Welcome to the HailPoint HailCloud API Documentation.
The HailPoint API allows you to access the real-time HailCloud hail database.
Queries presently are completed through requesting hail history (now to 2012) through any point location in the U.S. or Southern Canada by either latitude/longitude or by street address.
The API will allow you to quickly script or program powerful queries against our every growing libray of HailPoint’s exanding line of hail impact products.
For retrivial of the continuously updated hail history information at a specific location. The reporated maximum hail size, each day is returned from the HailCloud™ database.
Request parameters
latitude in degrees north
longitude in degrees north
City of address locaton
2 character Postale code of State of the street Address. (CN for Canada)
Street address
Ending search date in HailPoint™ database.
Supported valid date formats are specified in:
Hail that has fallen and dates with x miles of location.
response message
Complete street address of the location requested of center of hail location. Reponse in all capital letters
City of the address street address of the location requested of center of hail location. Lower case response
beginning of the search range
ending of the search range
Latitude of the location requested.
Longitude of the location requested
Radius from the center of location the hail search was conducted. In statute miles.
Postal abbreviation for the state. Two characters. Canada is reported as “cn”
Street address of the location requested. A “+” sign is used as a space delimter"
Dates that hail occured 0.5" or greater. The format is DYYYY-MM-DD=“X.XX” where: D is the character “D” YYYY is the year MM is the month DD is the day X.XX is the maximum hail size in inches.
Parameter Not Found
Problem with HailPoint’s Web Service
Hail Impact lookup by Address from the HailCloud™ Database
GET http://p2.hailpoint.com/hail?state=nc&city=charlotte&street=1200 King St&date1=2014-03-01 HTTP/1.1
Hail Impact lookup by LAT/LON from the HailCloud™ Database
GET http://p2.hailpoint.com/hail?lat=35.0154&lon=95.1302 HTTP/1.1