Akshat Notification Center
Retrieve existing customer preferences using a customer ID for a customer. This method must be used prior to updating a customer preference. The modified_datetime value from the GET response must be provided in the PUT request.
Path variables
pass the customer id
Returns customer preferences
Customer first name
Customer last name
The customer locale; default is en_US
Notification preferences for the user
The opt in channel
The contact information for sms channel
List of contacts for whatsapp channel
[{"contact":"+917777777777"}, {"contact":"+918888888888"}]
The contact information for whatsapp channel
The last time the record has been modified
Create a new customer and notification preference record for a customer. A customer notification preference is considered as an opt-in for notifications in the prefered channel for all new orders.
Path variables
The unique identifier that represents the customer
Request body
The customer’s notification preferences
The notifiation preferences for the customer
Location where the user updated opt in preferences
Customer first name
Customer last name
Notification preferences for the user
The opt in channel
Mandatory only if channel is sms
Mandatory only if channel is whatsapp
The contact information for the channel
The customer locale; default is en_US
Update an existing customer record to add or modify notification preferences for a customer. Modifications include changing preference details or opting out of notifications. In order to conform to REST, full resource representation is expected. For example, if an optional field (phone number) is blank in the request, the API will delete the existing phone number from the customer preferences.
Path variables
The unique identifier that represents the customer
Request body
The customer’s notification preferences
The notifiation preferences for the customer
Location where the user updated opt in preferences
Customer first name
Customer last name
Notification preferences for the user
The opt in channel
Mandatory only if channel is sms
Mandatory only if channel is whatsapp
The contact information for the channel
The customer locale; default is en_US
The most recent time when the user updated their preferences
Retrieve order preferences for a given customer ID for a guest customer.
Path variables
pass the customer id
Request parameters
Pass in an order id to return results for one order
Default false, all orders will be returned, set to true if inactive orders should be returned
Returns customer preferences
Order to which the user has subscribed
Customer first name
Customer last name
The customer locale; default is en_US
Informs whether the order is active or not
Notification preferences for the user
The opt in channel
The contact information for sms channel
List of contacts for whatsapp channel
[{"contact":"+917777777777"}, {"contact":"+918888888888"}]
The contact information for whatsapp channel
The last time the record was modified
Create a new order-level preference for a guest customer opt-in. The guest customer will receive notifications for the specific order.
Path variables
The unique identifier that represents the customer
Order number
Request body
The customer’s notification preferences for the order
Location where the user updated opt in preferences
Order number for the opt in
Customer first name
Customer last name
Notification preferences for the user
The opt in channel
Mandatory only if channel is sms
Mandatory only if channel is whatsapp
The contact information for the channel
The customer locale; default is en_US
Determines whether the use is a guest. Set this to true whenever an opt in is captured on the my account page or the order confirmation page
Update an existing customer order-level record to add or modify notification preferences for a customer. Modifications include changing preference details or opting out of notifications. In order to conform to REST, full resource representation is expected. For example, if an optional field (phone number) is blank in the request, the API will delete the existing phone number from the customer preferences.
Path variables
The unique identifier that represents the customer
Order number
Request body
The customer’s notification preferences
Location where the user updated opt in preferences
Customer last name
Notification preferences for the user
The opt in channel
Mandatory only if channel is sms
Mandatory only if channel is whatsapp
The contact information for the channel
The customer locale; default is en_US
Determines whether the use is a guest. Set this to true whenever an opt in is captured on the my account page or the order confirmation page
The most recent time when the user updated their preferences