the different responses from the API.
1 for success and Zero for error or failure.
A small string representing the error type (only when success is Zero).
Case 1: Record updated successfully
"success": 1
Case 2: Subject is not an elective subject or does not exist
"success": 0,
"error": "invalid_elective_subject_ids",
Case 3: Invalid parameters
"success": 0,
"error": "invalid_parameters",
Case 4: Student is alumni or does not exist
"success": 0,
"error": "invalid_student_id",
Case 5: Student limit is reached for the subject
"success": 0,
"error": "students_max_limit_crossed",
Case 6: Save error.
"success": 0,
"error": "save_error",
Case 7: Subject already enrolled.
"success": 0,
"error": "subject_already_enrolled"
Case 8: invalid class id.
"success": 0,
"error": "invalid_class_id"
Case 9: invalid section id.
"success": 0,
"error": "invalid_section_id"
Authorization failed
Save elective subject for student
curl -X POST "https://evaluate3x.classe365.com/rest/studentCourseEnroll" -H -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" -H "Authorization: Basic ZXZhbHVhdGUzeDpsY2g4Y0QqeFJqMzMwVmEm" -d 'student_id=1&to_be_assigned=2,4,5&to_be_unassigned=1,6&class_id=1§ion_id=1'
This API allows you to update a subject enrollment status.
Request headers
Request body
ID of the acedemic session under which student enrolled .
ID of the class in which student enrolled.
ID of the section in which student enrolled.
ID of the subject in which student enrolled.
ID of the student who enrolled in subject.
Status of the enrollment. Supported statutes are Upcoming, In Progress, Completed, Incomplete and Withdrawan. So we need to pass U for Upcoming, I for In Progress, C for Completed, IC for Incomplete and W for Withdrawn. And if we do not pass any value for status than it will take default value “In Progress”.
Enrollment start date. Format must be in YYYY-mm-dd format.
Enrollment end date. Format must be in YYYY-mm-dd format.
1 for success and Zero for error or failure.
A small string representing the error type (only when success is Zero).
Case 1: Status updated successfully
"success": 1,
Case 2: Invalid Parameters
"success": 0,
"error": "invalid_parameters",
Case 3: Invalid Student
"success": 0,
"error": "invalid_student",
Case 4: Invalid Subject
"success": 0,
"error": "invalid_subject"
Case 5: Student not enrolled in that subject
"success": 0,
"error": "enrollment_not_found"
Case 6: Error while update record.
"success": 0,
"error": "save_error"
curl -X POST "https://evaluate3x.classe365.com/rest/studentSubjectStatusUpdate" \
-H -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" -H "Authorization: Basic ZXZhbHVhdGUzeDpsY2g4Y0QqeFJqMzMwVmEm" \
-d 'student_id=679&acds_id=8&class_id=263§ion_id=424&subject_id=15&status="C"'
Using this API you retrieve count of total student in system.
Request headers
1 for success and Zero for error or failure.
A small string representing the error type (only when success is Zero).
Case 1: Data retrieved successfully
{ "success":1,
Case 2: Error occurred while retrieving data
"success": 0,
"error": "read_error",
curl -X GET "https://evaluate3x.classe365.com/rest/getTotalStudentCount" -H -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Basic ZXZhbHVhdGUzeDpsY2g4Y0QqeFJqMzMwVmEm"
This API allows you to get student information.
Request parameters
ID of the academic session to which the student belongs to
JSON encoded string of student fields and values that we want to filter by. For example:
id: ID of the student to get particular student data (If ID is not specified, then the API returns the complete student data.)
class_id: ID of the class to which the student belongs to
section_id: ID of section to which the student belongs to
student_type Pass this parameter to filter the student records based on their active/alumni status. Supported values are active,alumni and all. If we pass all then API will return all active and alumni student. If we pass alumni then it will return only alumni students. By default, it will consider active and will return only active students.
Note: All date values should be passed in Y-m-d format and with range structure. For example, the value for 1st Dec 2018 is “2018-12-01 to 2014-12-01” and value for 1st Dec 2018 to 10th Dec 2018 is “2018-12-01 to 2018-12-10”.
Field name and sort order type. The sort order can be: asc: Ascending order desc: Descending order
Specify records per page and display page number. Page number starts from 1.
This section shows the different responses from the API.
1 for success and Zero for error or failure.
A small string representing the error type (only when success is Zero).
Case 1: Data retrieved successfully
"success": 1,
"data": [{"id":"54","first_name":"Cary","last_name":"Baxter","gender":"Male","student_dob":"2014-09-21","image":"Image URL","admission_number":"33","student_email":"carybaxter@gmail.com","student_contact":"1234567890","blood_group":"","father_name":"","mother_name":"","parents_contact":"1234567890","parents_email":"","country":"Country Name","enrollments":[{"enrollment_id":"59","enrollment_date":"2020-06-07 14:55:00","enrollment_status":"Incomplete","enrollment_start_date": "Not Set", "enrollment_end_date": "Not Set","academic_term":"Default Academic Session","class_id":"2","class_name":"Grade 2","class_code":"G2","section_id":"6","section_name":"Section B","section_code":"G2SB","subjects":[{"id":"12","subject_name":"Maths","credits":null,"subject_code":"2_6_33351","type":"Core", "enrollment_status":"In Progress","enrollment_start_date": "Not Set","enrollment_end_date": "Not Set"},{"id":"13","subject_name":"English","credits":null,"subject_code":"2_6_68678","type":"Core","enrollment_status":"","enrollment_start_date": "Not Set","enrollment_end_date": "Not Set"},{"id":"14","subject_name":"Hindi","credits":null,"subject_code":"2_6_1287","type":"Core","enrollment_status":"Withdrawn","enrollment_start_date": "Not Set","enrollment_end_date": "Not Set"}]}]}],
"meta_data":["total_count": 10]
Case 2: Invalid parameters
"success": 0,
"error": "invalid_parameters",
Authorization failed
Get Student Data
curl -X GET "https://evaluate3x.classe365.com/rest/studentsData?acds_id=1&page={"recordsPerPage":"10","pageNo":"1"}" \
-H -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" -H "Authorization: Basic ZXZhbHVhdGUzeDpsY2g4Y0QqeFJqMzMwVmEm"
Get Particular Student
curl -X GET "https://evaluate3x.classe365.com/rest/studentsData?filter={"id":"4"}" \
-H -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" -H "Authorization: Basic ZXZhbHVhdGUzeDpsY2g4Y0QqeFJqMzMwVmEm"
This API allows you to update a subject enrollment status.
Request headers
Request body
Ids of Student for whome you change the status. Yoy need to pass the student Id comma sperated like 1,2,3
Status of student. Supported statutes are alumni or active.So you need to pass active for Active status of student, alumni for Alumni status of student.
1 for success and Zero for error or failure.
A small string representing the error type (only when success is Zero).
It is a string that represents the success or error message.
Case 1: Status updated successfully
"success": 1,
"message": "<student_count> student(s) status updated.",
Case 2: This example shows the success response when status successfully changed for some students but encounter errors for others.
"success": 1,
"error": "some_student_status_not_updated",
"message": "<success_student_count> student(s) status updated. But some error occurred while updating <error_student_count> student(s) status.",
Case 3: Invalid Parameters
"success": 0,
"error": "invalid_parameters",
"message":"Required parameters missing."
Case 4: This example demonstrates the error returned when a user provides more than 20 student.
"success": 0,
"error": "students_limit",
"message":"You can update a maximum of 20 students status at a time."
Case 5: This example demostrates the error return when user change student status to alumni and alumni module has not active subscription.
"success": 0,
"error": "alumni_module_has_not_active_subscribe",
"message":"You do not have an active subscription for the alumni module."
curl -X POST "https://evaluate3x.classe365.com/rest/studentStatusUpdate" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Basic ZXZhbHVhdGUzeDpsY2g4Y0QqeFJqMzMwVmEm"
--form 'student_ids="108,172,125,64,112,33,102,187,39,206,104,34"' \
--form 'status="alumni"'
This group lists the API documentation for attendance.
This API allows you to manage (add or update) the attendance data for a particular class, section, subject (if attendance is subject-wise) and session (if session-wise option is enabled).
Request headers
Request body
ID of the acedemic session under which we want to manage this attendance data.
ID of the Class for which attendance is added or updated.
ID of the Section for which attendance is added or updated.
ID of the Subject. Only when attendance management is Subject wise.
Session ID. Only when attendance management is Session wise.
Attendance date. Format must be in YYYY-mm-dd format.
Day is working day or holiday. For Holiday pass Zero, otherwise pass 1.
JSON encoded string of attendance data. With key as student id and value as json encoded sring of status and commment. If Holiday, then pass “[]” in attendance_data.
1 for success and Zero for error or failure.
A small string representing the error type (only when success is zero).
API message.
Case 1: Data saved successfully.
"success": 1,
"message": "Data saved successfully."
Case 2: Invalid parameters.
"success": 0,
"error": "invalid_parameters"
Case 3: Invalid attendance data.
"success": 0,
"error": "invalid_attendance_data"
Case 4: Error while saving attendance data.
"success": 0,
"error": "save_error",
Save Attendance
curl -X POST "https://evaluate3x.classe365.com/rest/manageAttendance" \
-H -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" -H "Authorization: Basic ZXZhbHVhdGUzeDpsY2g4Y0QqeFJqMzMwVmEm" \
-d 'acds_id=1&class_id=1§ion_id=1&subject_id=1&session_id=6&date=2019-11-27&working=1&attendance_data={"2":{"status":"p","comment":""},"4":{"status":"a","comment":""},"5":{"status":"a","comment":""},"6":{"status":"a","comment":""},"9":{"status":"p","comment":""},"10":{"status":"p","comment":""},"12":{"status":"p","comment":""}}'
This API allows you to get attendance data.
Request parameters
ID of the acedemic session for which we want to get the attendance data.
ID of the class for which you want the attendance data.
ID of the section for which you want the attendance data.
ID of the Subject. If attendance is managed subject-wise, then subject_id is mandatory.
ID of the Session. If attendance is managed session-wise, then session_id is mandatory.
Date for which we need attendance data. Date must be in the YYYY-MM-DD format.
1 for success and Zero for error or failure.
A small string representing the error type (only when success is Zero).
Case 1: Data retrieved successfully.
"success": 1,
"data": {
"first_name":"Student 1",
"class_name":"Grade 1",
"section_name":"Section A",
"first_name":"Student 2",
"class_name":"Grade 1",
"section_name":"Section A",
Case 2: Invalid parameters
"success": 0,
"error": "invalid_parameters",
Case 3: No Student found for class, section, and subject
"success": 0,
"error": "no_student_found"
Case 4: If any inconsistency is noticed in attendance data
"success": 0,
"error": "inconsistent_attendance_data"
Get attendance data
curl -X GET "https://evaluate3x.classe365.com/rest/attendanceData?acds_id=1&class_id=1§ion_id=1&date=2019-11-08&subject_id=1&session_id=6" -H -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Basic ZXZhbHVhdGUzeDpsY2g4Y0QqeFJqMzMwVmEm"
Request parameters
ID of the acedemic session under which we want to get attendance data.
Date for which we need attendance data. Date must be in the YYYY-MM-DD format.
1 for success and Zero for error or failure.
A small string representing the error type (only when success is Zero).
Case 1: Data retrieved successfully.
"success": 1,
"data": {
"filter": {
"date": "2019-11-07"
"attendance": {
"1": {
"1": {
"1": {
"6": {
"isWorking": 1,
"students": {
"first_name":"Student 1",
"class_name":"Grade 1",
"section_name":"Section A",
"first_name":"Student 2",
"class_name":"Grade 1",
"section_name":"Section A",
"7": {
"isWorking": 1,
"students": {
"first_name":"Student 1",
"class_name":"Grade 1",
"section_name":"Section A",
"first_name":"Student 2",
"class_name":"Grade 1",
"section_name":"Section A",
Case 2: Invalid parameters
"success": 0,
"error": "invalid_parameters",
Case 3: No Record found for date
"success": 0,
"error": "no_record_found"
curl -X GET "https://evaluate3x.classe365.com/rest/allAttendanceByDate?acds_id=1&date=2019-11-07" -H -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Basic ZXZhbHVhdGUzeDpsY2g4Y0QqeFJqMzMwVmEm"
Request parameters
ID of the acedemic session for which we want to get the attendance data.
Date for which we need attendance data. Date must be in the YYYY-MM-DD format.
1 for success and 0 for error or failure.
A small string representing the error type (only when success is Zero).
Case 1: Data retrieved successfully.
"success": 1,
"data": {
"filter": {
"date": "2019-11-07"
"attendance": [
"class_id": "1",
"section_id": "1",
"subject_id": "1",
"session_id": "6",
"isWorking": 1,
"students": [
"id": "57",
"first_name": "Student 1",
"last_name": "Classe",
"admission_number": "classe_29",
"student_contact": "",
"student_email": "",
"is_alumni": "0",
"class_name": "Grade 1",
"section_name": "Section A",
"attendance_status": "p",
"attendance_comment": ""
"id": "1",
"first_name": "Student 2",
"last_name": "Classe",
"admission_number": "7692",
"student_contact": "11111",
"student_email": "test@gmail.com",
"is_alumni": "0",
"class_name": "Grade 1",
"section_name": "Section A",
"attendance_status": "a",
"attendance_comment": ""
"class_id": "1",
"section_id": "12",
"subject_id": "123",
"session_id": "7",
"isWorking": 1,
"students": [
"id": "57",
"first_name": "Student 1",
"last_name": "Classe",
"admission_number": "classe_29",
"student_contact": "",
"student_email": "",
"is_alumni": "0",
"class_name": "Grade 1",
"section_name": "Section A",
"attendance_status": "t",
"attendance_comment": ""
"id": "1",
"first_name": "Student 2",
"last_name": "Classe",
"admission_number": "7692",
"student_contact": "11111",
"student_email": "test@gmail.com",
"is_alumni": "0",
"class_name": "Grade 1",
"section_name": "Section A",
"attendance_status": "p",
"attendance_comment": ""
"class_id": "1",
"section_id": "11",
"subject_id": "123",
"session_id": "8",
"isWorking": "0"
Case 2: Invalid parameters
"success": 0,
"error": "invalid_parameters",
Case 3: No Record found for date
"success": 0,
"error": "no_record_found"
curl -X GET "https://evaluate3x.classe365.com/rest/attendanceByDateInLV?acds_id=1&date=2020-01-13" -H -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Basic ZXZhbHVhdGUzeDpsY2g4Y0QqeFJqMzMwVmEm"
This API allows you to get attendance settings data.
Request parameters
ID of the acedemic session for which we want to get the attendance settings.
1 for success and 0 for error or failure.
A small string representing the error type (only when success is 0).
Case 1: Data retrieved successfully.
"success": 1,
"data": {
"subject_wise_attendance": true,
"multiple_sessions_each_day": true,
"status": [
"label": "Present",
"keyword": "p",
"short_code": "P",
"color": "#a5fdca",
"relate_with_present_absent": true,
"present_percentage": 100,
"absent_percentage": 0
"label": "Absent",
"keyword": "a",
"short_code": "A",
"color": "#E96353",
"relate_with_present_absent": true,
"present_percentage": 0,
"absent_percentage": 100
"label": "Null",
"keyword": "n",
"short_code": "N",
"color": "#999999",
"relate_with_present_absent": false
"label": "Tardy",
"keyword": "T",
"short_code": "T",
"color": "#8a46dd",
"relate_with_present_absent": true,
"present_percentage": "100",
"absent_percentage": "0"
"label": "Half Day",
"keyword": "H",
"short_code": "HD",
"color": "#b1db0d",
"relate_with_present_absent": true,
"present_percentage": "50",
"absent_percentage": "50"
"sessions": [
"id": 1,
"label": "AM"
"id": 2,
"label": "PM"
Case 2: Invalid academic session id
"success": 0,
"error": "invalid_academic_session_id",
Get Attendance Settings
curl -X GET "https://evaluate3x.classe365.com/rest/attendanceSettings?acds_id=1" -H -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Basic ZXZhbHVhdGUzeDpsY2g4Y0QqeFJqMzMwVmEm"
This section lists the API documentation for the APIs related to grading and assessments.
This API allows you to get assessments score for a student.
Meaning of Following Terms are
- unpublished_score_value: The score, which account both published and unpublished assessments towards the overall score calculation.
- published_score_value: The score, which account only the published assessments towards the overall score calculation.
- dis_unpublished_score_value: According to the gradebook’s overall score display settings, the unpublished_score_value will be displayed. This is the score for the student on the gradebook or report card.
- dis_published_score_value: According to the gradebook’s overall score display settings, the published_score_value will be displayed. This is the score for the student on the gradebook or report card.
Request parameters
ID of the acedemic session for which we want to get the scores data.
ID of the student whose assessment score you want to get using this API.
This section shows the different responses from the API.
1 for success and Zero for error or failure.
A small string representing the error type (only when success is zero).
Case 1: Data retrieved successfully (Grading Periods enabled).
"success": 1,
"data": [
"subject": {
"subject_id": "1",
"subject_name": "Subject 1",
"type": "Core",
"credits": "5",
"unpublished_score_value": "81.65",
"published_score_value": "81.65",
"dis_unpublished_score_value": "81.65%",
"dis_published_score_value": "81.65%",
"color": ""
"grading_periods": [
"grading_period_id": "1",
"name": "Jul 2019 - Oct 2019",
"weight": "50",
"weighted": 50,
"unpublished_score_value": "",
"published_score_value": "",
"dis_unpublished_score_value": "",
"dis_published_score_value": "",
"comment": "Not set",
"color": ""
"grading_period_id": "2",
"name": "Nov 2019 - Feb 2020",
"weight": "50",
"weighted": 50,
"unpublished_score_value": "81.65",
"published_score_value": "81.65",
"dis_unpublished_score_value": "81.65%",
"dis_published_score_value": "81.65%",
"comment": "Not set",
"color": ""
"assessments": [
"assessment_id": "2",
"name": "Assignment 2",
"description": "Not set",
"ass_cat_id": "1",
"ass_cat_name": "Assignment",
"points": "30",
"pass_points": "15",
"start_date": null,
"end_date": null,
"grading_period_id": "1",
"counts_in_overall": "Yes",
"cce": "No",
"weight": "10.00",
"enable_submission": "No",
"is_published": "Yes",
"scale_type": "Percentage",
"score": null,
"dis_score": null,
"comment": "Not set",
"view_more": 0,
"color": ""
"assessment_id": "5",
"name": "Final Project",
"description": "It is a long established fact that a reader will be distracted by the readable content of a page when looking at its layout",
"ass_cat_id": "2",
"ass_cat_name": "Projects",
"points": "50",
"pass_points": "20",
"start_date": "2019-08-04",
"end_date": "2019-12-31",
"grading_period_id": "1",
"counts_in_overall": "Yes",
"cce": "No",
"weight": "10.00",
"enable_submission": "Yes",
"is_published": "Yes",
"scale_type": "Percentage",
"score": null,
"dis_score": null,
"comment": "Not set",
"view_more": 0,
"color": ""
"subject": {
"subject_id": "2",
"subject_name": "Subject 2",
"type": "Core",
"credits": "5",
"unpublished_score_value": "",
"published_score_value": "",
"dis_unpublished_score_value": "",
"dis_published_score_value": "",
"color": ""
"grading_periods": [
"grading_period_id": "1",
"name": "Jul 2019 - Oct 2019",
"weight": "50",
"weighted": 50,
"unpublished_score_value": "",
"published_score_value": "",
"dis_unpublished_score_value": "",
"dis_published_score_value": "",
"comment": "Not set",
"color": ""
"grading_period_id": "2",
"name": "Nov 2019 - Feb 2020",
"weight": "50",
"weighted": 50,
"unpublished_score_value": "",
"published_score_value": "",
"dis_unpublished_score_value": "",
"dis_published_score_value": "",
"comment": "Not set",
"color": ""
"assessments": [
"assessment_id": "1",
"name": "Assignment 1",
"description": "Not set",
"ass_cat_id": "1",
"ass_cat_name": "Assignment",
"points": "30",
"pass_points": "15",
"start_date": null,
"end_date": null,
"grading_period_id": "1",
"counts_in_overall": "Yes",
"cce": "No",
"weight": "10.00",
"enable_submission": "Yes",
"is_published": "Yes",
"scale_type": "Percentage",
"score": "",
"dis_score": "",
"comment": "Not set",
"view_more": 0,
"color": ""
"assessment_id": "5",
"name": "Final Project",
"description": "It is a long established fact that a reader will be distracted by the readable content of a page when looking at its layout. ",
"ass_cat_id": "2",
"ass_cat_name": "Projects",
"points": "50",
"pass_points": "20",
"start_date": "2019-08-04",
"end_date": "2019-12-31",
"grading_period_id": "1",
"counts_in_overall": "Yes",
"cce": "No",
"weight": "10.00",
"enable_submission": "Yes",
"is_published": "Yes",
"scale_type": "Percentage",
"score": null,
"dis_score": null,
"comment": "Not set",
"view_more": 0,
"color": ""
Case 2: Data retrieved successfully (Without Grading Periods)
"success": 1,
"data": {
"subject": {
"subject_id": 1,
"subject_name": Math,
"credits": 6,
"type": Core,
"unpublished_score_value": 75.55,
"published_score_value": 73.2,
"dis_unpublished_score_value": 75.55%,
"dis_published_score_value": 73.2%,
"comment": ,
"assessments": {
"assessment_id": 10,
"name": Mid Exam,
"ass_cat_id": 1,
"ass_cat_name": Exam,
"points": 30,
"pass_points": 15,
"start_date": null,
"end_date": null,
"counts_in_overall": Yes,
"weight": 10,
"is_published": Yes,
"scale_type": Percentage,
"score": 22,
"dis_score": 73.33%,
"comment": ,
"assessment_id": 4,
"name": Project 1,
"ass_cat_id": 2,
"ass_cat_name": Assignment Project,
"points": 30,
"pass_points": 15,
"start_date": null,
"end_date": null,
"counts_in_overall": Yes,
"weight": 10,
"is_published": No,
"scale_type": Percentage,
"score": 25,
"dis_score": 83.33%,
"comment": ,
"subject": {
"subject_id": 2,
"subject_name": English,
"credits": 6,
"type": Core,
"unpublished_score_value": 60.55,
"published_score_value": 60.2,
"dis_unpublished_score_value": 60.55%,
"dis_published_score_value": 60.2%,
"comment": ,
"assessments": {
"assessment_id": 10,
"name": Mid Exam,
"ass_cat_id": 1,
"ass_cat_name": Exam,
"points": 30,
"pass_points": 15,
"start_date": null,
"end_date": null,
"counts_in_overall": Yes,
"weight": 10,
"is_published": Yes,
"scale_type": Percentage,
"score": 22,
"dis_score": 63.33%,
"comment": ,
"assessment_id": 4,
"name": Project 1,
"ass_cat_id": 2,
"ass_cat_name": Assignment Project,
"points": 30,
"pass_points": 15,
"start_date": null,
"end_date": null,
"counts_in_overall": Yes,
"weight": 10,
"is_published": No,
"scale_type": Percentage,
"score": 25,
"dis_score": 73.33%,
"comment": ,
Case 3: Data not found
"success": 0,
"error": "no_record_found",
Case 4: Invalid parameters
"success": 0,
"error": "invalid_parameters",
Case 5: Error occurred while retrieving data
"success": 0,
"error": "read_error",
curl -X GET "https://evaluate3x.classe365.com/rest/studentScore?id=2&acds_id=1" -H -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Basic ZXZhbHVhdGUzeDpsY2g4Y0QqeFJqMzMwVmEm"
This API allows you to get assessments score for multiple students.
Meaning of Following Terms are
- unpublished_score_value: The score, which account both published and unpublished assessments towards the overall score calculation.
- published_score_value: The score, which account only the published assessments towards the overall score calculation.
- dis_unpublished_score_value: According to the gradebook’s overall score display settings, the unpublished_score_value will be displayed. This is the score for the student on the gradebook or report card.
- dis_published_score_value: According to the gradebook’s overall score display settings, the published_score_value will be displayed. This is the score for the student on the gradebook or report card.
Request parameters
ID of the acedemic session for which we want to get the scores data.
Specify records per page.
Page number starts from 1.
This section shows the different responses from the API.
1 for success and Zero for error or failure.
A small string representing the error type (only when success is zero).
Case 1: Data retrieved successfully (Grading Periods enabled).
"success": 1,
"data": [
"admission_number": "classe_29",
"student_email": "test@gmail.com",
"subject": {
"subject_id": "1",
"subject_name": "Subject 1",
"type": "Core",
"credits": "5",
"unpublished_score_value": "81.65",
"published_score_value": "81.65",
"dis_unpublished_score_value": "81.65%",
"dis_published_score_value": "81.65%",
"grading_periods": [
"grading_period_id": "1",
"name": "Jul 2019 - Oct 2019",
"unpublished_score_value": "",
"published_score_value": "",
"dis_unpublished_score_value": "",
"dis_published_score_value": "",
"comment": "Not set"
"grading_period_id": "2",
"name": "Nov 2019 - Feb 2020",
"unpublished_score_value": "81.65",
"published_score_value": "81.65",
"dis_unpublished_score_value": "81.65%",
"dis_published_score_value": "81.65%",
"comment": "Not set"
"assessments": [
"assessment_id": "2",
"name": "Assignment 2",
"points": "30",
"pass_points": "15",
"scale_type": "Percentage",
"score": null,
"assessment_id": "5",
"name": "Final Project",
"points": "50",
"pass_points": "20",
"scale_type": "Percentage",
"score": null,
"subject": {
"subject_id": "2",
"subject_name": "Subject 2",
"type": "Core",
"credits": "5",
"unpublished_score_value": "",
"published_score_value": "",
"dis_unpublished_score_value": "",
"dis_published_score_value": "",
"color": ""
"grading_periods": [
"grading_period_id": "1",
"name": "Jul 2019 - Oct 2019",
"unpublished_score_value": "",
"published_score_value": "",
"dis_unpublished_score_value": "",
"dis_published_score_value": "",
"comment": "Not set"
"grading_period_id": "2",
"name": "Nov 2019 - Feb 2020",
"unpublished_score_value": "",
"published_score_value": "",
"dis_unpublished_score_value": "",
"dis_published_score_value": "",
"comment": "Not set"
"assessments": [
"assessment_id": "1",
"name": "Assignment 1",
"points": "30",
"pass_points": "15",
"scale_type": "Percentage",
"score": "",
"assessment_id": "5",
"name": "Final Project",
"points": "50",
"pass_points": "20",
"scale_type": "Percentage",
"score": null,
"admission_number": "classe_30",
"student_email": "classetest@gmail.com",
"subject": {
"subject_id": "1",
"subject_name": "Subject 1",
"type": "Core",
"credits": "5",
"unpublished_score_value": "81.65",
"published_score_value": "81.65",
"dis_unpublished_score_value": "81.65%",
"dis_published_score_value": "81.65%",
"grading_periods": [
"grading_period_id": "1",
"name": "Jul 2019 - Oct 2019",
"unpublished_score_value": "",
"published_score_value": "",
"dis_unpublished_score_value": "",
"dis_published_score_value": "",
"comment": "Not set"
"grading_period_id": "2",
"name": "Nov 2019 - Feb 2020",
"unpublished_score_value": "81.65",
"published_score_value": "81.65",
"dis_unpublished_score_value": "81.65%",
"dis_published_score_value": "81.65%",
"comment": "Not set"
"assessments": [
"assessment_id": "2",
"name": "Assignment 2",
"points": "30",
"pass_points": "15",
"scale_type": "Percentage",
"score": null,
"assessment_id": "5",
"name": "Final Project",
"points": "50",
"pass_points": "20",
"scale_type": "Percentage",
"score": null,
"subject": {
"subject_id": "2",
"subject_name": "Subject 2",
"type": "Core",
"credits": "5",
"unpublished_score_value": "",
"published_score_value": "",
"dis_unpublished_score_value": "",
"dis_published_score_value": "",
"color": ""
"grading_periods": [
"grading_period_id": "1",
"name": "Jul 2019 - Oct 2019",
"unpublished_score_value": "",
"published_score_value": "",
"dis_unpublished_score_value": "",
"dis_published_score_value": "",
"comment": "Not set"
"grading_period_id": "2",
"name": "Nov 2019 - Feb 2020",
"unpublished_score_value": "",
"published_score_value": "",
"dis_unpublished_score_value": "",
"dis_published_score_value": "",
"comment": "Not set"
"assessments": [
"assessment_id": "1",
"name": "Assignment 1",
"points": "30",
"pass_points": "15",
"scale_type": "Percentage",
"score": "",
"assessment_id": "5",
"name": "Final Project",
"points": "50",
"pass_points": "20",
"scale_type": "Percentage",
"score": null,
Case 2: Data retrieved successfully (Without Grading Periods)
"success": 1,
"data": [
"admission_number": "classe_29",
"student_email": "test@gmail.com",
"subject": {
"subject_id": "1",
"subject_name": Math,
"credits": 6,
"type": Core,
"unpublished_score_value": 75.55,
"published_score_value": 73.2,
"dis_unpublished_score_value": 75.55%,
"dis_published_score_value": 73.2%,
"comment": ,
"assessments": [
"assessment_id": "10",
"name": "Mid Exam",
"points": "30",
"pass_points": "15",
"scale_type": "Percentage",
"score": "22",
"assessment_id": "4",
"name": "Project 1",
"points": "30",
"pass_points": "15",
"scale_type": "Percentage",
"score": "25",
"subject": {
"subject_id": "2",
"subject_name": English,
"credits": 6,
"type": Core,
"unpublished_score_value": 60.55,
"published_score_value": 60.2,
"dis_unpublished_score_value": 60.55%,
"dis_published_score_value": 60.2%,
"comment": ,
"assessments": [
"assessment_id": "10",
"name": "Mid Exam",
"points": "30",
"pass_points": "15",
"scale_type": "Percentage",
"score": "22",
"assessment_id": "4",
"name": "Project 1",
"points": "30",
"pass_points": "15",
"scale_type": "Percentage",
"score": "25",
"admission_number": "classe_30",
"student_email": "classetest@gmail.com",
"subject": {
"subject_id": "1",
"subject_name": Math,
"credits": 6,
"type": Core,
"unpublished_score_value": 75.55,
"published_score_value": 73.2,
"dis_unpublished_score_value": 75.55%,
"dis_published_score_value": 73.2%,
"comment": ,
"assessments": [
"assessment_id": "10",
"name": "Mid Exam",
"points": "30",
"pass_points": "15",
"scale_type": "Percentage",
"score": "22",
"assessment_id": "4",
"name": "Project 1",
"points": "30",
"pass_points": "15",
"scale_type": "Percentage",
"score": "25",
"subject": {
"subject_id": "2",
"subject_name": English,
"credits": 6,
"type": Core,
"unpublished_score_value": 60.55,
"published_score_value": 60.2,
"dis_unpublished_score_value": 60.55%,
"dis_published_score_value": 60.2%,
"comment": ,
"assessments": [
"assessment_id": "10",
"name": "Mid Exam",
"points": "30",
"pass_points": "15",
"scale_type": "Percentage",
"score": "22",
"assessment_id": "4",
"name": "Project 1",
"points": "30",
"pass_points": "15",
"scale_type": "Percentage",
"score": "25",
Case 3: Data not found
"success": 0,
"error": "no_record_found",
Case 4: Error occurred while retrieving data
"success": 0,
"error": "read_error",
curl -X GET "https://evaluate3x.classe365.com/rest/studentsScore?recordsPerPage=10&pageNo=2&acds_id=1" -H -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Basic ZXZhbHVhdGUzeDpsY2g4Y0QqeFJqMzMwVmEm"
This API allows you to get assessments score for a subject.
Meaning of Following Terms are
- unpublished_score_value: The score, which account both published and unpublished assessments towards the overall score calculation.
- published_score_value: The score, which account only the published assessments towards the overall score calculation.
- dis_unpublished_score_value: According to the gradebook’s overall score display settings, the unpublished_score_value will be displayed. This is the score for the student on the gradebook or report card.
- dis_published_score_value: According to the gradebook’s overall score display settings, the published_score_value will be displayed. This is the score for the student on the gradebook or report card.
Request parameters
ID of the acedemic session for which we want to get the scores data.
ID of the subject for which you want to retrieve the assessments score.
This section shows the different responses from the API.
1 for success and Zero for error or failure.
A small string representing the error type (only when success is Zero).
Case 1: Data retrieved successfully (Grading Periods enabled)
"success": 1,
"data": {
"subject": {
"subject_id": "1",
"name": "Subject 1",
"credits": "5",
"type": "Core"
"grading_periods": [
"grading_period_id": "1",
"name": "Jul 2019 - Oct 2019",
"weight": "50",
"weighted": 50
"grading_period_id": "2",
"name": "Nov 2019 - Feb 2020",
"weight": "50",
"weighted": 50
"overall_score": {
"1": [
"student_id": "4",
"student_first_name": "Alpesh",
"student_last_name": "Patel",
"student_admission_no": "123654014",
"is_alumni": "No",
"unpublished_score_value": "",
"published_score_value": "",
"dis_unpublished_score_value": "",
"dis_published_score_value": "",
"comment": ""
"2": [
"student_id": "4",
"student_first_name": "Alpesh",
"student_last_name": "Patel",
"student_admission_no": "123654014",
"is_alumni": "No",
"unpublished_score_value": "88.30",
"published_score_value": "88.30",
"dis_unpublished_score_value": "88.30%",
"dis_published_score_value": "88.30%",
"comment": ""
"student_id": "2",
"student_first_name": "Gaurav",
"student_last_name": "Patel",
"student_admission_no": "76921602",
"is_alumni": "No",
"unpublished_score_value": "81.65",
"published_score_value": "81.65",
"dis_unpublished_score_value": "81.65%",
"dis_published_score_value": "81.65%",
"comment": ""
"student_id": "9",
"student_first_name": "Hitesh",
"student_last_name": "Patel",
"student_admission_no": "2017_9_18",
"is_alumni": "No",
"unpublished_score_value": "73.35",
"published_score_value": "73.35",
"dis_unpublished_score_value": "73.35%",
"dis_published_score_value": "73.35%",
"comment": ""
"student_id": "6",
"student_first_name": "Hitz",
"student_last_name": "Patel",
"student_admission_no": "123654016",
"is_alumni": "No",
"unpublished_score_value": "66.65",
"published_score_value": "66.65",
"dis_unpublished_score_value": "66.65%",
"dis_published_score_value": "66.65%",
"comment": ""
"student_id": "12",
"student_first_name": "Jaimin",
"student_last_name": "Patel",
"student_admission_no": "2017_10_22",
"is_alumni": "No",
"unpublished_score_value": "73.35",
"published_score_value": "73.35",
"dis_unpublished_score_value": "73.35%",
"dis_published_score_value": "73.35%",
"comment": ""
"student_id": "5",
"student_first_name": "Naren",
"student_last_name": "Patel",
"student_admission_no": "123654015",
"is_alumni": "No",
"unpublished_score_value": "100.00",
"published_score_value": "100.00",
"dis_unpublished_score_value": "100.00%",
"dis_published_score_value": "100.00%",
"comment": ""
"student_id": "10",
"student_first_name": "Samaya",
"student_last_name": "Venkata",
"student_admission_no": "20171901",
"is_alumni": "No",
"unpublished_score_value": "88.30",
"published_score_value": "88.30",
"dis_unpublished_score_value": "88.30%",
"dis_published_score_value": "88.30%",
"comment": ""
"assessments": [
"assessment_id": "2",
"name": "Assignment 2",
"ass_cat_id": "1",
"ass_cat_name": "Assignment",
"points": "30",
"pass_points": "15",
"start_date": null,
"end_date": null,
"grading_period_id": "1",
"counts_in_overall": "Yes",
"weight": "10.00",
"is_published": "Yes",
"scale_type": "Percentage",
"score": [
"student_id": "4",
"student_first_name": "Alpesh",
"student_last_name": "Patel",
"student_admission_no": "123654014",
"is_alumni": "No",
"actual_score_value": "",
"display_score_value": "",
"comment": ""
"student_id": "2",
"student_first_name": "Gaurav",
"student_last_name": "Patel",
"student_admission_no": "76921602",
"is_alumni": "No",
"actual_score_value": "",
"display_score_value": "",
"comment": ""
"student_id": "9",
"student_first_name": "Hitesh",
"student_last_name": "Patel",
"student_admission_no": "2017_9_18",
"is_alumni": "No",
"actual_score_value": "",
"display_score_value": "",
"comment": ""
"student_id": "6",
"student_first_name": "Hitz",
"student_last_name": "Patel",
"student_admission_no": "123654016",
"is_alumni": "No",
"actual_score_value": "",
"display_score_value": "",
"comment": ""
"student_id": "12",
"student_first_name": "Jaimin",
"student_last_name": "Patel",
"student_admission_no": "2017_10_22",
"is_alumni": "No",
"actual_score_value": "",
"display_score_value": "",
"comment": ""
"student_id": "5",
"student_first_name": "Naren",
"student_last_name": "Patel",
"student_admission_no": "123654015",
"is_alumni": "No",
"actual_score_value": "",
"display_score_value": "",
"comment": ""
"student_id": "10",
"student_first_name": "Samaya",
"student_last_name": "Venkata",
"student_admission_no": "20171901",
"is_alumni": "No",
"actual_score_value": "30",
"display_score_value": "100.00%",
"comment": ""
"assessment_id": "3",
"name": "Project 1",
"ass_cat_id": "2",
"ass_cat_name": "Projects",
"points": "30",
"pass_points": "15",
"start_date": null,
"end_date": null,
"grading_period_id": "2",
"counts_in_overall": "Yes",
"weight": "10.00",
"is_published": "Yes",
"scale_type": "Percentage",
"score": [
"student_id": "4",
"student_first_name": "Alpesh",
"student_last_name": "Patel",
"student_admission_no": "123654014",
"is_alumni": "No",
"actual_score_value": "25",
"display_score_value": "83.33%",
"comment": ""
"student_id": "2",
"student_first_name": "Gaurav",
"student_last_name": "Patel",
"student_admission_no": "76921602",
"is_alumni": "No",
"actual_score_value": "27",
"display_score_value": "90.00%",
"comment": ""
"student_id": "9",
"student_first_name": "Hitesh",
"student_last_name": "Patel",
"student_admission_no": "2017_9_18",
"is_alumni": "No",
"actual_score_value": "24",
"display_score_value": "80.00%",
"comment": ""
"student_id": "6",
"student_first_name": "Hitz",
"student_last_name": "Patel",
"student_admission_no": "123654016",
"is_alumni": "No",
"actual_score_value": "18",
"display_score_value": "60.00%",
"comment": ""
"student_id": "12",
"student_first_name": "Jaimin",
"student_last_name": "Patel",
"student_admission_no": "2017_10_22",
"is_alumni": "No",
"actual_score_value": "24",
"display_score_value": "80.00%",
"comment": ""
"student_id": "5",
"student_first_name": "Naren",
"student_last_name": "Patel",
"student_admission_no": "123654015",
"is_alumni": "No",
"actual_score_value": "30",
"display_score_value": "100.00%",
"comment": ""
"student_id": "10",
"student_first_name": "Samaya",
"student_last_name": "Venkata",
"student_admission_no": "20171901",
"is_alumni": "No",
"actual_score_value": "25",
"display_score_value": "83.33%",
"comment": ""
"assessment_id": "4",
"name": "Project 2",
"ass_cat_id": "2",
"ass_cat_name": "Projects",
"points": "30",
"pass_points": "15",
"start_date": null,
"end_date": "2019-08-11",
"grading_period_id": "2",
"counts_in_overall": "Yes",
"weight": "10.00",
"is_published": "Yes",
"scale_type": "Percentage",
"score": [
"student_id": "4",
"student_first_name": "Alpesh",
"student_last_name": "Patel",
"student_admission_no": "123654014",
"is_alumni": "No",
"actual_score_value": "28",
"display_score_value": "93.33%",
"comment": ""
"student_id": "2",
"student_first_name": "Gaurav",
"student_last_name": "Patel",
"student_admission_no": "76921602",
"is_alumni": "No",
"actual_score_value": "22",
"display_score_value": "73.33%",
"comment": ""
"student_id": "9",
"student_first_name": "Hitesh",
"student_last_name": "Patel",
"student_admission_no": "2017_9_18",
"is_alumni": "No",
"actual_score_value": "20",
"display_score_value": "66.67%",
"comment": ""
"student_id": "6",
"student_first_name": "Hitz",
"student_last_name": "Patel",
"student_admission_no": "123654016",
"is_alumni": "No",
"actual_score_value": "22",
"display_score_value": "73.33%",
"comment": ""
"student_id": "12",
"student_first_name": "Jaimin",
"student_last_name": "Patel",
"student_admission_no": "2017_10_22",
"is_alumni": "No",
"actual_score_value": "20",
"display_score_value": "66.67%",
"comment": ""
"student_id": "5",
"student_first_name": "Naren",
"student_last_name": "Patel",
"student_admission_no": "123654015",
"is_alumni": "No",
"actual_score_value": "30",
"display_score_value": "100.00%",
"comment": ""
"student_id": "10",
"student_first_name": "Samaya",
"student_last_name": "Venkata",
"student_admission_no": "20171901",
"is_alumni": "No",
"actual_score_value": "28",
"display_score_value": "93.33%",
"comment": ""
"assessment_id": "5",
"name": "Final Project",
"ass_cat_id": "2",
"ass_cat_name": "Projects",
"points": "50",
"pass_points": "20",
"start_date": "2019-08-04",
"end_date": "2019-12-31",
"grading_period_id": "1",
"counts_in_overall": "Yes",
"weight": "10.00",
"is_published": "Yes",
"scale_type": "Percentage",
"score": []
Case 2: Data retrieved successfully (Without Grading Periods)
"success": 1,
"data": {
"subject": {
"subject_id": 1,
"subject_name": Math,
"credits": 6,
"type": Core,
"overall_score": { // If grading periods are disabled just one element in this array with key value 0
"0": {
"student_id": 45,
"student_first_name": Cindy,
"student_last_name": Hanson,
"student_admission_no": 2019001,
"is_alumni": No,
"unpublished_score_value": 85.33,
"published_score_value": 70.20,
"dis_unpublished_score_value": 85.33%,
"dis_published_score_value": 70.20,
"comment": ,
"student_id": 40,
"student_first_name": Ben,
"student_last_name": Gerber,
"student_admission_no": 2019002,
"is_alumni": No,
"unpublished_score_value": 75.25,
"published_score_value": 70.00,
"dis_unpublished_score_value": 75.25%,
"dis_published_score_value": 70.00%,
"comment": ,
"assessments": {
"assessment_id": 10,
"name": Mid Exam,
"ass_cat_id": 1,
"ass_cat_name": Exam,
"points": 30,
"pass_points": 15,
"start_date": null,
"end_date": null,
"counts_in_overall": Yes,
"weight": 10,
"is_published": Yes,
"scale_type": Percentage,
"score": {
"student_id": 45,
"student_first_name": Cindy,
"student_last_name": Hanson,
"student_admission_no": 2019001,
"is_alumni": No,
"actual_score_value": 15,
"display_score_value": 50%,
"comment": ,
"student_id": 40,
"student_first_name": Ben,
"student_last_name": Gerber,
"student_admission_no": 2019002,
"is_alumni": No,
"actual_score_value": 15,
"display_score_value": 50%,
"comment": ,
"assessment_id": 4,
"name": Project 1,
"ass_cat_id": 2,
"ass_cat_name": Assignment Project,
"points": 30,
"pass_points": 15,
"start_date": null,
"end_date": null,
"counts_in_overall": Yes,
"weight": 10,
"is_published": No,
"scale_type": Percentage,
"score": {
"student_id": 45,
"student_first_name": Cindy,
"student_last_name": Hanson,
"student_admission_no": 2019001,
"is_alumni": No,
"actual_score_value": 15,
"display_score_value": 50%,
"comment": ,
"student_id": 40,
"student_first_name": Ben,
"student_last_name": Gerber,
"student_admission_no": 2019002,
"is_alumni": No,
"actual_score_value": 15,
"display_score_value": 50%,
"comment": ,
Case 3: Data not found
"success": 0,
"error": "no_record_found",
Case 4: Invalid parameters
"success": 0,
"error": "invalid_parameters",
Case 5: Error occurred while retrieving data
"success": 0,
"error": "read_error",
curl -X GET "https://evaluate3x.classe365.com/rest/subjectScore?id=1&acds_id=1" -H -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Basic ZXZhbHVhdGUzeDpsY2g4Y0QqeFJqMzMwVmEm"
This API allows you to add or update an assessment score.
Request headers
Request body
ID of the acedemic session under which we want to manage the scores data.
ID of assessment
ID of subjects
JSON encoded string of obtained scores
This section shows the different responses from the API.
1 for success and Zero for error or failure.
A small string representing the error type (only when success is Zero).
API message.
Case 1: Data saved successfully
"success": 1,
"message": "Data saved successfully."
Case 2: Invalid parameters
"success": 0,
"error": "invalid_parameters"
Case 3: Invalid assessment id
"success": 0,
"error": "invalid_assessment_id"
Case 4: Assessment not applicable on subjects
"success": 0,
"error": "invalid_assessment_id_and_subject_id",
Case 5: Invalid assessment score data
"success": 0,
"error": "invalid_score_data",
Case 6: Error while saving assessment score data
"success": 0,
"error": "save_error",
Authorization failed
Save Assessment Score
curl -X POST "https://evaluate3x.classe365.com/rest/saveAssessmentScore" -H -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" -H "Authorization: Basic ZXZhbHVhdGUzeDpsY2g4Y0QqeFJqMzMwVmEm" -d 'acds_id=1&assessment_id=1&subject_id=1&score_data={"4":{"score":"20","comment":"Good","status":""},"2":{"score":"10","comment":"Poor Performance","status":""},"6":{"score":"","comment":"","status":"EXE"}}'
This API allows you to get all the assessments of particular academic session.
Request parameters
1 for success and Zero for error or failure.
A small string representing the error type (only when success is zero)
Case 1: Data retrieved successfully.
"success": 1,
"data": [
"assessment_id": 389,
"name": "Ass 1",
"description": "",
"assessment_cat_id": 71,
"assessment_cat_name": "Assignment",
"total_points": 50,
"passing_points": 25,
"start_date": "",
"end_date": "",
"grading_period_id": 56,
"cce_enabled": "Yes",
"counts_in_overall": "Yes",
"weight": 10,
"is_published": "Yes",
"is_locked": "No",
"scale_type": "Actual Points",
"scale_name": null,
"applied_to": "particular_subjects",
"applied_to_subject_ids": "1,61"
"assessment_id": 354,
"name": "Ass 1",
"description": "",
"assessment_cat_id": 71,
"assessment_cat_name": "Assignment",
"total_points": 50,
"passing_points": 25,
"start_date": "",
"end_date": "",
"grading_period_id": 55,
"cce_enabled": "No",
"counts_in_overall": "Yes",
"weight": 10,
"is_published": "No",
"is_locked": "No",
"scale_type": "Actual Points",
"scale_name": null,
"applied_to": "all_subjects_of_particular_class_section",
"applied_to_class_section_ids": "1,76"
"assessment_id": 355,
"name": "Ass 2",
"description": "",
"assessment_cat_id": 71,
"assessment_cat_name": "Assignment",
"total_points": 50,
"passing_points": 25,
"start_date": "",
"end_date": "",
"grading_period_id": 55,
"cce_enabled": "No",
"counts_in_overall": "No",
"weight": 10,
"is_published": "No",
"is_locked": "No",
"scale_type": "Percentage",
"scale_name": null,
"applied_to": "all_subjects_of_particular_class_section",
"applied_to_class_section_ids": "1,76"
"assessment_id": 356,
"name": "El Ass 1",
"description": "",
"assessment_cat_id": 71,
"assessment_cat_name": "Assignment",
"total_points": 50,
"passing_points": 25,
"start_date": "",
"end_date": "",
"grading_period_id": 55,
"cce_enabled": "No",
"counts_in_overall": "Yes",
"weight": 10,
"is_published": "Yes",
"is_locked": "No",
"scale_type": "Actual Points",
"scale_name": null,
"applied_to": "particular_subjects",
"applied_to_subject_ids": "218,32,221,127"
"assessment_id": 357,
"name": "El Ass 2",
"description": "",
"assessment_cat_id": 71,
"assessment_cat_name": "Assignment",
"total_points": 30,
"passing_points": 15,
"start_date": "",
"end_date": "",
"grading_period_id": 55,
"cce_enabled": "No",
"counts_in_overall": "Yes",
"weight": 10,
"is_published": "Yes",
"is_locked": "No",
"scale_type": "Actual Points",
"scale_name": null,
"applied_to": "particular_subjects",
"applied_to_subject_ids": "218,32,221,127"
Case 2: Data not found
"success": 0,
"error": "no_assessment_found",
Case 3: Invalid academic session or academic session missing
"success": 0,
"error": "invalid_academic_session_id",
curl -X GET "https://evaluate3x.classe365.com/rest/getAssessments?acds_id=1" -H -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Basic ZXZhbHVhdGUzeDpsY2g4Y0QqeFJqMzMwVmEm"
This section lists the API documentation for the APIs related to invoicing and payments.
This API allows you to get fees data for all fess, particular fees, particular invoice and particular payment.
Request parameters
If we do not specify fees_id, invoice_id or payment_id then all fees, invoices and payments data is returned in a nested JSON format.
If data is needed for particular fees then pass fees_id.
If data is needed for particular invoice then pass invoice_id.
If data is needed for particular payment then pass payment_id.
Format of the returned data. The type can be: “json” or “xml” value. If we do not pass a format parameter, then data is returned in xml format.
Pass this parameter to filter the invoices by Invoice date. All invoices greater or equal to date passed in this parameter will be considered in response data.
Date value should be in YYYY-mm-dd format.
Note: This parameter is not applicable when we pass invoice_id or payment_id parameter.
Pass this parameter to filter the invoices by Invoice date. All invoices less or equal to date passed in this parameter will be considered in response data.
Date value should be in YYYY-mm-dd format.
Note: This parameter is not applicable when we pass invoice_id or payment_id parameter.
Pass this parameter to filter the invoices by Invoice Created date. All invoices with created date greater or equal to the date passed in this parameter will be considered in response data.
Date value should be in YYYY-mm-dd format.
Note: This parameter is not applicable when we pass invoice_id or payment_id parameter.
Pass this parameter to filter the invoices by Invoice Created date. All invoices with created date less or equal to the date passed in this parameter will be considered in response data.
Date value should be in YYYY-mm-dd format.
Note: This parameter is not applicable when we pass invoice_id or payment_id parameter.
Pass this parameter to filter the invoices by Invoice Due date. All invoices with due date greater or equal to the date passed in this parameter will be considered in response data.
Date value should be in YYYY-mm-dd format.
Note: This parameter is not applicable when we pass invoice_id or payment_id parameter.
Pass this parameter to filter the invoices by Invoice Due date. All invoices with due date less or equal to the date passed in this parameter will be considered in response data.
Date value should be in YYYY-mm-dd format.
Note: This parameter is not applicable when we pass invoice_id or payment_id parameter.
This section shows the different responses from the API.
Case 1: Data retrieved successfully.
"id": "1",
"name": "Education Term Fee 1",
"description": "1st Term fee includes all Education.",
"type": "Academic",
"partial_payments": "Allowed",
"recuring": "No",
"amount": "4998.00 CAD",
"discount": "100.00 CAD",
"due_date": "",
"comments": "Eduction Fee Comment",
"invoices": [
"invoice_id": "1",
"user": "Student",
"user_id": "17",
"user_name": "Classe Student",
"sub_total ":"5000 CAD",
"discount":"100.00 CAD",
"tax_amount ":"98.00 CAD",
"amount":"4998.00 CAD"
"status": "Partially Paid",
"date": "12-08-2019",
"due_date": "",
"comments": "",
"name":"Tution Fee",
"payments": [
"payment_id": "1",
"paid_amount": "2000.00 CAD",
"paid_through": "GoCardLess",
"paid_by": "parents",
"paid_on": "12-08-2019",
"status": "Paid",
"transaction_id": "*****v2r5"
"invoice_id": "38",
"user": "Form Submission",
"user_id": "3",
"user_name": "Developer Prominentapps",
"sub_total ":"5000 CAD",
"discount":"100.00 CAD",
"tax_amount ":"98.00 CAD",
"amount":"4998.00 CAD"
"status": "Paid",
"date": "13-09-2019",
"due_date": "",
"comments": "",
"name":"Tution Fee",
"payments": [
"payment_id": "7",
"paid_amount": "4998.00 CAD",
"paid_through": "Stripe",
"paid_by": "form_submission",
"paid_on": "13-09-2019",
"status": "Paid",
"transaction_id": "*****zbBw"
"id": "2",
"name": "Education Term Fee 2",
"description": "1st Term fee includes all Education.",
"type": "Academic",
"partial_payments": "Not allowed",
"recuring": "No",
"amount": "10237.50 CAD",
"discount": "250.00 CAD",
"due_date": "",
"comments": "Education Term Fee comment",
"invoices": [
"invoice_id": "10",
"user": "Student",
"user_id": "17",
"user_name": "Classe Student",
"sub_total ":"10000 CAD",
"discount":"250.00 CAD",
"tax_amount ":"487.50 CAD",
"amount": "10237.50 CAD",
"status": "Un-paid",
"date": "12-08-2019",
"due_date": "",
"comments": "Invoice comment..",
"name":"Tution Fee",
"payments": []
"id": "4",
"name": "Library Fees",
"description": "Library Fees",
"type": "Library Fees",
"partial_payments": "Not allowed",
"recuring": "No",
"amount": "2000.00 CAD",
"discount": "0.00 CAD",
"due_date": "15-09-2019",
"comments": "Library Fee Comment",
"invoices": []
Case 2: No Record found.
Authorization failed
Get data for particular fees category using fee_id.
curl -X POST "https://demo.classe365.com/rest/feesInfo?fee_id=1&format=json" -H -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Basic ZGVtbzorQENlOUx6Unl3YjVtNXE2"
Get data for particular invoice using invoice_id.
curl -X POST "https://demo.classe365.com/rest/feesInfo?invoice_id=1&format=json" -H -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Basic ZGVtbzorQENlOUx6Unl3YjVtNXE2"
Get data for particular payment using payment_id.
curl -X POST "https://demo.classe365.com/rest/feesInfo?payment_id=1&format=json" -H -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Basic ZGVtbzorQENlOUx6Unl3YjVtNXE2"
Get data for all fees category.
curl -X POST "https://demo.classe365.com/rest/feesInfo?format=json" -H -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Basic ZGVtbzorQENlOUx6Unl3YjVtNXE2"
This API allows you to get invoices data.
Request parameters
JSON encoded string of fields and values that we want to filter by. For example: ‘invoice_recurring’
invoice_id: ID of the invoice to get particular invoice data.
fee_id: ID of the fee category to get all invoice of particular fees category.
invoice_status: Pass this parameter to filter the invoice records based on their status. Supported values are Cancelled,Un-paid,Partially Paid,Paid,Over Paid,In Progress.
invoice_type: Pass this parameter to filter the invoice records based on their payer type. Supported values are crm,academic,agent.
invoice_recurring: Pass this parameter to filter the recurring and nonrecurring invoice records. Supported values are 1 for recurring invoices and 0 for non recurring invoices.
date_from Pass this parameter to filter the invoices by Invoice date. All invoices greater or equal to date passed in this parameter will be considered in response data.
Date value should be in YYYY-mm-dd format.
date_to Pass this parameter to filter the invoices by Invoice date. All invoices less or equal to date passed in this parameter will be considered in response data.
Date value should be in YYYY-mm-dd format.
due_date_from Pass this parameter to filter the invoices by Invoice Due date. All invoices with due date greater or equal to the date passed in this parameter will be considered in response data.
Date value should be in YYYY-mm-dd format.
due_date_to Pass this parameter to filter the invoices by Invoice Due date. All invoices with due date less or equal to the date passed in this parameter will be considered in response data.
Date value should be in YYYY-mm-dd format.
Specify records per page and display page number.
pageNo: Default value is 1.
recordsPerPage: Default value is 50.
This section shows the different responses from the API.
Case 1: Data retrieved successfully.
"success": 1,
"data": [
"fee_id": 1,
"fee_name": "Education Term Fee 1",
"fee_type": "Academic",
"fee_description": "1st Term fee includes all Education.",
"fee_due_date": "",
"fee_amount": 100,
"fee_discount": 0,
"fee_tax": 0,
"fee_comments": "Term fee comment",
"partial_payments": "Allowed",
"recuring": "No",
"invoice_id": 4,
"user": "Student",
"user_id": 4,
"user_name": "Classe Student",
"sub_total": "5000 USD",
"discount_in_percentage": 2,
"discount": "100 USD",
"tax_amount": "98 USD",
"amount": "4998 USD",
"invoice_status": "Paid",
"date": "2019-08-12",
"due_date": "",
"invoice_comments": "following things are consider in this fee. Library access, Sport fee, etc..",
"line_items": [
"name": "Tution Fee",
"description": "",
"rate": 5000,
"qty": 1,
"tax_in_percentage": 2
"payments": [
"payment_id": 3,
"paid_amount": "4998 USD",
"paid_through": "Stripe",
"paid_by": "student",
"paid_on": "2019-08-12",
"status": "Paid",
"transaction_id": "ch_1F6d9JLLjDWRfOyKh15reBvQ"
"fee_id": 1,
"fee_name": "Education Term Fee 1",
"fee_type": "Academic",
"fee_description": "1st Term fee includes all Education.",
"fee_due_date": "",
"fee_amount": 100,
"fee_discount": 0,
"fee_tax": 0,
"fee_comments": "Eduction Term Fee comment",
"partial_payments": "Allowed",
"recuring": "No",
"invoice_id": 7,
"user": "Student",
"user_id": 9,
"user_name": "Classe Student",
"sub_total": "5000 USD",
"discount_in_percentage": 2,
"discount": "100 USD",
"tax_amount": "98 USD",
"amount": "4998 USD",
"invoice_status": "Paid",
"date": "2019-08-12",
"due_date": "",
"invoice_comments": "Eduction Term Fee Invoice Comment",
"line_items": [
"name": "Tution Fee",
"description": "",
"rate": 5000,
"qty": 1,
"tax_in_percentage": 2
"payments": [
"payment_id": 27,
"paid_amount": "100 USD",
"paid_through": "Paypal",
"paid_by": "student",
"paid_on": "2020-03-27",
"status": "Paid",
"transaction_id": "9P5616619C1941452"
"payment_id": 711,
"paid_amount": "4867.92 USD",
"paid_through": "E-Transfer",
"paid_by": "student",
"paid_on": "2022-08-01",
"status": "Un-paid",
"transaction_id": "65465"
"payment_id": 713,
"paid_amount": "4898 USD",
"paid_through": "Paypal",
"paid_by": "student",
"paid_on": "2022-09-08",
"status": "Paid",
"transaction_id": ""
Case 2: No Record found.
"success": 1,
"message": "No Record found.",
Case 3: Invalid parameters
"success": 0,
"error": "invalid_parameters",
Authorization failed
Get Invoice Data
curl -X GET "https://demo.classe365.com/rest/feeInvoicesData?page={"recordsPerPage":"10","pageNo":"1"}" \
-H -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" -H "Authorization: Basic ZGVtbzorQENlOUx6Unl3YjVtNXE2"
Get Particular Invoice Data
curl -X GET "https://demo.classe365.com/rest/feeInvoicesData?filter={"invoice_id":"4"}" \
-H -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" -H "Authorization: Basic ZGVtbzorQENlOUx6Unl3YjVtNXE2"
This API allows you to create invoices.
Request headers
Request body
ID of the fee category for which we want to create invoices.
JSON strings containing an array of payers data.
payer_id: The unique identifier of the payer. If the invoice is for student, then student id value should be passed in payer_id. (Required)
payer_type: Specifies the type of payer. Supported values: student, form_submission, agent. (Required)
related_user_type: This is only applicable when payer_type is agent. Supported values: student or form_submission.
related_user_id: This is only applicable when payer_type is agent. The unique identifier of the related user (student id or form submission id).
invoice_date: The invoice issue date in YYYY-MM-DD format. (Required)
invoice_due_date: The due date for the invoice in YYYY-MM-DD format.
invoice_comment: Any comment you want to add for this invoice.
line_items: An array of line items associated with the invoice. Each line item includes:
name: The name of the line item. (Required)
description: A brief description of the line item.
qty: Quantity of the line item. (Required)
rate: Rate per unit of the line item. (Required)
tax: An optional array of tax details. Each tax entry includes:
name: The name of the tax. (Required)
value: The tax rate as a numeric value. (Required)
If no line_items are provided, then system will follow the line-items set in the fee category.
discount_val: The discount value applied to the invoice. This is only applicable when line_items are included. Make sure we support the percentage value only and not the fixed value. So if you pass 10, then it will consider 10% discount.
discount_label: A label or description for the discount. This is only applicable when discount_val is provided.
1 for success and 0 for error or failure.
A small string representing the error type.
It is a string that represents the success or error message.
It is an array of strings that defines the errors encountered during invoice creation.
This example shows the success value when invoice created sucessfully for all the payers.
"success": 1,
"message": "<success_invoice_count> invoice(s) created successfully.",
This example shows the success response when invoices are successfully created for some payers but encounter errors for others.
"success": 1,
"error": "some_invoice_not_created",
"message": "<success_invoice_count> invoice(s) created successfully. But some error occurred while creating <error_invoice_count> invoice(s).",
"invoice_errors": "['Invoice already created for payer mentioned in #2.','Invoice created successfully for payer mentioned in #4 But,Line items creation failed.','Invoice date is required for payer mentioned in #5.','Invoice due date invalid for payer mentioned in #6.','Rate is missing or invalid for line item #1 under payer mentioned in #10.','Tax is invalid for line item #2 under payer mentioned in #10.','Tax name is missing in #1 for line item #2 under payer mentioned in #12.','Invoice not created for payer mentioned in #15 Because of some internal issue.']"
This example shows the error when the required parameters are not passed.
"success": 0,
"error": "invalid_parameters",
"message": "Required parameters missing.",
This example shows the error when the payers parameter is not valid.
"success": 0,
"error": "invalid_parameters",
"message": "The parameter payers has an invalid value.",
This example demonstrates the error returned when a user provides more than 50 payers.
"success": 0,
"error": "payers_limit",
"message": "You can create a maximum of 50 invoices at a time.",
This example demonstrates the error returned when a fee does not exist.
"success": 0,
"error": "invalid_fee_id",
"message": "",
"invoice_errors": ""
This example shows the error status if there is any error while creating invoicefor the payers.
"success": "0",
"error": "invoice_save_error",
"message": "Error! While processing this request.",
"invoice_errors": "['Payer id not set for payer mentioned in #1.','Invoice already created for payer mentioned in #2.','Invoice date is required for payer mentioned in #5.','Invoice due date invalid for payer mentioned in #6.','Discount value applied only if you specify the line items. So line items missing under payer mentioned in #8.','Name is missing or invalid for line item #1 under payer mentioned in #10.','Rate is missing or invalid for line item #1 under payer mentioned in #10.','Tax is invalid for line item #2 under payer mentioned in #10.','Tax name is missing in #1 for line item #2 under payer mentioned in #12.','Tax value is missing in #1 for line item #1 under payer mentioned in #13.','Invoice not created for payer mentioned in #15 Because of some internal issue.', 'Invoice created successfully for payer mentioned in #18 But,Line items creation failed.']"
curl --location 'https://evaluate3x.classe365.com/rest/createInvoice' \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Basic ZXZhbHVhdGUzeDpsY2g4Y0QqeFJqMzMwVmEm"
--form 'fee_id="5"' \
--form 'payers="[{\"payer_id\":42,\"payer_type\":\"student\",\"invoice_date\":\"2024-12-09\",\"discount_val\":\"10.50\",\"line_items\":[{\"name\":\"Item 1\",\"description\":\"\",\"qty\":2,\"rate\":20,\"tax\":[{\"name\":\"CGST\",\"value\":5},{\"name\":\"SGST\",\"value\":5},{\"name\":\"VAT\",\"value\":5}]},{\"name\":\"Item 2\",\"description\":\"\",\"qty\":1,\"rate\":200}]},{\"payer_id\":81,\"payer_type\":\"student\",\"invoice_date\":\"2024-12-09\"},{\"payer_id\":146,\"payer_type\":\"student\",\"invoice_date\":\"2024-12-09\",\"discount_val\":\"10.50\",\"line_items\":[{\"name\":\"Item 1\",\"description\":\"\",\"qty\":2,\"rate\":20,\"tax\":[{\"name\":\"CGST\",\"value\":5},{\"name\":\"SGST\",\"value\":5},{\"name\":\"VAT\",\"value\":5}]},{\"name\":\"Item 2\",\"description\":\"\",\"qty\":1,\"rate\":200}]}]"'
This API allows you to get ledger accounts data.
Request parameters
Pass the Account ID to retrieve all the ledger data for a specific account. You can locate this Account ID on the Manage Accounts screen.
This section shows the different responses from the API.
Case 1: Data retrieved successfully.
"success": 1,
"data": [
"name": "Assets",
"type": "Group",
"group_data": [
"name": "Academy Receivables,01-15155-00,Default",
"type": "Ledger",
"ledger_data": {
"id": 1,
"name": "Academy Receivables,01-15155-00,Default",
"bank_or_cash_account": "No",
"reconciliation": "Yes",
"opening_balance_type": "Debit",
"opening_balance_amount": 0,
"total_debit_amount": 1233290.28,
"total_credit_amount": 15442.88,
"closing_balance_type": "Debit",
"closing_balance_amount": "1217847.40"
"name": "Cash Accounts",
"type": "Group",
"group_data": [
"name": "Credit Cards,01-12250-00,Default",
"type": "Ledger",
"ledger_data": {
"id": 2,
"name": "Credit Cards,01-12250-00,Default",
"bank_or_cash_account": "Yes",
"reconciliation": "No",
"opening_balance_type": "Debit",
"opening_balance_amount": 0,
"total_debit_amount": 0,
"total_credit_amount": 0,
"closing_balance_type": "Debit",
"closing_balance_amount": 0
"name": "Operating Account,01-12000-00,Default",
"type": "Ledger",
"ledger_data": {
"id": 3,
"name": "Operating Account,01-12000-00,Default",
"bank_or_cash_account": "Yes",
"reconciliation": "No",
"opening_balance_type": "Debit",
"opening_balance_amount": 0,
"total_debit_amount": 540381,
"total_credit_amount": 0,
"closing_balance_type": "Debit",
"closing_balance_amount": "540381.00"
"name": "Test Group",
"type": "Group",
"group_data": [
"name": "Test Group 1",
"type": "Group",
"group_data": []
Case 2: Invalid parameters
"success": 0,
"error": "invalid_parameters",
Case 3: Error occurred while retrieving data
"success": 0,
"error": "read_error",
Authorization failed
Get Ledger Accounts Data
curl -X GET "https://demo.classe365.com/rest/accountEntries?account_id=fy2021&page=1&from_date=2023-04-01&to_date=2023-04-30" \
-H -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" -H "Authorization: Basic ZGVtbzorQENlOUx6Unl3YjVtNXE2"
This API allows you to get entries data.
Request parameters
Pass the Account ID, to retrieve all the entries data for a specific account. You can locate this Account ID on the Manage Accounts screen.
Pass the id of the ledger account to retrieve the entries data for a particular ledger account.
Pass this parameter to filter the entries by entry date. All entries greater or equal to date passed in this parameter will be considered in response data.
Date value should be in YYYY-mm-dd format.
Pass this parameter to filter the entries by entry date. All entries less or equal to date passed in this parameter will be considered in response data.
Date value should be in YYYY-mm-dd format.
Pass the entry number if you want to retrieve the data for a particular entry.
The data returned by this API is paginated, with a maximum of 20 records per call. To specify the range of records you require, you can use this parameter by passing page no value in it. Default value is 1.
This section shows the different responses from the API.
Case 1: Data retrieved successfully.
"success": 1,
"data": [
"7692": {
"number": "7692",
"type": "Payment",
"date": "30-04-2023",
"narration": "Batch #294",
"tag": "Fee",
"transactions": [
"type": "Debit",
"ledger_account_id": 1,
"ledger_account_name": "Ladger 1",
"amount": 145,
"reconciliation_date": "30-06-2021"
"type": "Credit",
"ledger_account_id": 11,
"ledger_account_name": "Ladger 2",
"amount": 110,
"reconciliation_date": "29-06-2021"
"type": "Credit",
"ledger_account_id": 14,
"ledger_account_name": "Ladger 3",
"amount": 35,
"reconciliation_date": "30-06-2021"
Case 2: Invalid parameters
"success": 0,
"error": "invalid_parameters",
Case 3: Error occurred while retrieving data
"success": 0,
"error": "read_error",
Authorization failed
Get Account Entries Data
curl -X GET "https://demo.classe365.com/rest/accountEntries?account_id=fy2021&page=1&from_date=2023-04-01&to_date=2023-04-30" \
-H -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" -H "Authorization: Basic ZGVtbzorQENlOUx6Unl3YjVtNXE2"
This API allows you to add a submission or update existing submission details.
Request headers
Request body
ID of the submission to be updated. If the ID is not specified, then the API performs an insert operation. If ID is specified, then the API performs an update operation. ID is required for an update operation only.
ID of the Form for which submission is added or updated.
The value of form field/attribute. Form field/attribute like First Name, Last Name, Email, Contact and any other custom fields created on the form. The param name (form_field_id) should be the exact field id displayed for Field Id (non editable setting) under related field setting.
For date type field, pass the date value in Y-m-d format.
For image and file type fields, pass file name (with extension) and base64 encoded file data in json encoded format.
For class and section fields in student pre-admission form, we need to pass class id and section id.
For elective subject field in student pre-admission form, we need to pass the ids of elective subjects in comma separated string format.
For subject field in teacher registration form, we need to pass the ids of subjects in comma separated string format.
Generic Forms
"id": 1,
"form_id": 1,
"firstname_76": "Clase",
"lastname_76": "Developer",
"contact_76": "Clase",
"date_77": "2020-06-07",
"file_78": '[{"name":"File_Name_With_Extension","file":"base64_encoded_string_of_file_data"}]',
"image_79": '[{"name":"File_Name_With_Extension","file":"base64_encoded_string_of_file_data"}]'
Students Pre-admission
"id": 1,
"form_id": 1,
"firstname_76": "Clase",
"lastname_76": "Developer",
"contact_76": "123456789",
"class_76": 1,
"section_76": 1,
"electivesubject_76": "10,12,17",
"flexicoresubject_76": "20,25"
Teachers Registration
"id": 1,
"form_id": 1,
"firstname_76": "Clase",
"lastname_76": "Developer",
"contact_76": "Clase",
"date_77": "2020-06-07",
"file_78": '[{"name":"File_Name_With_Extension","file":"base64_encoded_string_of_file_data"}]',
"image_79": '[{"name":"File_Name_With_Extension","file":"base64_encoded_string_of_file_data"}]',
"subjectSelection_76": "10,12,15"
This section shows the different responses from the API.
1 for success and 0 for error or failure.
A small string representing the error type (only when success is 0).
Case 1: Submission added/updated successfully.
"success": 1
Case 2: Invalid form id
"success": 0,
"error": "invalid_form_id",
Case 3: Invalid submission ID
"success": 0,
"error": "invalid_id",
Case 3: Data validation error
"success": 0,
"error": "field_validations",
-"field_validations": {
"first_name": "Please enter First Name",
"email": "Please enter valid email",
"contact": "Only numeric value allowed for contact",
"date": "Please enter valid date value for date",
"unique_email": "Please enter unique value for unique email",
"image": "Image size should be less than 500 KB",
"file": "File type should be all Allowed Types of format",
"class_id": "Class id not exist",
"section_id": "Section id not exist",
"electivesubject": "Invalid elective subject ids",
"flexicoresubject": "Invalid flexi core subject ids",
Authorization failed
This API allows you to get details of a particular submission.
Request parameters
ID of the submission for which we want to retrieve the submission details
This section shows the different responses from the API.
1 for success and 0 for error or failure.
A small string representing the error type (only when success is 0).
Array of all submission data with form field id as a key and related submission value as a value.
This array will include more information like related form name and submission status.
Case 1: Data retrieved successfully
"success": 1
"data": [{"id":"54", "form_name":"Form Name", "first_name":"Cary","last_name":"Baxter","gender":"Male","date_of_birth":"2014-09-21","image":"Image URL","email":"carybaxter@gmail.com","contact":"1234567890", "file":"File path", "status":"Pending", "type":"active", "created_at":"15-07-2021 08:14 AM", "modified_at":"15-07-2021 08:14 AM"}]
"meta_data": ["fields"=>{"firstname"=>"First Name", "lastname"=>"Last Name", "email"=>"Email", "select_228"=>"Hobby"}]
Case 2: Invalid parameters
"success": 0,
"error": "invalid_id",
Authorization failed
This API allows you to get submissions information.
Request parameters
JSON encoded string of submission fields and values that we want to filter by. For example:
id: ID of the submission to get particular submission data (If ID is not specified, then the API returns the complete submission data.)
form_id: ID of the form for submission is created
first_name: First name of the user
last_name: Last name of the user
email: Email of the user
contact: Contact number of the user
from_date: Date of submission from you want to start retrieving submissions data
to_date: Date of submission from you want to stop retriveing submissions data
type Pass this parameter to filter the submission records based on their active/archive/draft status. Supported values are active,archive,draft and all. If we pass all then API will return all active, archive and draft submission. If we pass archive then it will return only archive submissions and same for draft. By default, it will consider all and will return all submissions.
consider_unpublished_fields: This parameter’s value dictates whether the API includes unpublished fields in the response. When set to 1, unpublished fields are considered. Any value other than 1 results in only published fields being returned. The default value for this parameter is 0, ensuring that, by default, only published fields are included in the response.
Note: All date values should be passed in Y-m-d format. For example, the value for 1st Dec 2018 is “2018-12-01”
Field name and sort order type. The sort field can be: first_name: First name last_name: Last name date: Form submission date The sort order can be: asc: Ascending order desc: Descending order
Specify records per page and display page number. Page number starts from 1. maximum recordes per page is 200.
This section shows the different responses from the API.
1 for success and Zero for error or failure.
A small string representing the error type (only when success is Zero).
Case 1: Data retrieved successfully
"data":[{"id":"2","form_id":"11","form_name":"Project Submission Form", "status":"Pending", "type":"active", "first_name":"Classe", "last_name":"Developer", "email":"support@classe365.com", "contact":"1111111","class_id":"27","class_name":"Grade 1","section_id":"46","section_name":"Section A","elective_subject":"122,183","electivesubject":"Good Programming Skills (Grade 3 - Division A),Surveying (Architectural Acoustics Course - Section A)","flexi_core_subject": "827,5","flexicoresubject": "Comm (Information Technology - Semester 2),Java (Computer Engineering - Semester 2)", "date_89":"2021-07-15","country_121":"9","country_name":"Australia","created_at":"15-07-2021 08:14 AM","modified_at":"15-07-2021 08:14 AM"}],
"meta_data":["total_count": 10]
Case 2: Missing Pagination Details
case 3: Maximum Recoreds Per Page
"success": 0,
"error": "recordes_per_page_max_limit_crossed"
case 4: Invalid Sort Field
"success": 0,
"error": "invalid_sort_field"
case 5: Invalid Sort Type
"success": 0,
"error": "invalid_sort_type"
Authorization failed
Get Submissions Data
curl -X GET "https://demo.classe365.com/rest/getSubmissionsData?page={"recordsPerPage":"10","pageNo":"1"}" \
-H -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" -H "Authorization: Basic ZGVtbzorQENlOUx6Unl3YjVtNXE2"
Get Particular Submisssion
curl -X GET "https://demo.classe365.com/rest/getSubmissionsData?filter={"id":"4"}" \
-H -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" -H "Authorization: Basic ZGVtbzorQENlOUx6Unl3YjVtNXE2"
This API allows you to add agent data or update existing agent data.
Request headers
Request body
ID of the agent to be updated. If the ID is not specified, then the API performs an insert operation. If ID is specified, then the API performs an update operation. ID is required for an update operation only.
The id of agent data field or data attribute. This should be the exact field id displayed for Field Id (non editable setting) under related field setting in Manage Agent Attributes.
For date type field, pass the date value in Y-m-d format.
For image and file type fields, pass JSON encoded string of field files. Each field should have the following attributes:
name: File Name
file_type: Extension of attachment file
file: base64 encodeded string of attachment file
1 for success and 0 for error or failure.
A small string representing the error type (only when success is 0).
Case 1: Agent added/updated successfully
"success": 1
Case 2: Invalid agent ID
"success": 0,
"error": "invalid_id",
Case 3: Data validation error
"success": 0,
"error": "field_validations",
"field_validations": {
"first_name": "required",
"last_name": "required",
"contact": "required",
"email": "required"
Authorization failed
This API allows you to get agent information.
Request parameters
JSON encoded string of agent fields and values that we want to filter by. For example:
id: ID of the agent to get particular agent data (If ID is not specified, then the API returns the complete agent data.)
Note: All date values should be passed in Y-m-d format and with range structure. For example, the value for 1st Dec 2018 is “2018-12-01 to 2014-12-01” and value for 1st Dec 2018 to 10th Dec 2018 is “2018-12-01 to 2018-12-10”.
Field name and sort order type. The sort order can be: asc: Ascending order desc: Descending order
Specify records per page and display page number. Page number starts from 1.
This section shows the different responses from the API.
1 for success and 0 for error or failure.
A small string representing the error type (only when success is 0).
Case 1: Data retrieved successfully
"success": 1
"data": [{"id":"54","first_name":"Cary","last_name":"Baxter","date_1":"2014-09-21","image":"Image URL","email":"carybaxter@gmail.com","contact":"1234567890"}]
Case 2: Invalid parameters
"success": 0,
"error": "invalid_parameters",
Authorization failed
Get Agent Data
curl -X GET "https://evaluate3x.classe365.com/rest/agentsData?age={"recordsPerPage":"10","pageNo":"1"}" \
-H -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" -H "Authorization: Basic ZXZhbHVhdGUzeDpsY2g4Y0QqeFJqMzMwVmEm"
Get Particular Agent
curl -X GET "https://evaluate3x.classe365.com/rest/agentsData?filter={"id":"4"}" \
-H -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" -H "Authorization: Basic ZXZhbHVhdGUzeDpsY2g4Y0QqeFJqMzMwVmEm"
This API allows you to add task data.
Request headers
Request body
JSON encoded string of Task fields/attributes and related values
category: A name of task category. you need to provide exect name as in task module.
students: Coma separated value of students admission numbers to those you want to set as assignees of tasks.
created_by: Admin ID who create this task and who has access of this category.
All date values should be passed in Y-m-d format. For example, format for 1st Dec 2019 is “2019-12-01”.
All time values should be passed in H:i:s format. For example, format for 01:15 PM is “13:15:00”.
1 for success and 0 for error or failure
A small string representing the error type (only when success is Zero).
Case 1: Task added successfully.
"success": 1
Case 2: Multiple cateogries found with same name
"success": 0,
"error": "multiple_category_found"
Case 3: Student not allowed as assognee in specified category
"success": 0,
"error": "invalid_assignee"
Case 4: Status is not exist in specified category
"success": 0,
"error": "invalid_task_status"
Case 5: Fields specific error
"success": 0,
"error": {
curl -X POST "https://evaluate3x.classe365.com/rest/saveTaskData" \
-H -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" -H "Authorization: Basic ZXZhbHVhdGUzeDpsY2g4Y0QqeFJqMzMwVmEm" \
-d 'data={"title":"Exam for monthly assessment", "description":"Description for task", "category_id":"Exam", "type":"todo", "start_date":"2024-07-01", "start_time":"12:00:00", "end_date":"2024-07-31", "end_time":"11:59:59", "status":"Pending", "priority":"high", "students":"2021_123,2021_163", "created_by":"3" }'
emphasized textThis API allows you to rerieve tasks information.
Request parameters
JSON encoded string of category id or student name or student id we want to filter by
Pass field name and order type> The order type is the sorting order. It can be:
ASC: Ascending order
DESC: Descending order
Specify number of records to display per page and display the page number.
This section shows the different responses from the API.
1 for success and 0 for error or failure.
A small string representing the error type (only when success is zero).
Case 1: Data retrieved successfully.
"success": 1
"data": [{"id":6,"category_id":1,"title":"Exam schedule","type":"meet","description":"","status":"pending","priority":"Medium","associated_with_type":"","assoiciated_with":null,"due_date":null,"start_date":"2023-03-22T00:00:00+00:00","start_time":"2025-03-07T03:00:00+11:00","end_date":"2023-03-22T00:00:00+00:00","end_time":"2025-03-07T04:00:00+11:00","reminder":null,"created_by":"Hitesh Patel (Admin)","is_archive":0,"created":"2023-03-30T16:29:17+11:00","modified":"2023-09-04T19:28:26+10:00","category_name":"Teacher"}],
"meta_data":["total_count": 10]
Case 2: Invalid parameters.
"success": 0,
"error": "invalid_parameters",
Authorization failed
curl -X GET "https://evaluate3x.classe365.com/rest/teachersData?filter={"id":6,"first_name":"Classe","last_name":"Developer","teacher_dob":"1992-06-07","teacher_email":"","gender":"","teacher_contact":""}&order={"sortField":"first_name","sortType":"DESC"},{"sortField":"last_name","sortType":"DESC"}&page={"recordsPerPage":"3","pageNo":"1"}" -H -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Basic ZXZhbHVhdGUzeDpsY2g4Y0QqeFJqMzMwVmEm"