Rental Test 1
The category is created, if not exist
Request body
200 - Response the request was carried out correctly
403 - Forbidden
404 - The category is not found in the current scope
500 - Error in scripting
Returns the requested category based on scopeId and externalCategoryId
Path variables
200 - Response when category list is returned correctly - Also on empty list
403 - Forbidden
404 - The category is not found in the current scope
500 - Error in scripting
Updates the name of the requested category based on scopeId and externalCategoryId
Path variables
Request body
200 - Category is updated
403 - Forbidden
404 - The category is not found in the current scope
500 - Error in scripting
Deletes the requested category based on scopeId and externalCategoryId
Path variables
200 - Category is deleted
403 - Forbidden
404 - The category is not found in the current scope
500 - Error in scripting
Returns all the categorys in the current scope
Path variables
200 - Response when category is returned correctly, if none is found, an empty array is returned
403 - Forbidden
500 - Error in scripting
The location is created, if not exist
Request body
200 - The created object is returned
403 - Forbidden
404 - The location is not found in the current scope
500 - Error in scripting
The location is returned, if exist
Path variables
Returns the location object int the current scopeId with the current externalLocationId
403 - Forbidden
404 - The location is not found in the current scope
500 - Error in scripting
The location is updated, if exist
Path variables
Request body
200 - Response when location is updated
403 - Forbidden
404 - The location is not found in the current scope
500 - Error in scripting
The location is deleted, if exist
Path variables
403 - Forbidden
404 - The location is not found in the current scope
500 - Error in scripting
All locations is returned
Path variables
The full list of locations in current Scope, if none is found an empty array is returned
403 - Forbidden
500 - Error in scripting
Creates new rental product and returns properties
Request body
200 - Product has been created and stored
403 - Forbidden
404 - The category is not found in the current scope
500 - Error in scripting
Lookup rental product with externalProductId in scopeId
Path variables
200 - The product is found and returned
403 - Forbidden
The product is not found in the current scope
Error in scripting
Updates externalProductId product in scopeId with supplied parameters
Path variables
Request body
200 - Product is updated
403 - Forbidden
The product is not found in the current scope
Error in scripting
Delete externalProductId product from scopeId
Path variables
200 - The requestet product has been deleted
403 - Forbidden
The product is not found in the current scope
Error in scripting
Path variables
200 - List of products with assigned categorys is returned, if none is found an empty array is returned
403 - Forbidden
Error in scripting
Path variables
200 - Full info on category and list of products in category is returned
403 - Forbidden
404 - The scopeId is not found
500 - Error in scripting
The order is created, if not exist
Request body
200 - The created order is returned
403 - Forbidden
404 - A order or POS_Ext_Id is not found in the current scope
500 - Error in scripting
Read an order if exist
Path variables
200 - The requested externalOrderId is returned
403 - Forbidden
404 - A order or POS_Ext_Id is not found in the current scope
500 - Error in scripting
Update an order
Path variables
200 - The requested externalOrderId is updated and result is returned
403 - Forbidden
404 - A order or POS_Ext_Id is not found in the current scope
500 - Error in scripting
Delete an order if it exist
Path variables
200 - The requested externalOrderId is returned
403 - Forbidden
404 - A order or POS_Ext_Id is not found in the current scope
500 - Error in scripting
Get a list of orders in current scopeId
Path variables
200 - Orders in the requested scopeId is returned, if none is found an empty array is returned
403 - Forbidden
500 - Error in scripting
Get a list of orders in current scopeId
Path variables
200 - Orderlines in the requested POS_Ext_Id is returned
403 - Forbidden
404 - The scopeId is not found
500 - Error in scripting
Get a list of orders on current POS_Ext_Id
Path variables
200 - Orders on the requested POS_Ext_Id is returned
403 - Forbidden
404 - The scopeId is not found
500 - Error in scripting
Updates the status of the current line
Path variables
200 - The changed line is returned
403 - Forbidden
404 - The scopeId is not found
500 - Error in scripting
Definition of a full category
Definition of a category
List of category_objects
The name of a category
Camping products
Definition of a full location create request
Definition of a full location create response
Definition of a full location update request
Definition of a full location update request
Definition of all locations list
Definition of a rental product
Definition of a rental product
Definition of a rental product - VALIDER REQUIRED PARAMETERS
Definition of a rental product - VALIDER REQUIRED PARAMETERS
Definition of a rental product
Definition of a rental product delete response
Definition of a rental product delete response
The set status object of an order line
The request definition of a single line on a order
The response definition of a single line on a order
The response definition of a single line on a order
The request definition of a order
The response definition of a order
The response when order is deleted