To Create the new user in the system. If Channel Id is already given it will automatically create the new Channel user in firebase with the same ID. If no channel user id is given it will automatically create a new channel user id
Request body
These are the fields that are accessible like name, email, …
The Fields will change as per as the data that is available for the user
The Id that is used to map some logged in users. If logged in user functionality is not required then no field required
Channel Id if using some integration is enabled and we have channel id pre-existing
Group Id to map the current user
Request body
Request body
Application ID
Interaction Engine Key (either of key or sessionId should only be given)
ArrowAI UI Session ID (either of key or sessionId should only be given)
This is the list of filters that can be given. Each object is a pipeline for aggregate operation but $match changes to match, ie remove $ for the type of stage
"match": {
"": true
"project": {
"_id": 1
"group": {
_id: "$groupId", events: { $push: "$$ROOT" }
The list of data that is required to be shown, all the properties set to 1 will be sent back from the api call
Page Number
Limit of the number of results. To get all the list of users, type limit as 0
Field to sort the data
if set to true, then it overwrites all the column of fields and gives you the total list of all attributes
With Interaction Key
"app_id": "5a7bfc8ebde31989008b456a",
"key": "68aba74c-f126-4c57-b9a0-d20b9bed4d7d",
"filters": [
"match": {
"": true
"fields": {
"events": 1,
"data": 1,
"_id": 1,
"variable": 1,
"lastMessageChannel": 1,
"lastMessage": 1,
"unread": -1
"page": 1,
"limit": 2
With Session Id
"app_id": "5a7bfc8ebde31989008b456a",
"sessionid": "NTc4NjY2YjYzYTQ4OGI0ZDAwOGI0NTY3KzE1MTk3MTI1MTE=",
"filters": [
"match": {
"": true
"fields": {
"events": 1,
"data": 1,
"_id": 1,
"variable": 1,
"lastMessageChannel": 1,
"lastMessage": 1,
"unread": -1
"page": 1,
"limit": 2
Get Event number with data
"app_id": "5a7bfc8ebde31989008b456a",
"key": "68aba74c-f126-4c57-b9a0-d20b9bed4d7d",
"filters": [
"project": {
"data": 1,
"_id": 1,
"numberOfEvents": { "$size": "$events" }
"fields": {
"data": 1,
"numberOfEvents": 1,
"_id": 1
"page": 1,
"limit": 100,
"sortBy": "numberOfEvents"
All web but not android
"app_id": "5a7bfc8ebde31989008b456a",
"key": "68aba74c-f126-4c57-b9a0-d20b9bed4d7d",
"filters": [
"match": {
"data.integration.web": true
"match": {
"": {"$exists": false}
"project": {
"data": 1,
"_id": 1,
"variable": 1,
"lastMessageChannel": 1,
"lastMessage": 1,
"unread": 1,
"numberOfEvents": { "$size": "$events" }
"fields": {
"numberOfEvents": 1,
"data": 1,
"_id": 1,
"unread": 1
"page": 1,
"limit": 20
Correct Response
No Error
Has Error
Contains data for users
Array of users data
Total Pages
Total Count
Current Page number
Current limit set
"code": 0,
"users": {
"data": [
"_id": "-L4yS0fS7YqpFbZSkhFR",
"data": {
"phone": "",
"name": "Richa Mishra",
"integration": {
"webIds": {
"-L5CUzbAYpibBNpStv2Z": true
"web": true,
"androidUniqId": "wSk3pYZwV1Ym1VEdZKhMe1KYaH73",
"androidIds": {
"-L5o-mHMFR_i-RmnJJYz": true,
"-L5DW9p6asn0xFsKSu64": true,
"-L5DW9AMyFhquRBGlmzC": true,
"-L5Cou0bocOekkHzb3pN": true,
"-L5CotLQKTuvhcBnIi4-": true,
"-L4yS0bGG7WdI69C3rDu": true
"android": true
"email": "",
"authKey": "wSk3pYZwV1Ym1VEdZKhMe1KYaH73"
"events": [
"_id": "5a8c4a88ecefe7003806a232",
"data": {
"source": [
"appId": "5a7bfc8ebde31989008b456a",
"name": "richa mishra",
"email": "",
"phone": "+919044385689"
"deviceInfo": {
"IP": "",
"ANDROID_ID": "312c9f3925c9cade",
"BOARD": "msm8953",
"BOOTLOADER": "MSM8953_TISSOT1.0_20171219100348",
"BRAND": "xiaomi",
"CPU_ABI": "arm64-v8a",
"CPU_ABI2": "",
"DISPLAY": "N2G47H.7.12.19",
"FINGERPRINT": "xiaomi/tissot/tissot_sprout:7.1.2/N2G47H/7.12.19:user/release-keys",
"HARDWARE": "qcom",
"HOST": "mi-server",
"ID": "N2G47H",
"MODEL": "Mi A1",
"PRODUCT": "tissot",
"SERIAL": "fdd6d38f0504",
"TAGS": "release-keys",
"TIME": 1513652529000,
"TYPE": "user",
"UNKNOWN": "unknown",
"USER": "builder",
"channel": "android",
"FCM_Token": "dsdPrF-xiao:APA91bH-2sWTzHMGbNGXyx-qGfs4Q1gjoLft2486VQLz-J8d31qH8EDjyXKUI9mkmui3NZ2Ez0rVa5BoncQAIQqN6ESKm8EtSJpciYuMXmQ2Sn4lHbdnMZZdTB6ryL_LI-UJ3evsr8dY"
"groupId": "-L4yS0fS7YqpFbZSkhFR",
"applicationId": "5a7bfc8ebde31989008b456a",
"eventType": "newUser",
"eventId": "5a7bfc8ebde31989008b456a5a7b",
"__v": 0
"_id": "-L4zB7hFeyZ_B7feFuSX",
"data": {
"integration": {
"androidIds": {
"-L4zB7d9fjR9SSXUXAiN": true
"androidUniqId": "LoAJCEP3LvfVqgDTBAaSR87x5oK2",
"android": true
"phone": "",
"email": "",
"name": "Contact ArrowAI"
"events": []
"pageCount": 8,
"totalCount": 16,
"currentPage": 1,
"currentLimit": 2
If either key or sessionid is not sent
"message": "No Authentication",
"error": {
"status": 401
If application id not present
"message": "Please Provide App Id",
"error": {
"status": 401
Javascript Timestamp
"userWhoDidConditionList": {
"conditionType": "or",
"conditions": [
"mainFilterKey": {
"eventId": "interaction_engine",
"eventType": "new_user_created"
"timeFilter": {
"name": "inPast",
"duration": 5,
"durationType": "days"
"filters": [
"key": "integration",
"conditions": {
"operator": "="
"value": "web"
"where": {
"key": "count",
"conditions": {
"operator": "="
"value": 1
"userWhoDidNotConditionList": {
"conditionType": "or",
"conditions": [
"mainFilterKey": {
"eventId": "interaction_engine",
"eventType": "new_user_created"
"timeFilter": {
"name": "inPast",
"duration": 5,
"durationType": "days"
"filters": [
"key": "integration",
"conditions": {
"operator": "="
"value": "web"
"where": {
"key": "count",
"conditions": {
"operator": "="
"value": 1
"userPropertiesConditionList": {
"conditionType": "or",
"conditions": [
"conditions": {
"operator": "="
"key": "data.integration",
"value": "web"