P.R.O. Agency - API
The pro-auth-token is the session token obtained from authenticating to ProDB API using your api key and is required on all calls after authentication.
All responses for the service come back as JSON. This header is required on all calls after authentication.
Use the authentication services to log in to the ProDB API with your application key, to validate your session token or to end your session.
Pass in your API key to the autenticate call to get back a pro-auth-key to use in all subsequent calls. NOTE: The pro-auth-key is not required on this call. This call requires the API key to be posted to the system to get back a pro-auth-key.
Request headers
Request body
Send the API-Key in the request body.
Authentication success
Request Failed
Authentication failed
POST request with API-Key in the request body
curl --data "4H0F3V80-C2DB-4711-8093360D6899CB98" \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
Response with “pro-auth-token” in the body
Use this call to validate if your ProDB session token is still valid
Request headers
The pro-auth-token is the session token obtained from authenticating to ProDB API using your api key and is required on all calls after authentication.
Valid Authentication
Request Failed
Authentication failed
GET request with “pro-auth-token” in header
curl --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--header "pro-auth-token: B0A61931-E90D-4E49-B60A-741D4F91C3CE" \
Response if “pro-auth-token” is a valid auth token
"Valid API Auth-Token"
Remove this session key for usage.
Request headers
The pro-auth-token is the session token obtained from authenticating to ProDB API using your api key and is required on all calls after authentication.
Logout success
Request Failed
Authentication failed
DELETE request with “pro-auth-token” in header
curl --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--header "pro-auth-token: B0A61931-E90D-4E49-B60A-741D4F91C3CE" \
--request DELETE \
Response if “pro-auth-token” is a valid auth token and “pro-auth-token” has been deleted
Authorization Deleted
Use the Label Services to retrieve all the data you need to link your assigned labels to the labels in our database.
Get a list of all labels and label IDs that are assigned to your API key / your user account. You need the label IDs for uploading track / META data to ProDB.
Request headers
The pro-auth-token is the session token obtained from authenticating to ProDB API using your api key and is required on all calls after authentication.
Unique Label Id
Label Name
Country Code ISO-3166-1 ALPHA-2
Label Code
Request Failed
Authentication failed
GET request with “pro-auth-token” in header
curl --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--header "pro-auth-token: B0A61931-E90D-4E49-B60A-741D4F91C3CE" \
Response Label List if “pro-auth-token” is a valid auth token
{"LabelId":345,"LabelName":"Red Label Name","CountryCode":"DE","LabelCode":"LC-4711"},
{"LabelId":876,"LabelName":"Blue Label Name","CountryCode":"DE","LabelCode":"LC-4713"}
List your META-data (releases and tracks) in the P.R.O. database.
Get a list of all Releases that are assigned to your API key / your user account.
Request headers
The pro-auth-token is the session token obtained from authenticating to ProDB API using your api key and is required on all calls after authentication.
Label Name
Release UPC / EAN
Catalogue Number
Release Title
Release Artist
Track Numbers
Release Date
Type of Content
Request Failed
Authentication failed
GET request with “pro-auth-token” in header
curl --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--header "pro-auth-token: B0A61931-E90D-4E49-B60A-741D4F91C3CE" \
Response Release List if “pro-auth-token” is a valid auth token
"ReleaseTitle":"Black Star Release Title",
"ReleaseArtist":"Max Mustermann",
"LabelName":"Red Label Name",
"ReleaseArtist":"Renate Mustermann",
"LabelName":"Blue Label Name",
Get the Release tracks.
Path variables
Request headers
The pro-auth-token is the session token obtained from authenticating to ProDB API using your api key and is required on all calls after authentication.
Release UPC / EAN
Catalogue Number
Release Artist
Release Title
Label Name
Release Date
Type of Content
Release Tracks
Track Number
Track Artist
Track Title
Request Failed
Authentication failed
curl --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--header "pro-auth-token: B0A61931-E90D-4E49-B60A-741D4F91C3CE" \
"ReleaseTitle":"Black Star Release Title",
"ReleaseArtist":"Max Mustermann",
"LabelName":"Red Label Name",
"TrackArtist":"Max Mustermann",
"TrackTitle":"Leave No One Behind!"
"TrackArtist":"Max Mustermann",
"TrackArtist":"Max Mustermann",
"TrackTitle":"I hate C*ps"
"ReleaseArtist":"Renate Mustermann",
"LabelName":"Green Label Name",
"TrackArtist":"Renate Mustermann",
"TrackTitle":"Legalize It"
"TrackArtist":"Renate Mustermann",
"TrackTitle":"Black Vampire"
Upload Meta Date (releases / tracks) to ProDB.
Request headers
The pro-auth-token is the session token obtained from authenticating to ProDB API using your api key and is required on all calls after authentication.
Request body
Send a single release that contains all release information and tracks with each request.
Request failed
Authentication failed
Track not bug-free, we can’t accept that line. See “Meta Data Upload Structure” for the specification of the valid upload format.
List of error messages.
curl --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--header "pro-auth-token: B0A61931-E90D-4E49-B60A-741D4F91C3CE" \
--data "@/path/to/your/trackdata.json" \
Upload struture for Meta-Data.
Marketing LabelId. Get LabelId with method “List Labels”. You can enter the LabelId and / or the LabelName. If you specify both, it is checked whether the LabelId matches the LabelName.
Marketing label name You can enter the LabelId and / or the LabelName. If you specify both, it is checked whether the LabelId matches the LabelName.
Name of the release artist (e.g. for Various Artists insert „Various Artists“ as release artist and the individual artist of the track in the TrackArtist line)
Title of the album, single or EP
Name of your main distributor
Internal number of each release on the label release
Type of carrier
Type of content (audio or video)
Release date of the track
Start date of rights ownership (usually January 1st of the release year)
End date of rights ownership
EAN – European Article Numbering, UPC – Universal Product Code. Provide only one code per track.
Territory/territories of rights ownership. Use the ISO-3166-1 ALPHA 2 code for specific countries. Additionally, you can add WW (for worldwide) or EU (for geographical Europe). To limit or extend certain territories use minus (see example).
Array of tracks
Track position on the sound carrier
Artist name of the individual track
Additonal artists to the TrackArtist (to add more than one artist separate by comma)
Additonal artists to the TrackArtist (to add more than one artist separate by comma)
Additonal artists to the TrackArtist (to add more than one artist separate by comma)
Additonal artists to the TrackArtist (to add more than one artist separate by comma)
Title of the track
Track duration
Version of the track (remix, original, cover)
International Standard Recording Code
Name of the composer (first and last name) / Might be empty if Author is specified
Name of the author (first and last name) / Might be empty if Composer is specified
Name of Publishing Company
The year in which the recording took place
Country in which the recording took place. Use the ISO-3166-1 ALPHA-2 format.
Name of the original rights owner
Country code of the original rights owner. Use the ISO-3166-1 ALPHA-2 format.
Decide on the Type of Genre of the Track. You can choose only POPULAR or CLASSICAL.
The percentage of rights that you own of a certain recording
Upload Release Meta Data Structure
"LabelId": "",
"Labelname": "Muster Label",
"ReleaseArtist": "Max Mustermann",
"ReleaseTitle": "Max Mustermann Allstars Summerhits",
"NameDistributor": "Name Vertrieb",
"CatalogueNumber": "DF53423",
"Format": "CD,LP,MP3",
"TypeContent": "Video",
"ReleaseDate": "2014-04-18",
"StartDate": "2012-01-01",
"EndDate": "2061-12-31",
"UPC_EAN": "4047129768922",
"TerritoryRights": "WW",
"TrackNumber": 1,
"TrackArtist": "Max Mustermann",
"AdditionalTrackContributorsArtist": "",
"AdditionalTrackContributorsAccompanist": "",
"AdditionalTrackContributorsFeaturing": "",
"AdditionalTrackContributorsWith": "",
"TrackTitle": "Summerhit",
"TrackDuration": "00:02:56",
"TrackVersion": "",
"ISRC": "DEH654336844",
"Author": "Max Mustermann",
"Composer": "Max Mustermann / Second Author",
"Publisher": "",
"GenreCode": "Popular",
"YearOfRecording": "2012",
"CountryCodeRecording": "DE",
"NameFirstOwner": "Muster Label",
"CountryCodeFirstOwner": "DE",
"PercentageRights": 80.75
"TrackNumber": 2,
"TrackArtist": "Max Mustermann",
"AdditionalTrackContributorsArtist": "",
"AdditionalTrackContributorsAccompanist": "",
"AdditionalTrackContributorsFeaturing": "",
"AdditionalTrackContributorsWith": "",
"TrackTitle": "Next Summerhit",
"TrackDuration": "00:02:32",
"TrackVersion": "",
"ISRC": "DEH654336845",
"Author": "Max Mustermann",
"Composer": "Max Mustermann / Second Author",
"Publisher": "",
"GenreCode": "Popular",
"YearOfRecording": "2012",
"CountryCodeRecording": "DE",
"NameFirstOwner": "Muster Label",
"CountryCodeFirstOwner": "DE",
"PercentageRights": 90
"TrackNumber": 3,
"TrackArtist": "Max Mustermann",
"AdditionalTrackContributorsArtist": "",
"AdditionalTrackContributorsAccompanist": "",
"AdditionalTrackContributorsFeaturing": "",
"AdditionalTrackContributorsWith": "",
"TrackTitle": "Mega Summerhit",
"TrackDuration": "00:02:27",
"TrackVersion": "",
"ISRC": "DEH654336845",
"Author": "Max Mustermann",
"Composer": "Max Mustermann / Second Author",
"Publisher": "",
"GenreCode": "Popular",
"YearOfRecording": "2012",
"CountryCodeRecording": "DE",
"NameFirstOwner": "Muster Label",
"CountryCodeFirstOwner": "DE",
"PercentageRights": 100