Augnet Messaging API
We offer either APIs that make it easy for you to use our SMS services globally, to send messges via our unique service delivery infrastructure.
The different SMS APIs
REST The easiest and most feature-rich API we offer. It allows for single messages, scheduled batch sending, message templates and more. You can also use our server-side libraries if you like to work natively in your programming language of choice.
SMPP SMPP interfaces for full control and low latency.
Augnet supports HTTP Basic authentication. This allows you to protect the URLs on your web server so that only you and Augnet can access them. In order to authenticate with HTTP, you may provide a username and password with the following URL format:
or use -H and encode into base64 the [PROJECT ID]:[PRIVATE API KEY]
-H Authorization Basic MzI2NDg4ZDItZjg1My00ZGQ2LTg2MTAtOTNmOTAxMWFjNGU1OmQ0dUdwa2lQeG5tOEM2eWVaRUlLU2o2QXNBY3MtVzFz
You can find both your Project ID and Private API in the AugnetMQ Dashboard.
Send outbound SMS message
Request headers
authentication user in basic auth using base64 encoding
Request body
Message body max 160 per message if over 160 chars the mesaages will be split and billed as multiple sends.
A whitelisted phone number or short code. If not whitelisted the system will send as infomessage.
Optional Web Hook for status
Phone Number in international format
curl -X POST "" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Authorization: Basic MzI2NDg4ZDItZjg1My00ZGQ2LTg2MTAtOTNmOTAxMWFjNGU1OmQ0dUdwa2lQeG5tOEM2eWVaRUlLU2o2QXNBY3MtVzFz" \
-d '{
"body": "Your Taxi will arrive in 2 minutes registration ABC123",
"from": "ABCTAXI",
"statusCallback": "",
"to": "+447515650839"
When sending a message our server will send status via a webhook so extgernal system can be notified. Webhooks are configured on a per project basis or can be specified on the outbound message API call.
Each message could generate up to three POST calls to the web hook URL Queued, sent or delivered / not delivered.
Example body:
"SmsSid": "ca4d1566-323b-11ea-8326-cbeec6a8845a",
"SmsStatus": "queued",
"AccountSid": "326488d2-f853-4dd6-8610-93f9011ac4e5",
"From": "+441743581416",
"To": "+447515650839",
"MessageStatus": "queued",
"MessageSid": "ca4d1566-323b-11ea-8326-cbeec6a8845a"
Example headers:
connection close
accept-encoding gzip,deflate
user-agent Apache-HttpClient/4.5.10 (Java/11.0.5)
content-length 222
authorization Signature keyId="326488d2-f853-4dd6-8610-93f9011ac4e5",algorithm="hmac-sha256",headers="(request-target) date digest host",signature="pduuCFkFo2dA09xWCx0Nvj/MPT/a/hIOmuJYlvQFGtM="
date Wed, 08 Jan 2020 17:24:57 GMT
digest SHA-256=cBKyFixddU/laPEgFth2Goyv3UnvcxjvXWwYjv2jH8g=
content-type application/json
accept application/json, application/*+json
Notice authorization and digest headers: if a signing key has been created in project settings, callback requests will be signed according to draft standard available at using hmac-sha256 algorithm.