BestRx Data Service API
Welcome to the BestRx Data Service API documentation
The BestRx Data Service API allows you to perform data operation at BestRx Pharmacy Management System in a simple, programmatic way using conventional HTTP requests. The endpoints are intuitive and powerful, allowing you to easily make calls to retrieve information or to execute actions.
The API documentation will start with a general overview about the design and technology that has been implemented, followed by reference information about specific endpoints.
Any tool that is fluent in HTTP can communicate with the API simply by requesting the correct URI. Requests should be made using the HTTPS protocol so that traffic is encrypted. The interface responds to different methods depending on the action required.
Method | Usage |
GET | For simple retrieval of information you should use the GET method. The information you request will be returned to you as a JSON object. The attributes defined by the JSON object can be used to form additional requests. Any request using the GET method is read-only and will not affect any of the objects you are querying. |
DELETE | To destroy a resource and remove it, the DELETE method should be used. This will remove the specified object if it is found. |
PUT | To update the information about a resource in your account, the PUT method is available. Like the DELETE Method, the PUT method is idempotent. It sets the state of the target using the provided values, regardless of their current values. Requests using the PUT method do not need to check the current attributes of the object. |
POST | To create a new object, your request should specify the POST method. The POST request includes all of the attributes necessary to create a new object. When you wish to create a new object, send a POST request to the target endpoint. |
Along with the HTTP methods that the API responds to, it will also return standard HTTP statuses, including error codes.
In the event of a problem, the status will contain the error code, while the body of the response will usually contain additional information about the problem that was encountered.
In general, if the status returned is in the 200 range, it indicates that the request was fulfilled successfully and that no error was encountered.
Return codes in the 400 range typically indicate that there was an issue with the request that was sent. Among other things, this could mean that you did not authenticate correctly, that you are requesting an action that you do not have authorization for, that the object you are requesting does not exist, or that your request is malformed.
If you receive a status in the 500 range, this generally indicates a server-side problem. This means that we are having an issue on our end and cannot fulfill your request currently.
When a request is successful, a response body will typically be sent back in the form of a JSON object. An exception to this is when a DELETE request is processed, which will result in a successful HTTP 204 status and an empty response body.
Inside of this JSON object, the resource root that was the target of the request will be set as the key. This will be the singular form of the word if the request operated on a single object, and the plural form of the word if a collection was processed.
In order to interact with the BestRx Data Service API, you or your application must authenticate. The BestRx Data Service API handles this through Basic Authentication.
Basic authentication is a simple authentication scheme built into the HTTP protocol. The client sends HTTP requests with the Authorization header that contains the word Basic word followed by a space and a base64-encoded string username:password. For example, to authorize as demo / p@55w0rd the client would send
Authorization: Basic ZGVtbzpwQDU1dzByZA==
Note: Because base64 is easily decoded, Basic authentication should only be used together with other security mechanisms such as HTTPS/SSL.
There are two different ways to pass parameters in a request with the API.
The best way to pass parameters is as a JSON object containing the appropriate attribute names and values as key-value pairs. When you use this format, you should specify that you are sending a JSON object in the header.
This is done by setting the Content-Type
header to application/json
. This ensures that your request is interpreted correctly.
Another way of passing parameters is using standard query attributes.
Using this format, you would pass the attributes within the URI itself. Tools like curl
can take parameters and value as arguments to create the appropriate URI.
With curl
this is done using the -F
flag and then passing the key and value as an argument. The argument should take the form of a quoted string with the attribute being set to a value with an equal sign.
You could also use a standard query string if that would be easier in our application. In this case, the parameters would be embedded into the URI itself by appending a ?
to the end of the URI and then setting each attribute with an equal sign. Attributes can be separated with a &
curl -H "Authorization: Basic ZGVtbzpwQDU1dzByZA==" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"last_name": "doe", "first_name": "john"}' \
-X POST ""
curl -H "Authorization: Basic ZGVtbzpwQDU1dzByZA==" \
-F "last_name=doe" -F "first_name=john" \
-X POST ""
curl -H "Authorization: Basic ZGVtbzpwQDU1dzByZA==" \
In order to make requests to the API from other domains, the API implements Cross Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) support.
CORS support is generally used to create AJAX requests outside of the domain that the request originated from. This is necessary to implement projects like control panels utilizing the API. This tells the browser that it can send requests to an outside domain.
The procedure that the browser initiates in order to perform these actions (other than GET requests) begins by sending a “preflight” request. This sets the Origin
header and uses the OPTIONS
method. The server will reply back with the methods it allows and some of the limits it imposes. The client then sends the actual request if it falls within the allowed constraints.
This process is usually done in the background by the browser, but you can use curl to emulate this process using the example provided. The headers that will be set to show the constraints are:
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: This is the domain that is sent by the client or browser as the origin of the request. It is set through an Origin header.
Access-Control-Allow-Methods: This specifies the allowed options for requests from that domain. This will generally be all available methods.
Access-Control-Expose-Headers: This will contain the headers that will be available to requests from the origin domain.
Access-Control-Max-Age: This is the length of time that the access is considered valid. After this expires, a new preflight should be sent.
Access-Control-Allow-Credentials: This will be set to true. It basically allows you to send your OAuth token for authentication.
You should not need to be concerned with the details of these headers, because the browser will typically do all of the work for you.
curl -I -H "Origin:" -X OPTIONS ""
. . .
Access-Control-Allow-Methods: GET, POST, PUT, PATCH, DELETE, OPTIONS
Access-Control-Expose-Headers: RateLimit-Limit, RateLimit-Remaining, RateLimit-Reset, Total, Link
Access-Control-Max-Age: 86400
Access-Control-Allow-Credentials: true
. . .
Request headers
Request body
Request headers
Request body
This section contains the endpoints that allow you to perform functions on patient records with the BestRx system.
This endpoints mostly covers following patient information
- Patient Demographics
- Family Information
- Billing Information (excluding Credit Card information)
- Insurance Information
Duplicate/Matching Patient Record: We will consider duplicate patient record based on patient first name, last name, date of birth, gender and zip code (if available).
Family Record: While adding new patient it will create new family record if relates_to_patient_id
is empty.
Billing Information: Billing information is associated with family so if update billing information it will be updated for all patient belongs in same family.
Request headers
Request body
Request headers
Request body
Authorization: Basic ZGVtbzpwQDU1dzByZA==
Content-Type: application/json
"PharmacyNumber": "1234567890",
"unique_patient_id": 0,
"allow_duplicate": false,
"relates_to_patient_id": 0,
"last_name": "Doe",
"middle_name": "P",
"first_name": "JOHN",
"name_prefix": "Mr",
"name_suffix": "Jr",
"dob": "1980-01-01",
"gender": "M",
"address1": "1200 Jorie Blvd",
"address2": "Suite 310",
"city": "Oak Brook",
"state": "IL",
"zipcode": "60523",
"country_code": "US",
"home_phone": "1112223333",
"work_phone": "4445556666",
"cell_phone": "7778889999",
"fax_number": "1112224444",
"family_email": "",
"patient_email": "",
"marital_status": "S",
"bill_last_name": "Karlowicz",
"bill_first_name": "Katie",
"bill_address_careof": "Doe, John",
"bill_address1": "1200 Jorie Blvd",
"bill_address2": "Suite 310",
"bill_address_city": "Oak Brook",
"bill_address_state": "IL",
"bill_address_zipcode": "60523",
"bill_phone": "6308939210",
"patient_id_qualifier": "02",
"patient_id": "P442-555-1225",
"social_security_number": "111223333",
"smoker": false,
"loyalty_number": "PAT12345",
"residence_code": "01",
"dispense_by": "P",
"340B_patient": false,
"is_pet": false,
"pet_name": "",
"patient_short_remark": "give 10% discount",
"patient_remark": "Longer remarks for to add more detailed info",
"family_remark": "",
"is_active": true,
"is_deceased": false,
"language": 0,
"insurance_plans": [
"ins_bin": "012333",
"ins_pcn": "ILFI",
"ins_code": "ILFREE",
"ins_name": "IL FREE Insurance",
"ins_address1": "1200 Jorie Blvd",
"ins_address2": "",
"ins_city": "Oak Brook",
"ins_state": "IL",
"ins_zipcode": "60523",
"ins_phone": "8001112222",
"ins_remark": "Free insurance plan",
"ins_fax_number": "8001112223",
"ins_alternate_phone": "6308939210",
"ins_email": "",
"ins_seq_no": 1,
"ins_cardholder_id": "9999999901",
"ins_person_code": "01",
"ins_relation_code": "1",
"ins_group": "GRPFI",
"ins_is_primary": false
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
"Data": {
"insurance_plans": [
"ins_bin": "012333",
"ins_pcn": "ILFI",
"ins_code": "ILFREE",
"ins_name": "IL FREE Insurance",
"ins_address1": "1200 Jorie Blvd",
"ins_address2": "",
"ins_city": "Oak Brook",
"ins_state": "IL",
"ins_zipcode": "60523",
"ins_phone": "8001112222",
"ins_remark": "Free insurance plan",
"ins_fax_number": "8001112223",
"ins_alternate_phone": "6308939210",
"ins_email": "",
"ins_seq_no": 1,
"ins_cardholder_id": "9999999901",
"ins_person_code": "01",
"ins_relation_code": "1",
"ins_group": "GRPFI",
"ins_is_primary": true,
"IsValid": true,
"Messages": []
"unique_patient_id": 44410,
"allow_duplicate": false,
"relates_to_patient_id": 0,
"last_name": "Doe",
"middle_name": "P",
"first_name": "JOHN",
"name_prefix": "Mr",
"name_suffix": "Jr",
"dob": "1980-01-01T00:00:00",
"gender": 1,
"address1": "1200 Jorie Blvd",
"address2": "Suite 310",
"city": "Oak Brook",
"state": "IL",
"zipcode": "60523",
"country_code": "US",
"home_phone": "1112223333",
"work_phone": "4445556666",
"cell_phone": "7778889999",
"fax_number": "1112224444",
"family_email": "",
"patient_email": "",
"marital_status": "S",
"bill_last_name": "Karlowicz",
"bill_first_name": "Katie",
"bill_address_careof": "Doe, John",
"bill_address1": "1200 Jorie Blvd",
"bill_address2": "Suite 310",
"bill_address_city": "Oak Brook",
"bill_address_state": "IL",
"bill_address_zipcode": "60523",
"bill_phone": "6308939210",
"patient_id_qualifier": "02",
"patient_id": "P442-555-1225",
"social_security_number": "111223333",
"smoker": false,
"loyalty_number": "PAT12345",
"residence_code": "01",
"dispense_by": "P",
"340B_patient": false,
"is_pet": false,
"pet_name": "",
"patient_short_remark": "give 10% discount",
"patient_remark": "Longer remarks for to add more detailed info",
"family_remark": "",
"is_active": true,
"is_deceased": false,
"language": 0,
"PharmacyNumber": "5N201167",
"PharmacyNCPDP": null
"IsValid": true,
"Messages": []
Request headers
Request body
Authorization: Basic ZGVtbzpwQDU1dzByZA==
Content-Type: application/json
"PharmacyNumber": "1234567890",
"unique_patient_id": 44410,
"allow_duplicate": false,
"relates_to_patient_id": 0,
"last_name": "Doe",
"middle_name": "P",
"first_name": "Johnson",
"name_prefix": "Mr",
"name_suffix": "Sr",
"dob": "1981-01-01",
"gender": "M",
"address1": "1200 Jorie Blvd",
"address2": "Suite 330",
"city": "Oak Brook",
"state": "IL",
"zipcode": "60123",
"country_code": "US",
"home_phone": "1112223333",
"work_phone": "4445556666",
"cell_phone": "7778889999",
"fax_number": "1112224444",
"family_email": "",
"patient_email": "",
"marital_status": "S",
"bill_last_name": "Karlowicz",
"bill_first_name": "Katie",
"bill_address_careof": "Doe, John",
"bill_address1": "1200 Jorie Blvd",
"bill_address2": "Suite 310",
"bill_address_city": "Oak Brook",
"bill_address_state": "IL",
"bill_address_zipcode": "60523",
"bill_phone": "6308939210",
"patient_id_qualifier": "02",
"patient_id": "P442-555-1225",
"social_security_number": "111223333",
"smoker": false,
"loyalty_number": "PAT12345",
"residence_code": "01",
"dispense_by": "P",
"340B_patient": false,
"is_pet": false,
"pet_name": "",
"patient_short_remark": "give 10% discount",
"patient_remark": "Longer remarks for to add more detailed info",
"family_remark": "",
"is_active": true,
"is_deceased": false,
"language": 0,
"insurance_plans": [
"ins_bin": "012333",
"ins_pcn": "ILFI",
"ins_code": "ILFREE",
"ins_name": "IL FREE Insurance",
"ins_address1": "1200 Jorie Blvd",
"ins_address2": "",
"ins_city": "Oak Brook",
"ins_state": "IL",
"ins_zipcode": "60523",
"ins_phone": "8001112222",
"ins_remark": "Free insurance plan",
"ins_fax_number": "8001112223",
"ins_alternate_phone": "6308939210",
"ins_email": "",
"ins_seq_no": 1,
"ins_cardholder_id": "9999999901",
"ins_person_code": "01",
"ins_relation_code": "1",
"ins_group": "GRPFI",
"ins_is_primary": false
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
"Data": {
"insurance_plans": [
"ins_bin": "012333",
"ins_pcn": "ILFI",
"ins_code": "ILFREE",
"ins_name": "IL FREE Insurance",
"ins_address1": "1200 Jorie Blvd",
"ins_address2": "",
"ins_city": "Oak Brook",
"ins_state": "IL",
"ins_zipcode": "60523",
"ins_phone": "8001112222",
"ins_remark": "Free insurance plan",
"ins_fax_number": "8001112223",
"ins_alternate_phone": "6308939210",
"ins_email": "",
"ins_seq_no": 1,
"ins_cardholder_id": "9999999901",
"ins_person_code": "01",
"ins_relation_code": "1",
"ins_group": "GRPFI",
"ins_is_primary": true,
"IsValid": true,
"Messages": []
"unique_patient_id": 44410,
"allow_duplicate": false,
"relates_to_patient_id": 0,
"last_name": "Doe",
"middle_name": "P",
"first_name": "Johnson",
"name_prefix": "Mr",
"name_suffix": "Sr",
"dob": "1981-01-01T00:00:00",
"gender": 1,
"address1": "1200 Jorie Blvd",
"address2": "Suite 330",
"city": "Oak Brook",
"state": "IL",
"zipcode": "60123",
"country_code": "US",
"home_phone": "1112223333",
"work_phone": "4445556666",
"cell_phone": "7778889999",
"fax_number": "1112224444",
"family_email": "",
"patient_email": "",
"marital_status": "S",
"bill_last_name": "Karlowicz",
"bill_first_name": "Katie",
"bill_address_careof": "Doe, John",
"bill_address1": "1200 Jorie Blvd",
"bill_address2": "Suite 310",
"bill_address_city": "Oak Brook",
"bill_address_state": "IL",
"bill_address_zipcode": "60523",
"bill_phone": "6308939210",
"patient_id_qualifier": "02",
"patient_id": "P442-555-1225",
"social_security_number": "111223333",
"smoker": false,
"loyalty_number": "PAT12345",
"residence_code": "01",
"dispense_by": "P",
"340B_patient": false,
"is_pet": false,
"pet_name": "",
"patient_short_remark": "give 10% discount",
"patient_remark": "Longer remarks for to add more detailed info",
"family_remark": "",
"is_active": true,
"is_deceased": false,
"language": 0,
"PharmacyNumber": "5N201167",
"PharmacyNCPDP": null
"IsValid": true,
"Messages": []
Request headers
Request body
Authorization: Basic ZGVtbzpwQDU1dzByZA==
Content-Type: application/json
"unique_patient_id": 44410,
"PharmacyNumber": "1234567890",
"PharmacyNCPDP": ""
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
"Data": {
"insurance_plans": [
"ins_bin": "012333",
"ins_pcn": "ILFI",
"ins_code": "ILFREE",
"ins_name": "IL FREE Insurance",
"ins_address1": "1200 Jorie Blvd",
"ins_address2": "",
"ins_city": "Oak Brook",
"ins_state": "IL",
"ins_zipcode": "60523",
"ins_phone": "8001112222",
"ins_remark": "Free insurance plan",
"ins_fax_number": "8001112223",
"ins_alternate_phone": "6308939210",
"ins_email": "",
"ins_seq_no": 1,
"ins_cardholder_id": "9999999901",
"ins_person_code": "01",
"ins_relation_code": "1",
"ins_group": "GRPFI",
"ins_is_primary": true,
"IsValid": true,
"Messages": []
"unique_patient_id": 44410,
"allow_duplicate": false,
"relates_to_patient_id": 44410,
"last_name": "DOE",
"middle_name": "P",
"first_name": "JOHN",
"name_prefix": "Mr",
"name_suffix": "Jr",
"dob": "1980-01-01T00:00:00",
"gender": 1,
"address1": "1200 Jorie Blvd",
"address2": "Suite 310",
"city": "Oak Brook",
"state": "IL",
"zipcode": "60523",
"country_code": "US",
"home_phone": "1112223333",
"work_phone": "4445556666",
"cell_phone": "7778889999",
"fax_number": "1112224444",
"family_email": "",
"patient_email": "",
"marital_status": "S",
"bill_last_name": "Karlowicz",
"bill_first_name": "Katie",
"bill_address_careof": "Doe, John",
"bill_address1": "1200 Jorie Blvd",
"bill_address2": "Suite 310",
"bill_address_city": "Oak Brook",
"bill_address_state": "IL",
"bill_address_zipcode": "60523",
"bill_phone": "6308939210",
"patient_id_qualifier": "02",
"patient_id": "P442-555-1225",
"social_security_number": "111223333",
"smoker": false,
"loyalty_number": "PAT12345",
"residence_code": "01",
"dispense_by": "P",
"340B_patient": false,
"is_pet": false,
"pet_name": "",
"patient_short_remark": "give 10% discount",
"patient_remark": "Longer remarks for to add more detailed info",
"family_remark": "",
"is_active": true,
"is_deceased": false,
"language": 0,
"PharmacyNumber": "5N201167",
"PharmacyNCPDP": null
"IsValid": true,
"Messages": []
Unique identifier of the patient in the BestRx system.
example: 4567
NPI of the pharmacy. Either PharmacyNumber or PharmacyNCPDP is required.
example: 1234567890
NCPDP of the pharmacy. Either PharmacyNumber or PharmacyNCPDP is required.
example: 1122334
Unique identifier of the patient in the BestRx system.
example: 4567
Indicates the patient record record number belongs to same family in BestRx system. Set this value in order to link patient with existing family.
Patient’s last name
example: DOE
Patient’s middle name
Patient’s first name
example: JOHN
Prefix to patient’s name (ie Mr. Mrs., etc)
Suffix to patient’s name (ie Jr, III, etc)
Patient date of birth in YYYY-MM-DD format
Patient’s gender (M/F)
Patient street address line 1
Patient street address line 2 ( ie Unit Number or other identifying info)
Patient’s city portion of address
Patient’s state portion of address
Patient’s zip code
Patient’s country code
Patient’s home phone number
Patient’s work phone number
Patient’s cell phone number
Family’s shared fax number
Family’s shared email address
Patient’s email address
Patient’s marital status
Patient’s last name in billing information
Patient’s first name in billing information
Care of name in billing information
Patient street address line 1 in billing information
Patient street address line 2 (i.e. Unit Number or other identifying info) in billing information
Patient’s city portion of address in billing information
Patient’s state portion of address in billing information
Patient’s zip code portion of address in billing information
Patient’s phone number in billing information
Patient ID qualifier
01 = Social Security Number
02 = Driver’s License Number
03 = U.S. Military ID
04 = Non-SSN-based patient identifier assigned by health plan
05 = SSN-based patient identifier assigned by health plan
06 = Medicaid ID
07 = State Issued ID
08 = Passport ID
09 = Medicare HIC #
10 = Employer Assigned ID
11 = Payer/PBM Assigned ID
12 = Alien Number (Gov’t Permanent Residence #)
13 = Government Student VISA Number
14 = Indian Tribal ID
1J = Facility ID Number
EA = Medical Record Identification Number (EHR)
UI = Unique System ID
99 = Other
Patient identification number
Patient’s social security number
Set true if patient is smoker
Patient’s loyalty number
Patient’s residence code 00 = Not Specified
01 = Home
02 = Skilled Nursing Facility
03 = Nursing Facility
04 = Assisted Living Facility
05 = Custodial Care Facility
06 = Group Home
07 = Inpatient Psychiatric Facility
08 = Psychiatric Facility
09 = Intermediate Care Facility/Mentally Retarded
10 = Residential Substance Abuse Treatment Facility
11 = Hospice
12 = Psychiatric Residential Treatment Facility
13 = Comprehensive Inpatient Rehabilitation Facility
14 = Homeless Shelter
15 = Correctional Institution
Patient’s default dispense method
Set it to true for 340B patient
Indicates whether the patient is an animal
Name of the Pet
Patient’s short remark
Patient’s long remark
Patient’s family remark
Indicates whether the patient is active
Indicates whether the patient is deceased
Patient’s language
Array of insurance plans linked to this patient. Please refer to the Insurance Plan section of this document for more info.
NPI of the pharmacy.
example: 1234567890
NCPDP of the pharmacy.
example: 1122334
Array of insurance plans linked to this patient. Please refer to the Insurance Plan section of this document for more info.
Unique identifier of the patient in the BestRx system.
example: 4567
Indicates the patient record record number belongs to same family in BestRx system.
Patient’s last name
example: DOE
Patient’s middle name
Patient’s first name
example: JOHN
Prefix to patient’s name (ie Mr. Mrs., etc)
Suffix to patient’s name (ie Jr, III, etc)
Patient date of birth in YYYY-MM-DD format
Patient’s gender (M/F)
Patient street address line 1
Patient street address line 2 ( ie Unit Number or other identifying info)
Patient’s city portion of address
Patient’s state portion of address
Patient’s zip code
Patient’s country code
Patient’s home phone number
Patient’s work phone number
Patient’s cell phone number
Family’s shared fax number
Family’s shared email address
Patient’s email address
Patient’s marital status
Patient’s last name in billing information
Patient’s first name in billing information
Care of name in billing information
Patient street address line 1 in billing information
Patient street address line 2 (i.e. Unit Number or other identifying info) in billing information
Patient’s city portion of address in billing information
Patient’s zip code portion of address in billing information
Patient’s phone number in billing information
Patient’s phone number in billing information
Patient ID qualifier
01 = Social Security Number
02 = Driver’s License Number
03 = U.S. Military ID
04 = Non-SSN-based patient identifier assigned by health plan
05 = SSN-based patient identifier assigned by health plan
06 = Medicaid ID
07 = State Issued ID
08 = Passport ID
09 = Medicare HIC #
10 = Employer Assigned ID
11 = Payer/PBM Assigned ID
12 = Alien Number (Gov’t Permanent Residence #)
13 = Government Student VISA Number
14 = Indian Tribal ID
1J = Facility ID Number
EA = Medical Record Identification Number (EHR)
UI = Unique System ID
99 = Other
Patient identification number
Patient’s social security number
Set true if patient is smoker
Patient’s loyalty number
Patient’s residence code 00 = Not Specified
01 = Home
02 = Skilled Nursing Facility
03 = Nursing Facility
04 = Assisted Living Facility
05 = Custodial Care Facility
06 = Group Home
07 = Inpatient Psychiatric Facility
08 = Psychiatric Facility
09 = Intermediate Care Facility/Mentally Retarded
10 = Residential Substance Abuse Treatment Facility
11 = Hospice
12 = Psychiatric Residential Treatment Facility
13 = Comprehensive Inpatient Rehabilitation Facility
14 = Homeless Shelter
15 = Correctional Institution
Patient’s default dispense method
Set it to true for 340B patient
Indicates whether the patient is an animal
Name of the Pet
Patient’s short remark
Patient’s long remark
Patient’s family remark
Indicates whether the patient is active
Indicates whether the patient is deceased
Patient’s language
NPI of the pharmacy.
example: 1234567890
NCPDP of the pharmacy.
example: 1122334
Insurance BIN
Process Control Number
Unique code to identify insurance plan in BestRx system
Name of the insurance plan
Insurance street address line 1
Insurance street address line 2 ( ie Unit Number or other identifying info)
City portion of Insurance address
State portion of Insurance address
zip code
Phone number
Fax number
Altername phone number
email address of insurance plan
Patient’s insurance identification number
Person code
Patient’s relationship with insurance cardholder
1 - Cardholder
2 - Spouse
3 - Child
4 - Other
5 - Student
6 - Disabled Dependent
7 - Adult Dependent
8 - Significant Other
X - Send Blank Code
Patient’s insurance group number
Indicate true if this is the primary insurance for patient. If patient has only one insurace on file it will be primary by default.