This API used to fetch the itsm event details.
Request parameters
Sucessfully fetches the itsm event details.
Business and Technical Failures
This API used to fetch the network event details.
Request parameters
Source system’s transaction reference.
Sucessfully fetches the network event details.
Business and Technical Failures
Port authorization will be sent to MVNO/MVNE
Request body
port authorization success response
Business and Technical Failures
Port notifications will be sent to MVNO/MVNE as a milestone update for the pending port requests.
Request body
port notification success response
Business and Technical Failures
The status confirmation will be sent to MVNO/MVNE on the basis of reference number which was sent earlier in the products and subscriber call.
Request body
status confirmation success response
Business and Technical Failures
MTN will send the activation ready request to MVNO/MVNE with the triplets.
Request body
Activation Ready success response
Business and Technical Failures
This API will push the OTA settings directly to the customer’s provided msisdn
Request body
Sucessful Operation
Business and Technical Failures
This API used to fetch the subscriber profile information from HLR system providing the msisdn.
Request parameters
Source system’s transaction reference.
Sucessfully fetches the subscriber profile details.
Business and Technical Failures
This API is used to retrieve the network coverage based on the location. The method is post only support if the user wants to have a network look up based on multiple locations.
Request body
network coverage response
Business & Technical error
Request body
submits port in start request.
Details of business & technical errors in the transaction.
Request body
submits port in cancellation request.
Details of business & technical errors in the transaction.
Request body
submits port in reversal request.
Details of business & technical errors in the transaction.
Request body
submits network activation request.
Details of business & technical errors in the transaction.
Request body
submits call back request.
Details of business & technical errors in the transaction.
This API is used to add product to subscriber.
Request body
addProduct response
Business and Technical Failures
This API is used to remove product to subscriber.
Request body
removeProduct response
Business and Technical Failures
This API is used to deactivateSubscriber from subscriber service.
Request body
deactivateSubscriber response
Business and Technical Failures
This API is used to perform simSwapService.
Request body
simSwapService response
Business and Technical Failures
This API is used to perform MSISDN Swap.
Request body
msisdnSwap response
Business and Technical Failures
This API is used to suspened subscriber from provisioning services.
Request body
suspenedSubscriber response
Business and Technical Failures
This API is used to unsuspened subscriber from provisioning services.
Request body
unsuspenedSubscriber response
Business and Technical Failures
This API is used to create subscriber.
Request body
createSubscriber response
Business and Technical Failures
This API will first authenticate the user then verify whether the agent can change the ownership of an existing subscriber’s MSISDN, If so system will change the ownership of the MSISDN on RICA. Please note - agent password will be passed with the http header, and it should be base64 encryption.
Request body
submits rica details of subscriber in RICA DB.
Details of business & technical errors in the transaction.
This API will provide the status of the MSISDN whether it is registerd with MTN or not. Please note - agent password will be passed with the http header and it should be base64 encryption.
Request parameters
Source system’s transaction reference.
network name, if it is internal to MTN then the value will be M1.
submits rica details of subscriber in RICA DB.
Details of technical errors in the transaction.
This API will first authenticate the user then verify whether the user can register a MSISDN, If so system will register the MSISDN on RICA. Please note - agent password will be passed with the http header, and it should be base64 encryption.
Request body
submits rica details of subscriber in RICA DB.
Details of business & technical errors in the transaction.
This API will first authenticate the user then verify whether the agent can update an existing subscriber’s MSISDN, If so system will Update the MSISDN on RICA. Please note - agent password will be passed with the http header, and it should be base64 encryption.
Request body
submits rica details of subscriber in RICA DB.
Details of business & technical errors in the transaction.
This API will first authenticate the user then verify whether the agent can de-register an existing subscriber’s MSISDN, If so system will de-register the MSISDN on RICA. Please note - agent password will be passed with the http header, and it should be base64 encryption.
Request parameters
Source system’s transaction reference.
network name, if it is internal to MTN then the value will be M1.
Subscriber’s MSISDN in international format.
de registeration reason of the subscriber’s msisdn.
subscriber’s id type. Type of the ID. I represents SAID, P represents Passport and B represents Business owners ID.
subscriber’s id number.
submits rica details of subscriber in RICA DB.
Details of business & technical errors in the transaction.
Send the activation ready request
Request body
Activation Ready success response
Business and Technical Failures
This API used to fetch the subscriber profile details providing the msisdn. MVNO/MVNE will csubscriber-details-responseall this API to get the details.
Request parameters
Source system’s transaction reference.
Sucessfully fetches the subscriber profile details.
Business and Technical Failures
This API used to fetch the subscriber sim status providing the iccid of the sim card. MVNO/MVNE will call this API to get the details.
Request parameters
Source system’s transaction reference.
Sucessfully fetches the subscriber sim status.
Business and Technical Failures
This API used to fetch the MNS Portal User.
Request parameters
Source system’s transaction reference.
Sucessfully fetches the user details.
Business and Technical Failures
This API used to add the MNS Portal User.
Request body
add mns user success response
Business and Technical Failures
This API used to move the MNS Portal User.
Request body
move mns success response
Business and Technical Failures
This API used to delete the MNS Portal User.
Request parameters
Sucessfully deletes the user details.
Business and Technical Failures
This API used to reset the MNS Portal User.
Request body
reset mns user password success response
Business and Technical Failures
agent rica id.
company registration number
name of the company.
subscriber provided Id country code.
customer display name.
customer identifier.
customer name.
de registeration reason of the subscriber’s msisdn.
Group name of the agent.
subscriber’s iccid of the sim
subscriber’s id number.
subscriber’s id type. Type of the ID. I represents SAID, P represents Passport and B represents Business owners ID.
invoice number.
Subscriber’s MSISDN in international format.
network name, if it is internal to MTN then the value will be M1.
3rd party id provided to MVNOs at the time of onboarding.
Source system’s name.
Source system’s transaction reference.
user identifier.
3rd party id provided to MVNOs at the time of onboarding to MTN.
subscriber’s msisdn
subscriber’s iccid of the sim card
subscriber’s imsi of the sim card
customer identifier
customer display name
customer user name.
container of all user services
Unique identifier for every request to SOA.
Identifies the source system which integrates with SOA.
The MSISDN of the subscriber
3rd party id provided to MVNOs at the time of onboarding to MTN.
The product code that needs to be added. ROAMPRE means International Roaming Prepaid, DATPRE means International Roaming Data Prepaid, VOICEIN means Voice Incoming Only , APN means Basic APN, CHPTY means Charging Party, CONFCAL Conference Calling, INTCALL means International Calls and PPVCEML means Voice mail lite. Please note MTN has 3 categories of the productcodes mandatory, default and optional. Only optional product codes can be added to the subscriber profile.
Status of the transaction. 0- Success. Any value other than 0- Failure
Message of the transaction. Either Success or Failure.
Support message for the transaction. Indicates failure reason in case of failed transactions.
Unique identifier for every request to SOA. Mapped from input request.
reference number of the transaction which will be used to track the completion. with this tracking number MTN will notify MVNOs asynchronously.
container for existing subscriber details.
subscriber provided Id country code.
id number of the subscriber.
type of the ID. I represents SAID, P represents Passport and B represents Business owners ID.
name of the company.
Company registration no.
Source’s transaction reference sent in the request.
The response code of the transaction. A value of 0 indicates success, other error codes are provided on a case by case basis.
This is the customer friendly message.
Description message of the failure. This message will be used to determine the reason of failure.
Source’s transaction reference sent in the request.
The response code of the transaction. A value of 0 indicates success, other error codes are provided on a case by case basis.
This is the customer friendly message.
Description message of the failure. This message will be used to determine the reason of failure.
status of the activation
Failure reason, if any
Unique identifier for every request to SOA.
Identifies the source system which integrates with SOA.
The MSISDN of the subscriber. The MSISDN should be in the international format
3rd party id provided to MVNOs at the time of onboarding to MTN.
The sim card number of the subscriber
The product codes that should added while creating the subscriber
The action to be performed for the products that will be associated to the subscriber
The type of package to be associated to the subscriber
The value of the package to be associated to the subscriber on creation
The unit of meassure of the package that will be associated
Status of the transaction. 0- Success. Any value other than 0- Failure
Message of the transaction. Either Success or Failure.
Support message for the transaction. Indicates failure reason in case of failed transactions.
Unique identifier for every request to SOA. Mapped from input request.
reference number of the transaction which will be used to track the completion. with this tracking number MTN will notify MVNOs asynchronously.
Unique identifier for every request to SOA.
Identifies the source system which integrates with SOA.
The MSISDN of the subscriber . The number should be in international format
3rd party id provided to MVNOs at the time of onboarding to MTN.
Status of the transaction. 0- Success. Any value other than 0- Failure
Message of the transaction. Either Success or Failure.
Support message for the transaction. Indicates failure reason in case of failed transactions.
Unique identifier for every request to SOA. Mapped from input request.
reference number of the transaction which will be used to track the completion. with this tracking number MTN will notify MVNOs asynchronously.
This field contains the base64 encrypted invoice xml.
array of all the services to which the user has access to.
customer name.
container of all user services
customer identifier
customer display name
Unique identifier for every request to SOA.
Identifies the source system which integrates with SOA.
3rd party id provided to MVNOs at the time of onboarding to MTN.
The old MSISDN of the subscriber that needs to be swapped. The number should be in international format
The new MSISDN to which the subscriber wants to swap. The number should be in international format.
Status of the transaction. 0- Success. Any value other than 0- Failure
Message of the transaction. Either Success or Failure.
Support message for the transaction. Indicates failure reason in case of failed transactions.
Unique identifier for every request to SOA. Mapped from input request.
reference number of the transaction which will be used to track the completion. with this tracking number MTN will notify MVNOs asynchronously.
3rd party id provided to MVNOs at the time of onboarding to MTN.
port in Id.
actual network activation date
trade customer id.
customer’s msisdn
iccid of the sim.
bill cycle name.
base package catalogue code.
reference number of the transaction.
Unique identifier for the transaction.
Parameter describing which system is calling the service.
The service for which the coverage should be checked. FWA means Fixed Wireless Access and MBB means Mobile Broad Band.
The list of the latitude and logitude for the coverage. Maximum acceptance limit is 100 pairs of latitude and longitude.
The latitude of the subscriber location generally ranges from -90 to 90
The longitude of the subscriber location generally ranges between -180 to 80
Status of the transaction. 0- Success. Any value other than 0- Failure
Message of the transaction. Either Success or Failure.
Support message for the transaction. Indicates failure reason in case of failed transactions.
Unique identifier for every request to SOA. Mapped from input request.
This container will have the list of locations and available network details in that coordinates.
comma separated location coordinates.
This array will have the list of specific service types and the coverage details.
The type of service available in the provided location.
Service availablity in the provided location.
The available cell id of the network technology.
The quality of the network that is available at the search location.
type of network technology available in the provided coordinates.
The type of coverage that will be available at the location. It’s only applicable for FWA.
network throughput available in the provided coordinates. it’s only applicable in the case of FWA service type.
network signal receive level generally ranges between -30 dBm to -115 dBm. It’s only applicable for MBB.
last network coverage calculated date.
The additional notes of the service that is available at the location. It’s only applicable for FWA.
3rd party id provided to MVNOs at the time of onboarding to MTN.
The MSISDN of the subscriber. The number should be of international format.
imei no of the handset.
Status of the transaction. 0- Success. Any value other than 0- Failure
Message of the transaction. Either Success or Failure.
Support message for the transaction. Indicates failure reason in case of failed transactions.
Unique identifier for every request to SOA. Mapped from input request.
3rd party id provided to MVNOs at the time of onboarding to MTN.
type of port authorization
port in Id.
field determines whether the transaction is for interSP
Container for all the equipments.
customer’s msisdn.
3rd party id provided to MVNOs at the time of onboarding to MTN.
port in Id.
customer’s msisdn.
status of the callback. 0 means authorization is accepted and 1 means authorization is not accepted.
type of the callback.
description if the authorization was not accepted. If authorization will be accepted the please use “Accepted”. If not then for Port Response SPID only SP001 and SP002 is valid. For Port Out Authorization from SP001 to SP009 is valid. For Port Out Reversal Authorization from SP009 to SP013 is valid. For Port In Reversal Authorization from SP009 to SP013 is valid. For Port In Cancellation from SP001 to SP009 is valid.
3rd party id provided to MVNOs at the time of onboarding to MTN.
port in Id.
Container for all the equipments.
customer’s msisdn.
customer’s sim no
Should be set to false if need to cancel or reject.
port in rejection reason code if the includedFlag is selected as false.
reference number of the transaction.
field determines whether the transaction is for interSP
3rd party id provided to MVNOs at the time of onboarding to MTN.
port in Id.
receipient service provider.
donor service provider.
Container for all the equipments.
customer’s msisdn.
customer’s sim no
Should be set to false if need to cancel or reject.
port in rejection reason code, if the included flag will be false.
reference number of the transaction.
field determines whether the transaction is for interSP
port in Id.
3rd party id provided to MVNOs at the time of onboarding to MTN.
Container for all the equipments.
customer’s msisdn.
customer’s sim no
port in rejection reason
port in rejection reason code
sim kit
recipient service provider.
donor service provider.
Is corporate.
account Id.
Contain the Account Holders information.
account holder Id.
customer Identification type.
donor service type.
recipient service type.
Container for corporate information if the recipient is a corporate consumer. Only applicable if isCorporate is true.
Registration number for corporate customer
Liaison number for corporate customer
Corporate customer’s office contact number.
Port Id to correlate the port-in request.
field determines whether the transaction is for interSP
3rd party id provided to MVNOs at the time of onboarding to MTN.
type of the request
port in Id.
reference number received at the time of network activation and port in cancellation.
Container for all the equipments.
customer’s msisdn.
status of the request type.
If any request type will be rejected then the reason code will be provided with description.
Source system’s name.
Source system’s transaction reference.
Group name of the agent.
agent rica id.
network name. If it is internal to MTN then M1.
3rd party id provided to MVNOs at the time of onboarding to MTN. If it is internal to MTN then we can use M1.
msisdn network. if it belongs to MTN then M1.
whether it’s an existing msisdn.
type of the reference.
Provided Reference value.
last 4 digits of SIM.
container for new subscriber id details
subscriber provided Id country code.
id number of the subscriber.
type of the ID. I represents SAID, P represents Passport and B represents Business owners ID.
name of the company.
Company registration no.
subscriber’s first name.
subscriber’s last name.
contact details of the subscriber.
country code of the subscriber’s provided contact no.
area code of the subscriber’s provided contact no.
dialing no.
address details of the Subscriber, Individual address is necessary to pass. If business address exists please pass.
type of address.
address line1 of the address type.
address line2 of the address type.
address line3 of the address type.
code of the country.
postal code of the provided address.
region of the provided address.
suburb of the provided address.
city name of the provided address.
opted network name.
opted retailer name.
port in date.
port in check status.
ported msisdn no.
whether proof of address provided or not.
Unique identifier for every request to SOA.
Identifies the source system which integrates with SOA.
The MSISDN of the subscriber
3rd party id provided to MVNOs at the time of onboarding to MTN.
The product code that needs to be added. ROAMPRE means International Roaming Prepaid, DATPRE means International Roaming Data Prepaid, VOICEIN means Voice Incoming Only, APN means Basic APN, CHPTY means Charging Party, CONFCAL Conference Calling, INTCALL means International Calls and PPVCEML means Voice mail lite. Please note MTN has 3 categories of the productcodes mandatory, default and optional. Mandatory productcodes can’t be removed from subscriber profile.
Status of the transaction. 0- Success. Any value other than 0- Failure
Message of the transaction. Either Success or Failure.
Support message for the transaction. Indicates failure reason in case of failed transactions.
Unique identifier for every request to SOA. Mapped from input request.
reference number of the transaction which will be used to track the completion. with this tracking number MTN will notify MVNOs asynchronously.
customer display name
Source’s transaction reference sent in the request.
The response code of the transaction. A value of 0 indicates success, other error codes are provided on a case by case basis.
This is the customer friendly message.
Description message of the failure. This message will be used to determine the reason of failure.
whether it’s an existing msisdn.
type of the reference.
Provided Reference value.
port in check status.
Unique identifier for every request to SOA.
Identifies the source system which integrates with SOA.
The MSISDN of the subscriber
3rd party id provided to MVNOs at the time of onboarding to MTN.
Sim card number
Sim swap reason
Status of the transaction. 0- Success. Any value other than 0- Failure
Message of the transaction. Either Success or Failure.
Support message for the transaction. Indicates failure reason in case of failed transactions.
Unique identifier for every request to SOA. Mapped from input request.
reference number of the transaction which will be used to track the completion. with this tracking number MTN will notify MVNOs asynchronously.
3rd party id provided to MVNOs at the time of onboarding to MTN.
use case of the status confirmation
reference number of the product and subscriber api.
subscriber’s msisdn
status of the product and subscriber call which happened before.
error reason if any of the product and subscriber integartion was failed.
contain the detailed subscription details.
Subscription network state.
subscription activation date
subscription last updated date
subscriber’s iccid of the sim card
subscriber’s imsi of the sim card
container of all the active products subscription.
contain product codes and activation date.
active product code
Product subscription activation date.
Any extra info regarding subscription.
contains the detailed subscriber facility availiblity.
subscriber profile type.
outgoing call availablity.
incoming call availablity.
voice call availablity.
sms sending facility for the subscriber.
sms receiving facility for the subscriber.
sms facility while subscriber present in roaming.
roaming facility for the subscriber.
basic data fax facility for the subscriber.
high speed circuit switch data facility for the subscriber.
conference call facility for the subscriber.
General packet Radio Service(valid for 2g and 3g services) facility for subscriber’s device.
ring back facility
Describes whether the sim is prepaid or postpaid.
describes the live status of a sim card.
kit number of the sim
sim item description.
product bar code of the sim
Unique identifier for every request to SOA.
Identifies the source system which integrates with SOA.
The MSISDN of the subscriber. The value should be in international format
3rd party id provided to MVNOs at the time of onboarding to MTN.
The type of suspend that should be performed. softSuspendOut means suspension of outgoing, softSuspendIn means suspension of Incoming, softSuspendOutOfBundle means out of bundle suspension, suspend meaning full suspension incoming and outgoing and smsOnlyRoamingSuspend means roaming suspension.
Status of the transaction. 0- Success. Any value other than 0- Failure
Message of the transaction. Either Success or Failure.
Support message for the transaction. Indicates failure reason in case of failed transactions.
Unique identifier for every request to SOA. Mapped from input request.
reference number of the transaction which will be used to track the completion. with this tracking number MTN will notify MVNOs asynchronously.
Unique identifier for every request to SOA.
Identifies the source system which integrates with SOA.
The MSISDN of the subscriber
3rd party id provided to MVNOs at the time of onboarding to MTN.
The type of unsuspend. softUnsuspendOut meaning un-suspension for outgoing, softUnsuspendIn meaning un-suspension for incoming, softUnsuspendOutOfBundle meaning out of bundle un-suspension, unsuspend for full un-suspension and smsOnlyRoamingUnsuspend roaming un-suspension.
Status of the transaction. 0- Success. Any value other than 0- Failure
Message of the transaction. Either Success or Failure.
Support message for the transaction. Indicates failure reason in case of failed transactions.
Unique identifier for every request to SOA. Mapped from input request.
reference number of the transaction which will be used to track the completion. with this tracking number MTN will notify MVNOs asynchronously.
Authentication information is missing or invalid